My adventures with ChatGPT
Response by ChatGPT to the question: How to draw a trend in PI Vision in 5 steps

My adventures with ChatGPT

It has been about 6 weeks since Open AI released ChatGPT and like millions of people, I have been trying to learn more about what value this tool can yield. There has been a gigantic amount of fascinating use-cases, tryouts and ongoing experiments with this tool - but what I have been trying to attempt is to see if I can use to deliver immediate value to myself & my team - and in the process determine if there may be better ways to accomplish tasks coming my way.

What has also become apparent around ChatGPT, is that there continues to be ongoing research to demonstrate trustworthiness around the responses - so to sidestep issues of rightness (sorry I could not think of a better word to say this!).

I decided to try to use it in three tasks for which I had a ground source of truth - training, documentation and people.

So come check out my adventures here!

Disclaimer: The views expressed here are personal & do not reflect my employer or any other organization I am affiliated with. Please reach out to me at [email protected] with any questions or concerns.


