My 5 tips to walk into the work week and feel SUCCESSFUL ??

My 5 tips to walk into the work week and feel SUCCESSFUL ??


?Ever wonder WHY I am so excited about Mondays?

Ever wonder HOW I am able to take on so much each week and get EXCITED about the work week?

?Im glad you asked… I just posted my 5 tips on social this AM on how I go into my work week feeling SUCCESSFUL and excited!?(and you can too!)

My 5 tips to walk into the work week and feel SUCCESSFUL ??

1. Pick a day to sit down and plan the week ahead. I usually do this on the weekends. What's coming up? What's my focus?

2. TIME BLOCK - this is how I balance work and mom life. (see my video on time blocking)

3. Brain dump all my tasks... Get everything out of my head that I want/need to accomplish for the week.

4. Stock the fridge - making sure I have plenty of healthy foods to fuel my week in between teaching classes, running my business, mom life and my own workouts??the last thing I need is crummy food choices bringing down the week.

5. TAKE ACTION! It's never going to be perfect, you should see the pen marks and scribbles. However, having something to work from is better than nothing at all, and taking messy action is better than being paralyzed by your TO DO list.

How do you prepare for your work week?

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"Therefore, the Lord Himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive, have a son, and name him Immanuel" (Isaiah 7:14)

What is a sign you’ve seen or felt from the Lord Himself?

Remember, he is always speaking with us. Look for Him this Christmas season.

I'd love to hear how you keep Jesus in this busy season with your family and friends. ??

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“You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret to your success is found in your daily routine.” - John C. Maxwell

?Traveling throws everything out of whack, am I right?! ?? You’re out of your normal space and routine, without a lot of your favorite things from home and you’re around more people. It can be a lot. So much so that it can be easy to just say ‘forget it’ and throw your entire routine out the window. Anyone feel that?! ??

?I know it’s hard, but I strongly encourage you to stick to your normal routine as much as possible. There is a lot more that you can do than you may think. Having even just a bit of normalcy to maintain is better than nothing. Not to mention, depending on long you’re traveling, it could be even harder to stick to your habits and routines once you get back home if you do nothing while you are away.

?Move your body daily, even if it’s not a full workout.

?Take your supplements with you and stick to them.

?Go to bed and wake up the same time as much as possible.

?Continue your daily prayer/devotional or journaling time.

?Stick to at least part of your nighttime and morning routine.

?Bring any comforts of home that help you stick to daily habits.?

?This is certainly not an exhaustive list, but gives you some good ideas. Think of what makes the biggest impact in your day and you know would really throw you off if you didn’t continue it. Then figure out a way to maintain that routine. ??

What are your plans for the holidays? Are you traveling, hosting or staying local?


