My Action May Not Be My Action- Linkedin

My Action May Not Be My Action- Linkedin

Here's - My Action May Not Be My Action.

And other posts/ true incidents.

Which you may wonder after knowing.

Know by these new thoughts of the author shared in this book. If you can understand the deep meaning, you are very fortunate.

These are his sharing from time to time which contain the same word.

Some of them may be repeated based upon their importance.

Love and light to you!

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17 April 2024

My Action May Not Be My action

*Some actions are done under the pressure or influence of the spouse, children, relatives or


*Hence my actions may not be my actions.

Some actions need to be taken to keep the family united, to keep the relations alive, to keep the

friendship alive.

*For some of my actions I am not at all ready. I don't want to do them. But I have to do for living

in the society.

*It is not Sat Yuga now.

It is Kali Yuga now.

Hence I have to work as per Kali Yuga.

*It is not the age of Lord Rama when Sita went to exile just for the sake of the words of Lord


*It is not the age of Lord Rama when Bharat unwillingly looked after the rule of Ayodhya for 14

years on behalf of Lord Rama.

*In this age you can't find a spouse like Lord Rama.

In this age you can't find a spouse like Devi Sita.

In this age you can't find out a brother or son like Bharat.

*Hence I have to work as per the environment to live in the society.

*Hence for some of my actions I have to take decision against my will.

I assume it will of Almighty God.

Since Almighty God makes them dance it may be your spouse, children, family members,

relatives or friends.

*That is the reason Almighty has already made provision for it.

God never wants to see your action.

God always wants to see your intention.

*If your intention is pure.

If your intention is good.

Then it is treated as good Karma by Almighty God.

That is the reason Lord Sri Krishna has told in Bhagavad Gita-

True Karma is the Karma done by the mind, not the body.

*If your mind is in temple but your body is in home.

Then you are not in home.

You are in the temple in true sense.

*Happy Ram Navami.

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


18 March 2024

Actions of God and Atma Gyani

*Their actions always for your profit!

But not for material profit!

They are for your divine gains!

*Their actions!

To neutralize your Karma!

By reward or punishment!

*You need to become!

Like clear sky!

Only then you can be liberated!

*You may feel!

Happy or unhappy!

With their actions!

*But they are selfless!

As they want nothing!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


27 August 2023

Why anyone insults you?

*Any person insults you!

To neutralize your past Karma!

You must have insulted him!

In this birth or past births!

*If any person insults you!

You must have insulted him in past!

Or you will insult him in future!

Every thing will be neutralized!

*If anyone is abused!

If anyone is ill treated!

If anyone is killed!

It will be neutralized!

*Any action needs to be neutralized!

In this birth or in any future births!

Then only one can be liberated!

Else one can not be liberated!

*Liberation means mixing in Almighty!

Almighty is always neutral like sky!

One can never be mixed in Almighty!

Without neutralizing every Karma!

*Your insult needs to be neutralized!

Your praise needs to be neutralized!

Your every Karma needs to be neutralized!

For your liberation on one day!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


20 DEC 2022

I am infinite Chidakash

*I am infinite Chinmay Sky!

I am infinite ocean of Chidakash!

*Out of this ocean!

One wave of Pravin appeared!

*I started to see the world!

Through this wave!

Like we see through biscope!

*I am dreaming this world in myself!

I am infinite ocean of consciousness!

*I am independent of my actions!

Since I don't do anything!

Like in dream I do nothing!

*I have no quality!

Though all qualities originate from me!

Since qualities are in my dream!

*I am the Self!

I am ocean!

*I am neither truth!

I am nor untruth!

Since they are in my dream!

*I am without shape!

I am without size!

All shapes, sizes I see in my dream!

*I have no Karma-Bandhan!

Since it exists in my dream!

*No liberation, no bondage in me!

No heaven, no hell in me!

Since they exist in my dream!

*No this world, no other worlds in me!

Since they exist in my dream!

*My body and bodies of others!

They do not exist in me!

Nothing exists in myself!

They are in my dream!

*There is nothing in me!

Except myself!

Since I am pure consciousness!

*There is no destruction in me!

There is no construction in me!

Since they are in my dream!

*There is no joy, no sorrow in me!

