My 4-Step Method to Decide Where to Invest for My Business Growth

My 4-Step Method to Decide Where to Invest for My Business Growth

Do you struggle with indecision when it comes to investing in business support??

Do you spend hours (days…weeks!) considering your options, of which I know there are MANY, and find yourself frustrated and no further forward.

If you were to add up all the time you spend weighing up your options, or how long you spend trying to find the answers to questions without much success, how much time is that?

Let’s say it’s 30 minutes a day - which let’s face it, is probably quite low!

Over the course of the year that’s 130 hours.

Yes, you read that right. 130 bloody HOURS.

Now let’s say you charge £40 an hour for your services. If you were charging for that time, you’d earn an extra £5200 a year. The indecision is literally costing you money.

Let’s use another example like for many of my clients who are charging anywhere between £99 - £500 an hour.

If you charge £99 an hour and spend 30 minutes a day in decision paralysis: That’s an extra £12,870 a year that you’re missing out on

If you charge £500 an hour and spend 30 minutes a day in decision paralysis: that’s a whopping £65,000 you could charge for.

65 friggin thousand pounds.?

When you’re faced with lots of options and offers, it can be hard to make a decision. But, whatever decision you make, needs to get you closer to your end goal.

And not only that, but the cognitive load of having to make the decision (and not making it, mulling it over and over) can be totally exhausting. It takes up a lot of energy to hold the thoughts, to bat them back and forth - so instead of having to do that when you’re balancing everything else in your life and business, I’m going to share a simple 4-step process that you can follow to help you make the right decision quicker.

Step 1: Identify your current position

Be honest with yourself about where you are in your business journey. What are your achievements? What are your biggest challenges?

Step 2: Set VERY specific goals

Stop saying you want “more clarity”, or “more income” or “more clients”. Define exactly what that means with specific, measurable targets.

For example, if you want more income (great btw) how much, and by when. If you’re currently at £2k months getting to £10k months in the next 90 days is probably unrealistic.?

Step 3: Bridge the Gap

After working out where you’re at and where you want to be, analyse the gap between your current state and your desired future. What knowledge, skills or support do you need to get you there?

This one is important because in life, we ask for help. But in business it can feel like cheating if you don’t work it all out alone. Let me tell you know, to throw that mindset in the bin if you want accelerated business growth.

Step 4: Choose the right support

Based on the gap analysis, determine the type of support that best suits your needs. If you need support with your mindset alone, perhaps work with a coach. If you need practical steps laid out for you to follow, consider working with a mentor. If you need a blend of both, which is the best way to get results and what I always look for, then look for someone who offers a blend of support?

Inside my masterminds, I offer a blend of coaching, mentoring and consultancy to support you to grow your business, increase your income and have more freedom.

I’m running an exclusive in-person mastermind day on 18th April where I will support you to make better decisions and maximise your impact for 2024.

Send me a message or email me [email protected] to chat about joining.

Nicole x

p.s. You can listen to episode 48 of the Supercharge Your Business podcast here where I talk in depth about my framework to make decisions with specific example of how to apply the framework to common business challenges


If you're a freelancer or business owner and you you're ready to get personalised, bespoke support from a Business Strategy & Psychology expert to grow your business on your terms, here's how I can help you:

1. If a monthly round up and kick-up-the-ass isn’t enough for you, click here to Sign up to The Weekly Fix to get epic business advice on marketing, sales and all things business growth straight into your inbox every week!

2. Join my in person Strategy and Mastermind day on 18 April at a luxury spa in Hertfordshire. You will arrive at 10am and we will have hotseating and masterminding designed around what you need to help you grow your business. Lunch is included and it’s a small group on purpose (max 8) so you get all the personalised support you need.

There are x2 1:1s with me included worth £500 alone.

The investment is £500 or £625 overnight and you can pay in instalments. Send me a message for more info or Click here to book a call with me and make sure it's a good fit


Nicole Louise Winer PCC, BSc Psych的更多文章

