My actual last day of employment.
Well it could not have been such a damp squid as today's been ( Sunday 30th April 2017 ). Raining all day and my wife needed those shoes that was a must have for her birthday of last week. Told that all house needs redecorating and garden refurbished .......But I start my new onwards and upwards scheme tomorrow and actually with a mind to work from Tuesday. Do people have time off nowadays or are you like me going from pillar to post with no end in sight?
My last job is just like the wind it's gone now with gales on the way. My thought's are now with the future and what I have to accomplish before my actual retirement in a couple of years in-between plus that consultant's job waiting in the wings plus more schemes relating to TV works, ( someone said that I had a body that goes well on radio )but that's another story for these notes that I send out in MY TIME and that you dear reader read in your time......
Keep smiling , onward and upwards towards the stars....