Since they are in my dream!

*When I wake up!

I find the dream missing!

Only I am left!


22 July 22

@Those girls will meet same treatment

@Those girls!

Who can't take care!

Of their aged mother in laws!

@They will meet the same treatment!

In their old age!

Without fail!

@It is as true!

As third law of Newton!

Reaction against action!

@Even if you are employed girl!

And you can't take care!

Of your aged mother in law!

@You will meet same treatment!

In your old age!

One day you will also be old!

@Remember! Do not forget!

Nature sets right everything!

@If you send money!

To your mother in law!

But you do not serve her!

It is not enough!

You will also meet same treatment!

@If you employ maid!

For your mother in law!

But you do not serve her!

It is not enough!

You will also meet same treatment!

@Nature sets right everything!

You are always under cctv surveillance!

Under true justice of Almighty God!

@Serve your aged mother in law!

Serve your aged father in law!

Serve your aged parents!

Serve even unknown aged if you can!

@This is applicable for you!

Equally for every man or woman!

@You will repent with tears!

In your old age!

If you do not serve!

Your aged mother in law!

Aged father in law!

Aged parents!

Aged unknown people!

@They may not require your help!

But they require!

Certainly your loving attitude!


Be very cautious!

While doing any Karma!

It may be I, you or other!

No one can escape Karma!

@If you share this to anyone!

This will be worship of God!

Sitting inside every aged person!

19 July 2022

Secret of Success

This group is also like mini-world. Almighty God has allowed everything in the world. Similarly

everything has been allowed in the group. Wise people see the essence. They do not disturb

themselves with the action of others. See the world as drama. See this group also as drama.

Thus try learn to be unattached from the world.

We should focus on our Karma only, not of others. We can not improve the entire world. But we

can improve ourselves.

Live in this group like this.

Live in this world like this.

This is the secret of success.


7 May 2022

Don't think that God has kept silent

*You think that God does not watch!

Don't think that God has kept silent!

*God is always watching!

God is always acting!

*He is watching like cctv!

He is recording every thing!

*If you break temple or mosque!

If you trouble man or animal!

If you give pain to any tree!

If you harm any creature!

*You certainly get its punishment!

During this birth or next!

*Muslim rulers or Hindu rulers!

Administrators irrespective of religion!

Who did atrocities in the past!

They are still getting punishment!

*You see dogs, pigs etc of today!

What are they?

They are cruel rulers of the past!

*Karma rules never fail!

Like third law of Newton!

Reaction against your action!

*Krishna already proclaimed in Gita!

He puts such people in such births!

Again and again without fail!

*Krishna does not do anything!

Every thing is automatic!

Nature sets right everything!

*Forward this to all concerned!

To wake up all concerned!


24 April 2022

Karma Theory

*You are Atma!

You are not body!

*Hence you can't work!

Body works due to your presence!

*Gunas themselves act!

Nature itself works!

*Body is nature!

You are beyond nature!

*But due to your ego!

Due to your attachment in body!

You consider that you work!

But you can't work!

*Body is acting itself!

Due to the Sanskars of all births!

*But that is also in Maya illusion!

Like you work in your dreams!

*You do not think!

Mind itself thinks due to you!

*Hence you have to be actionless!

You have to be thoughtless!

To know your original state!

Which is without action, thought!

*But it is not possible!

Since you always work!

Except in deep sleep!

Except in Samadhi!

*Hence Krishna told best way in Gita!

That is sameness in all situations!

Do your Karma selflessly!

Without want of the results!

*You have right to do Karma!

But never in the results!

*Remain same in all the opposites!

Thus remain beyond duality!

*And the most important!

Work done by body is not work!

Work done by mind is true work!

Be same by body and mind!

*It is possible by Abhyas, practice!

It is possible by Vairgya, detachment!

*This is the beautiful theory!

Revealed by beloved Krishna!

*Jai Sri Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


15 FEB 2022

Nature sets right everything

*There can't be any injustice!

In the beautiful regime of Almighty!

*Nature sets right everything!

Reaction against action!

Like third law of Newton!

Everyone is repaid his Karma!

*Some Hindus were converted!

To other religions by force!

Some have come back!

Some will be reverted back!

