My 4x4 Fruit Bowl
Here is my favorite, simple foods: THE 4x4 FRUIT BOWL.
1. It is grounding. Also good after spiritual practice, or simply to sooth and calm the senses.
2. It assists in detoxify and resetting after a week of hustle and bustle.
Use organic and fresh produce any chance you get: to reduce toxins intake, to enjoy food that is still filled with life force, to enjoy full flavors.
In a big bowl, mix:
-1 cup of diced pineapple
-1 cup of diced watermelon
-1 cup of diced grapes (any kind you like)
-1 cup of diced mango
-Mix in the juice of 1/2 lime, 1/2 small lemon, and all the juice residuals from the watermelon as please.
-Optionally, let it all sit for 10-15 min before eating.
You can replace with any four fruits you like. Fruits naturally filled with the most juice are best. And try and choose 4 different color fruits.
Photo: Play with it! From the farm; apples, pears, dark grapes, tomatoes, passion fruit and cilantro.
;-) Enjoy.
IG @