My 5 Ways of Adaptability in Bangkit 2023
In the fourth session of ILT (Instructor-Led Training), I learn about Adaptability & Resilience. Adaptability is the ability to learn flexibility and efficiently and to apply that knowledge across situations. Everyone needs to adapt when entering a new environment. As I did, I started adapting when I joined Bangkit Academy led by Google, Tokopedia, Gojek, & Traveloka . Let me tell you about the 5 Ways of Adaptability I have done since joining the Bangkit Academy 2023 program.
1. Ways of interacting
All Bangkit Academy program activities are carried out online. However, this is not a limit for us to interact with each other. Here, we are indirectly taught to position ourselves well when talking to mentors, facilitators, and friends who have different ages. Even though there are no standard documents regarding the rules for interacting with them, we must know how to interact with people who are more mature, the same age, or even younger than us. In addition, this program also uses English in all its activities. This has encouraged me to improve my English skills because the world of work in the technology sector has also used English in important terms and for everyday conversation. What I have done to improve this skill is by reading articles on social media and also reading books in English without using the help of translator tools, so I can measure how far I can understand English content.
2. Ways of Achieving
When I entered the Bangkit Academy program, of course, I had a goal that I wanted to achieve, which was to deepen my skills, especially in Machine Learning because I knew that a job in this field had great opportunities in the future. What I have done is follow the milestones provided by the team from the Bangkit Academy program. I believe that they have made a lot of considerations to arrange the milestones in such a way, therefore I believe that by following the milestones that have been provided, I have been in the ideal learning period. I feel my spirits are also high because I am helped by the people around me who have the same goals.
3. Ways of Learning
The Bangkit Academy program applies a self-paced learning system where in this learning method, we must be independent in completing the lessons that have been provided. At the start of the program, I was still in a hurry to complete the existing courses because many learning milestones had to be completed in a relatively short amount of time. Besides that, Machine Learning learning material is new material for me that I have never learned before. If you're a deadliner person, you cannot apply your deadliner method to this program.
As time goes by, I am getting used to following the set milestones. I set daily targets so that completing the course can feel lighter. Of course, I did this with the support of my mentor and friends. When facing difficulties or obstacles in learning, I contact the mentor to ask for help with solutions to the obstacles I find. In addition, it is not uncommon for me to ask my friends about learning material that I don't understand. This can revive my enthusiasm which almost fades when I encounter difficulties in the learning process. FYI, I am one of those moody people, so communicating with friends can restore my mood for the better.
4. Ways of Working
Since the beginning of the Bangkit Academy program, all cohorts have been asked to dedicate 8 hours in 1 day to learning. Of course, this is not easy for me to do. Remember that we are students who are as busy as the lecture day, if the time is calculated, it might not be up to 8 hours. Related to this, I can't immediately study for 8 hours a day. What I do is start little by little until I can dedicate 8 hours a day. Initially, I tried to dedicate 5 hours a day and divided it into 2 different sessions (3 hours and 2 hours) so I wouldn't feel bored. Furthermore, when I'm getting used to it, I add the time dedication to 6 hours a day and divide it into 3 different sessions (2 hours per session). I divided the sessions because I once forced myself to spend more time (for example 4 hours in one session) and I felt that the results I got were not optimal because of the divided focus. Until now, the time I can allocate for studying at Bangkit is 7 hours in 1 day by dividing it into 3 sessions. I allocate more time at night because I feel I am more productive in activities at night.
In addition, there are supporting tools used to support the Bangkit program. Among them is the Google calendar as a reminder of class time and deadlines that we must complete. Then, there is Discord which is used to communicate with all cohorts. At first, I rarely used Discord to communicate because I was confused by the many different channels. However, because Discord is an important tool to support this program, I started to get used to using it by checking notifications every few hours. Now, I am very familiar with using the Discord application and I understand that this application is very powerful for use by communities, for example, learning communities like Bangkit Academy.
5. Ways of Thinking
In the ILT-Soft Skill-01 class, I got a lot of knowledge about Growth Mindset and Fixed Mindset. At that time I realized that in some cases, I was still using a fixed mindset. I tend to be pessimistic and say "can't" about things that I don't usually do. One of the example is in the Bangkit Academy program. When I first became a cohort, I got up and saw the milestones that had been distributed, I felt shocked and asked myself, "Without experience in the world of Machine Learning, can I complete all of these milestones?", at that time I said "I can't" and this success lowered my spirits at the time.
Then, with encouragement and high enthusiasm from my friends, I started to believe in myself that I would be able to pass all these milestones. This was reinforced by the knowledge I got from ILT-Soft Skill-01 which changed my mindset from a Fixed Mindset to a Growth Mindset. Right now I believe that this is a challenge that can help me to continue to grow
From my short story about My 5 Ways of Adaptability in Bangkit Academy led by Google, Tokopedia, Gojek, & Traveloka . I hope my experience can provide a little insight for you. Let's continue our journey by becoming a chameleon when entering a new environment! Good luck for us!
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