*If you convert anyone!

You will surely be converted!

In this birth or next!

Never forget this fact!

*If you do atrocities!

You will get atrocities!

In this birth or next!

Without any doubt!

*Those emperors!

Who did atrocities on Hindus!

They have been punished already!

They are being punished!

They will be punished!

Every thing is automatic in nature!

*You can't escape your Karma!

No one can escape his deeds!

Deeds may be good or bad!

No injustice in court of Almighty!

*One may be Emperor, King!

One may be ordinary person!

One may be a group of people!

Everyone gets its rewards!

As per the Karma without fail!

*Every thing arranged by nature!

Every thing arranged by Almighty!

*Hence don't worry!

Be happy!

There will always be justice!

You want or not!

*Forward this to all concerned!

To wake up all concerned!

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25 Jan 2022

Body will always have problems

*You can't have any problem!

Body will always have problems!

*Body is in nature!

You are beyond nature!

*Body is Karma Bandhan!

You can't be in Bandhan!

You are beyond Bandhan!

Bandhan means bondage!

*Action Reaction of body!

Cause of all problems!

*You are always neutral!

Without any action reaction!

*And this is the reason!

Aim of all religions!

Aim of your birth!

To get rid of body!

*Role of Adhyatm Vidya!

Role of Divine Knowledge!

To tell you this fact of life!

To wake up you from sleep!


6 July 2021

What is surrender to God?

People are confused!

How to surrender to God!

Since He is not visible!

And it is necessary to surrender!

Don't become doer of Karma!

Don't become reaper of Karma!

Thus you have surrendered!

Your every act to Almighty!

Never forget!

I can't do anything!

I don't know anything!

I don't have anything!

Thus you can surrender!

Your everything to God!

Thus you can become free!

From your all actions!

This is called pure surrender to God!

Thus you can surrender to Almighty!


14 JUN 2021

Everyone as pure as Topmost Guru

Everyone is as pure as Krishna!

Everyone is as pure as topmost Guru!

Everyone is as pure as Allah, Jesus!

Everyone is as pure as Almighty!

But everyone has lost his purity!

Due to improper living, eating!

Improper thinking, daily routine!

Indiscipline in life and selfishness!

Every Sadhana, every worship!

Every Spiritual religious practice!

Every Mantra, every reading!

To remove impurity and Indiscipline!

Self discipline is the best discipline!

Thought pollution is worst impurity!

Natural living without show is the best!

Helping selfless action is best Karma!

Then we can regain our purity!

Then we can know our originality!


24 JAN 2021

This universe in your memory

This universe is in your memory!

Your all the births are in your memory!

Entire creation is in your memory!

Since beginning of the creation!

Five elements are in your memory!

Since beginning of the universe!

All things and every creature!

Made up only by five elements!

Your Sanskar is made up!

By your actions in all births!

Your subtle mind is made up!

By your Sanskars of all births!

Your Sanskar is created!

By your Karma in all births!

Your subtle mind is made up!

By all thoughts in your all births!

Subtle mind acts as chip of memory!

Every thing and creature in that chip!

Hence this universe is in subtle mind!

Hence this universe is in your memory!


21 Dec 2020

Why Sorrows?

When you consider that Almighty is making other people dance. He makes every one dance.

Then, why do you have sorrows?

If we consider that Almighty makes everyone dance. Then, action of other people should not

disturb us. Since Almighty knows about our all past births. We will have to repay our Karma of

our past births. We do not know about our relation with other person in past births but Almighty


Initially we may feel some problem for following this. But afterwards, we can become habitual

and the action of others will not disturb us.

Hence, follow this principle if you want to remain happy!


What is right or wrong?

If I give you any thing out of love!

It is considered right!

If you snatch anything from me!

It is considered wrong!

Thing may be!

Mansa vacha Karmana!

It means!

Body mind or action!

Same thing holds with you!

Same thing holds with everyone!


What is luck or Prarabdha?

Prarabdha means!

Your past Karmas!

Your past actions!

Since your infinite births!

Three types of Prarabdha!

Normal, Tivra, Tartivra!

Normal Prarabdha!

You may get immediate results!

During this birth itself!

And then it is nullified!

