My 5 Ways Of Adaptibility
Muhamad Rifqi Fadhillah
Cloud Computing Cohort at Bangkit Academy led by Google, GoTo, & Traveloka | Computer Laboratory Assistant | Undergraduate Information Technology Student Budi Luhur University
Hey there, I'm Muhamad Rifqi Fadhillah, and i'd love to share my 5 ways of adaptability in Bangkit Academy 2024 Batch 1!
But before that, i'd like to put some introductory. So, since joining Bangkit Academy in February 2024, i have gathered so many experiences through learning, socializing, and adapting in Bangkit's environment. And i would like to share it here with all of you ??
Ways of interacting ???
Joining Bangkit Academy significantly improved my ways of interacting with people by a lot!. And my times in Bangkit helped me to learn the importance of integrity and adaptability in it. I now strive to provide definitive answers to questions regarding of commitments. For instance, when asked about availability, I ensure to give questioner an exact time and place, and ensuring there's no uncertainties within my answers. Also, I've engaged with a diverse group of Cohorts at Bangkit Academy, and it further expands my perspective in how do people communicate, those experiences makes me a more open and tolerant person in new encounters.
Ways of achieving ??
Bangkit does provide monthly milestone for everyone to achieve, but it turns out to be not effective to me. I feel the lack of motivation to achieve my milestones. But then, inspiration strikes me in the head and i started to find my version of reasoning and morality of why must i achieve those milestones and a few other goals. And it turns out to work well in keeping my motivations fueled!, and i'm keeping myself up with my milestones now. And with thus i realized, that external factor plays big role in my ways of achieving, but i am the one responsible to harness and direct my motivations towards achieving my goals.
Ways of learning ??
While my learning methods mostly remained the same, learning through Dicoding, Coursera, and Google Cloud: Skill Boost has reshaped my perspective to learning in a positive way!. Because previously, the fear of making mistakes often held me back from advancing further from what i've learned and also applying it. But however, the platforms and syllabuses given are very supportive for learners to embrace practice and application of every modules learned. It opened my eyes to eagerly practice and apply things i've learned from there!, And i kid you not. I discovered so many crucial things that are not in the syllabus by doing it!. To infinity and beyond!.
Ways of working ?
I love the fact that Bangkit Academy sets each cohorts with specialized role and focused environment. I, myself registered as a Cloud computing engineer, and i have learned the values of focusing myself within a specific job duties, and to trust, collaborate, and support effectively with my colleagues!. Not only that, Bangkit has also exposed me to tools like Google Calendar, which has now become my cornerstone in managing my scheduled tasks during my sweaty-busy times!.
Ways of thinking ??
All those mentioned are actually results of my changed ways of thinking and mindset!. My experiences in here (Bangkit Academy) has taught me the value of integrity and adaptability in interactions, urging myself to provide clear commitments, and embracing diversity with openness and tolerance. And i've changed my ways of thinking in fueling my motivation by finding my own's reasoning and morality in my goals, and to acknowledge that i'm the one responsible to drive myself to achieve them.
Not only that!, I overcame my fear of doing mistakes to actively practicing and applying what i've learned. And also embracing a focused role, and collaborative environment in working!. And i would gladly say that, i've adopted a way of thinking of open-mindedness to growth and opportunities. Which once again, by finding my own's reasoning and morality behind it, so i'd have my own reasons behind it, and not just following the flow!
Thank you for sparing your time reading this!
Ah! anyways, here's some of my favorite quotes from Fullmetal: Alchemist series :
"Like I always say, can't find a door? Make your own." -Edward Elric
"Water, 35 litres. Carbon, 20 kg. Ammonia, 4 litres. Lime, 1.5 kg. Phosphorus, 800 g. Salt, 250 g. Niter, 100 g. Sulphur, 80 g. Fluoride, 7.5 g. Iron, 5 g. Silicon, 3g. And fifteen other elements. Those are the elements to make an average adult human body. You can buy these elemental ingredients at the market with the pocket money of a child. Humans are made so cheaply." -Edward Elric
#lifeAtBangkit #Bangkit2024