My 2021 Leadership Mantra

My 2021 Leadership Mantra

Goal for 2021 ? Gather all the insightful nuggets I gleaned from the books I read in 2020, into an ACTION PLAN. These were my !!!!!! reading moments of 2020. Those ah-ha moments on the learning journey and the connections I made to my reality.

A More Confident Me

1.     I know my values and willing to rumble for them. (Dare to Lead – Brené Brown)

2.     I either learn to walk into my story and own my truth, or I sit on the outside hustling for my worthiness. (Rising Strong – Brené Brown) 

3.     True self confidence is being open to new ideas, no matter where they came from. (Mindset – Carol Dweck

Be Better a Goal Setter

1.     It's ok that I don't work back from a major goal but work forward from a promising situation.  (Range. Why generalist triumph in a specialist world – David Epstein)  

2.     I will benchmark myself, my team, my division, my company to worthy rivals. (The Infinite Game – Simon Sinek

3.     Stay true to myself vs trying to be somebody. (Ego is the Enemy – Ryan Holiday 

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1.     I will reward the learning process, not just the end result. (Mindset – Carol Dweck

While remembering...

2.     The most effective learning looks inefficient, like falling behind. (Range. Why generalist triumph in a specialist world – David Epstein)

3.     The 4Cs: Life’s general-purpose skills are Critical thinking, Communication, Collaboration and Creativity. (21 Lessons for the 21st Century – Yuval Noah Harari) 

Better Understanding of Behaviours

1.     Will power is not enough. Need to create a plan for behaviour changes. (Mindset – Carol Dweck)

2.     I know my empathy misses (sympathy). And I have a plan (?) to bring to improve. (Dare to Lead – Brené Brown) 

3.     Understand the “Click Whirr” effects of people. (Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion - Robert B Cialdini) 

Be a Better Communicator.

1.     Clear is Kind. (Dare to Lead – Brené Brown) 

2.     Use words like “Paint Done” (Dare to Lead – Brené Brown) or the “Destination Postcard” (Switch – Chip Heath & Dan Heath)

3.     Listen hard - Is someone trying to tell me something? (Mindset – Carol Dweck) 

Be a Better Leader.

1.     I will protect the discretionary effort of the people. (The Infinite Game – Simon Sinek) 

2.     I will order the information I present based on what's important to me. (The Infinite Game – Simon Sinek

3.     I will practice mental models to understand reality. Look to eliminate blind spots. (The Great Mental Models -Farnam Street 

Be a Better Coach.

1.     I will tame the Advice Monster. (The Coaching Habit – Michael Bungay Stanier).   


2.     " I forget what I hear, I remember what I see. I know what I do." (Seeking Wisdom – Peter Bevilin). 


3.     The human brain does not learn as much by consumption as it does by creation. (Limitless – Jim Kwik 

Be a Better People Manager. 

1.     I will balance the risks of mindless conformity and reckless deviation. (Range. Why generalist triumph in a specialist world – David Epstein)  

2.     I will apply the goldilocks rule when assigning work. Get them in FLOW (Drive – Daniel H. Pink

3.     How can I elevate that moment? Spark insight? Boost the connection? (The Power of Moments – Chip Heath & Dan Heath) 

It is a Matter of Perspective.

1.     What looks like a people problem is often a situation problem. AND What looks like resistance is often a lack of clarity. (Switch – Chip Heath & Dan Heath)

2.     Two types of goals: Performance and Learning. (Drive – Daniel Pink) Two types of coaching: Performance and Development. (The Coaching Habit – Michael Bungay Stanier

3.     Assume people are doing their best. (Rising Strong – Brené Brown

Make Change Happen.

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While my mantra is a long list….

1.     I will create tiny habits stacking them over my existing ones. (Atomic Habits – James Clear)


2.     I have an accountability buddy. (The Compound Effect – Darren Hardy

3.     I will ask for help. “If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together”. (Own your Career, Own Your Life – Andy Storch)

 And …… Always Remember 

???? The more I learn, the less I know. ??

Louise H Reid (ACC, CHRL)

Humanizing Leadership so that so your best people STAY, THRIVE and DO GREAT WORK | Author of "Humanizing Leadership" | Leadership & Executive Coach (ACC) | Workshop Facilitator | Yogi | ?Psychology, Mindfulness, EI

3 年
Louise H Reid (ACC, CHRL)

Humanizing Leadership so that so your best people STAY, THRIVE and DO GREAT WORK | Author of "Humanizing Leadership" | Leadership & Executive Coach (ACC) | Workshop Facilitator | Yogi | ?Psychology, Mindfulness, EI

3 年

This is brilliant! Thank you for sharing your learnings-to-action list. Not only did I walk away with a few nuggets to implement, you have inspired me to create the same style of summary from the books I read. What an impactful way to keep the learnings alive!

Maria Lefebvre, CPA, CA

Director, FP&A at Canadian Bank Note Company, Limited

3 年

Julie, I already had one of the books on my 2021 reading list (Mindset by Carol Dweck) and you have just inspired me to add a couple more - thank you!

Julie Lavergne

Strategic Partner for Team Success | Generalist | Business Management Consultant | High Stakes Facilitator | Executive Performance Coach

3 年

Duncan Stewart Thank you for the book image idea and tip!