It is burnt into the ashes!

Without any difficulty!

Once you know yourself!

Without any reaction on you!

Tivra Prarabdha, intense Karmas!

They can't leave you!

Even after many births!

Even after many charities!

You have to repay them!

But once you know yourself!

They are burnt into the ashes!

Immediately without any problems!

Tartivra Prarabdha, very intense Karmas!

They can't leave you!

Even after many births!

Even after many charities!

You have to repay them!

Even after you know yourself!

But, since you know yourself!

That you are not body!

You will remain unaffected by them!

Since, then you will know!

How to remain happy!

During pain and pleasure!

Hence beware!

Before doing Karmas!

Don't do anything!

Which trouble any one!

Do something!

Which comforts all!


Aim of Spirituality

Aim of Spirituality!

Aim of divine!

Be actionless!

Be thoughtless!

But no one can become actionless!

No one can become thoughtless!

Hence we have to be beyond action!

Hence we have to be beyond thought!

Since we are already actionless!

Since we are already thoughtless!

Hence don't be attached with any Karma!

Hence don't be attached with any thought!


What is truth by body, mind and speech?

Truth by speech:

What is inside of yourself, you must speak the same as per your knowledge.

Truth by body:

Whatever action has been initiated by your body, same must be continued without any changes

subsequently in between till completion of the action.

Truth by mind:

Whatever you have thought in mind first of all, you will have to do the same. If there is any

change in thought, you can not change your action subsequently in between.

All three above are the truth by mind, speech and action or body ie Mansa Vacha Karmana!


2 July 2020

Main Problem With You

Main problem with you is that you don't consider yourself as non-doer.

That is the reason, you get results of your Karma.

Even if you don't know that you are non - doer, you must assume yourself as non-doer!

Then you will be in golden path of liberation!

Then if you do good or bad, actions will not bind you. You will be free from your actions.

Then you will take no more birth on this mortal planet earth!

Don't do any mistake knowingly!

Defeat your any logic!

Assume yourself non-doer till you know this fact!


21 May 2020

Why it is So?


Why bad things happen to good people?

Why good things happen to bad people?

Almighty is too much kind!

Then why it is so?

Yes it is very true and it is very correct!

It must be!

Almighty is more intelligent than all together!

He is intelligence itself!

Almighty can't see you weak!

He loves you too much!

He wants to make you stronger!

Hence bad things to good people!

Since we can get the juice!

Only after crushing the sugarcane!

Don't be entangled in artificial happiness!

Don't die without knowing real happiness!

Why good things to bad people!

If bad people are doing sin!

By cheating or troubling others!

Let them increase their sin!

So their sins are increased!

To finish them for ever!

Hence they seem to enjoy!

Think always, they are near to end!

You may be knowing!

Hindi proverb!

Paap ka Ghada Bharane do!

Let the pitcher of sin must fill up!

To burst that pitcher finally!

Hence good things to bad people!

Do you know Law of Karma?

When you get worldly joy?

When you get worldly sorrows?

It is like bank balance!

Punya, good deeds are bank balance!

You get joy, you reduce your Punya!

You get sorrows, you reduce sins!

Bad people get joy, reduce Punya!

Till their all Punya are exhausted!

Then their pitcher of sin is bursted!

Good people get sorrows, reduce sins!

Till their all sins are exhausted!

After that they get joy of good Karma!

But bliss is beyond joy and sorrows!

That is the reason, it is said!

To do selfless action!

You get worldly joy!

If you do selfish Karma!

If you get something!

You get worldly joy!

Then you miss the same!

You get worldly sorrows!

But if you do selflessly!

It is beyond joy n sorrows!

If you do good or bad!

You will get jail finally!

By good, good birth!

By bad, bad birth!

Bird does not want the cage!

It may be golden also!

Bird wants to be free!

You want to be free!



Prarabdha means!

Your past Karmas!

Your past actions!

Since your infinite births!

Three types of Prarabdha!

Normal, Tivra, Tartivra!

Normal Prarabdha!

You may get immediate results!

During this birth itself!

And then it is nullified!

It is burnt into the ashes!

Without any difficulty!

Once you know yourself!

Without any reaction on you!

Tivra Prarabdha, intense Karmas!

