My 6-Year Journey of Continuous Learning at Bacancy

My 6-Year Journey of Continuous Learning at Bacancy

From being a Jr. QA Engineer to Lead QA Engineer, my 6-year journey at Bacancy is a story in itself. My desire to make a bigger impact on society earned me the opportunity for an onsite project in Abu Dhabi. Additionally, I got the opportunity to work on automation testing.

Interestingly within a year, I was promoted to Sr. QA Engineer. Fast forward to 5 years later, I am the team lead now with a size of 35 people in my growing team. The team at Bacancy is more like a family to me and never fails to create an extremely insightful and enjoyable experience by organizing a set of exciting events, ensuring that all of us feel that we are navigating further together.

Life at bacancy

We achieved success every quarter, and it was bigger than the previous one. Looking back at my career with Bacancy, I have received ‘Employee of the Quarter Awards’ - 4 times and multiple spot awards.

There have been multiple instances of events at Bacancy that have impacted my life as an individual and are more like a collection of sweet memories. One such impactful event which happens to date is ‘meet the leaders’.

  • ???????? ?????? ??????????????: One can easily assume that Bacancy’s top executives like the CEO, CTO, and many other business heads might be too far from general employees. Although in reality, they are much closer than it seems. Not only do these leaders come and share their personal and professional experiences with the team, but they also have open and challenging conversations with the entire team asking questions to raise the curiosity for innovation.
  • ???????????????? ???????????? on various subjects from various parts of the organization to keep the teams updated on the latest developments and solutions offered by Bacancy and brush up on specific subject areas.
  • ?????? ?????????????? ???????? ????????????????????: Post COVID, when Bacancy had announced permanent remote work, the management was determined to enhance the virtual team-building experience. Several renowned people were invited to introduce us to the cultural side and explore various topics like cybersecurity, mental health, wellness, etc. We had yoga, meditation, and nutrition sessions for a healthy lifestyle.

My work is extremely diverse, and I get a lot of autonomy to work independently and be a part of a more experienced team. What I love about the culture at Bacancy is that it is intense, but differently. All people I have worked with till now are keen to lend a hand and support me during times of need. Although each one of us has got individual tasks. Still, together we strive for collective success that eventually leads to the success of Bacancy as a collaborative team and the impact of its services across the globe.

Overall, the Bacancy culture still has that fresh, unique taste if I compare it with the day I joined. Out of many such elements, the flavor of a very powerful learning culture is my personal favorite.

As a part of my future endeavors, I would like to progress to the next step of learning and exploring other technologies and business aspects. Specifically, I am keen to understand more about the latest technologies like automation, AI/ML, and many others. I am sure I will find ways and resources at Bacancy to achieve this as well.