They can't leave you!

Even after many births!

Even after many charities!

You have to repay them!

But once you know yourself!

They are burnt into the ashes!

Immediately without any problems!

Tartivra Prarabdha, very intense Karmas!

They can't leave you!

Even after many births!

Even after many charities!

You have to repay them!

Even after you know yourself!

But, since you know yourself!

That you are not body!

You will remain unaffected by them!

Since, then you will know!

How to remain happy!

During pain and pleasure!

Hence beware!

Before doing Karmas!

Don't do anything!

Which trouble any one!

Do something!

Which comforts all!


Difference between Buddhi and Sookshhm Buddhi

Buddhi is intellect!

Sookshhm Buddhi is subtle intellect!

Buddhi is Moti Buddhi!

Sookshhm Buddhi is refined Buddhi!

If you are selfish!

Your Buddhi will become Moti Buddhi!

If you are selfless!

Your Buddhi will become Sookshhm Buddhi!

Ordinary intellect takes you in visible world!

Subtle intellect takes you in invisible world!

If your Karma ie actions are impure!

They will take you in visible world!

If your Karma are pure!

They will take you in invisible world!

Impure Karma are selfish!

Pure Karma are selfless!

Visible world is sorrowful!

Invisible world is sorrowless!

5 February 2020

Who are your relatives or friends?

Who are your son, daughter, wife, friends?

They are your relatives or friends of your past births!

They are your friends or enemies of your past births!

They have come again in this birth to repay your past Karmas, your past actions!

Good or bad!

And if you don't repay!

They will come again in your next births!

And this will be cause of your many births!

Hence do not give!

Don't take!

Any thing!

From any one!

Even if you give!

Even if you take!

Don't consider yourself Karta ie doer!

Since you don't do anything!

Since you can't do anything!


10 October 2019


Why we should not try for the fruits or result of our Karma or action?

We should not try for the result of our Karma or actions since every Karma is a cause of


Even if you do good Karma or work, your final end is sorrows. Since after doing good work, you

will get good reward. But the reward will surely end one day. You will get good status, post,

designation, name and fame, etc. You can be a King by your good work, action or Karma. But

you will get attached by all these things. Hence when you miss all these things you will be too

much in pain.

Good and bad Karma, both are cause of bondage or jail.

If a parrot is kept in a golden cage or steel cage, it does not matter.

Sorrows can only end when you do Nishkam Karma ie action without the want of result.

31 August 2019

Some times our speech becomes true!

*Some times our speech becomes true. If there is no difference between our thoughts, speech

and action ie by MANSA VACHA KARMANA we are same, we are true.

*Then whatever we will think or tell about us or others, it will become true.

Once upon a time there was my Chief Engineer of Brigadier rank. He was an excellent officer.

He used to talk with me for minutes together on the way itself whenever I used to see him all of

the sudden with too much love. Though I was too small for him.

*Once I told him Sir you will be certainly Lt Gen one day.

After some years I came to know that he was Lt Gen and he retired as Lt Gen.

One of my AOC when I was in Air Force tenure, was an excellent officer. I told him - Sir, you will

be Air Vice Marshall. And he became Air Vice Marshall after some time.

*One more AOC, he was also an excellent officer. I told him once - Sir, you will be retired as Air

Marshall. After some years I came to know that he was Air Marshall. Then I congratulated to


*But impossible thing is not possible.

Though Almighty can change impossible to possible and possible to impossible. But He seldom

does the same. Though every thing in nature is under Him. But He loves to be bound by the

nature created by Him.

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

30 June 2020

More difficult than cracking IAS, IIM, IIT


*If you can speak truth by your body, mind and speech only for three days, it is more difficult

than cracking IAS, IIM, IIT Exams.

*Then you can know yourself!

Then you can know Almighty!

*If you say it is not difficult to speak truth by Mansa Vacha Karmana ie mind, speech and action,

then try yourself!

*You may be required to do many Bhishma Pratigya for entire life within three days!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

And, then you can see the value of truth!

17 February 2019

Hate the sin, not the sinner: Its Meaning

People are confusing its meaning. People think that sinner should be left without punishment.

No, sinner should not be left without any punishment.

Sinner should be punished.

And sinner is punished by the Almighty also.

Provision of death has been made by the Almighty only for this reason so that the sinner can be


And every thing is automatic.

No one can escape his karma.

Karma is as true as third law of Newton - Reaction against action.

But the aim of punishment is to improve the guilty

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About the Author

Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.

You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.

Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.

It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.

Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends by email, facebook, twitter etc for creating spirituality on this beautiful planet earth.

His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!

His most of the posts are collections of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.

In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search for them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.

He is regularly sharing his blogs, posts in Speaking tree website, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook etc.

You can Google Search his all the profiles by the following key-words-

Pravin Agrawal Spiritualist Blogger

Most of his posts / blogs / books can be searched by Google.

Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.

But this knowledge was lost with time.

Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.

Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his posts again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!

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27 December 2023

How to Finish Ignorance?

Hi Friends,

The main reason of present chaos in the world is ignorance.

Why so many fights, quarrels, pain, Leg-pulling etc in the present world?

Why so much evils in the world?

It is due to ignorance.

If you don't want to see the darkness of ignorance in the world. If you don't want to see evils in the world. If you want to see the light of knowledge in the world.

Then please share this in the Mygate App of your Apartment and other places as much as possible or at least once in a month-

Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-

Those people who share this will be a medium to spread this sacred task of Sri Krishna. They may have glimpse of divine knowledge in this birth itself.

Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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25 March 2023

Don't consider my posts like poem

*My posts are not merely!

Like poems!

They are based on!

Actual truth!

Which is encountered!

At different levels of knowledge!

*Almost all of my posts!

They are based on actual truth!

That is a universal truth!

At different levels of knowledge!

*I have no ability to write!

Whatever I can write!

Whatever I can do!

That is due to my Krishna!

*Almost all of my posts!

They have been created!

As per my thoughts!

Blessed by Sri Krishna!

*Hence they are not mine!

They belong to Sri Krishna!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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Ten Most Important Posts of Pravin Agrawal

? ? ?

Pravin Agrawal's True Experiences-

You are under cctv surveillance By Pravin Agrawal-

What is Sanatan Dharma? By Pravin Agrawal-

Knowing yourself is Dharma, Not knowing yourself is Adharma-

Most Professional Knowledge is Divine Knowledge-

My Nature Set Right Everything By Pravin Agrawal-

Secrets of Nature By Pravin Agrawal-

Whomsoever I see that is myself-

Pravin Agrawal`s Scenes Do Not Exist-

Scenes do not exist even now-

Ten Most Important Posts of Pravin Agrawal-

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Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-

Youths Need Proper Guidance: Quotes of Pravin Agrawal-

More Than 1000 Likes Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-

My All Beautiful Quotes At One Place Updated -

List 3 Of All Linkedin Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-

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Pravin Agrawal ????的更多文章

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    Pravin Agrawal on Holi

    eBook 1497 Happy Holi Pravin Agrawal on Holi ? ? ? Holika Dahan Muhurta 2025- Holika Dahan Muhurta - 11:26 PM to 12:29…

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  • Science of God For Future World Part 164

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  • Pravin Agrawal on Titiksha

    Pravin Agrawal on Titiksha

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  • Science of God For Future World Part 163

    Science of God For Future World Part 163

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  • Pravin Agrawal on Sat Chit Anand

    Pravin Agrawal on Sat Chit Anand

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  • Science of God For Future World Part 162

    Science of God For Future World Part 162

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  • Is Sex Sin By Pravin Agrawal

    Is Sex Sin By Pravin Agrawal

    eBook 1491 Here's - Is Sex Sin By Pravin Agrawal. And other posts/ true incidents.

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  • Science of God For Future World Part 161

    Science of God For Future World Part 161

    eBook 1490 Science of God For Future World Introduction: Science of God For the Future World has been designed with the…

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  • When I was enlightened by Pravin Agrawal

    When I was enlightened by Pravin Agrawal

    eBook 1489 Here's - When I was enlightened by Pravin Agrawal. And other posts/ true incidents.

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  • Science of God For Future World Part 160

    Science of God For Future World Part 160

    eBook 1488 Science of God For Future World Introduction: Science of God For the Future World has been designed with the…

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