My 2020 Vision - Let's start at the very beginning...
Mick Holloway
Strategic Marketing delivering constant, reliable growth. Helping you, grow your business through Market Oriented, Customer Focused Marketing. The Marketing team a growing business needs to deliver that growth
It is December 27th, I'm having a great Christmas, and it's far from over. But like many of us, at this time of year, I like to take a few days to reflect and plan. I love this, I take this seriously and ... it doesn't feel a bit like work, this is fun, "...Oh yes, it is" :D
Throughout December I schedule meetings with colleagues, and my mentors, to review, project, forecast, brainstorm. Review our why, our value proposition, adjust the brand, tweak the business model, review the client persona. Then, once we know where we are going, we are ready to plan the year ahead. I have a desk full of canvas's, mindmaps, spreadsheets, research notes and diagrams, its a brilliant time - 'what if ...this, what if ...that'.
We reflect on what worked and that influences what changes we make. We also reflect on what didn't work and what could work better, to be honest, we spend more time on this, and its a full-on drains up. But, its not negative, not in the tiniest bit, because - we always act in good faith - and wobbles or falls do not have to have blame attached, and as Kyosaki said: "Sometimes you win and sometimes you learn.” this is when you make sure you learn :)
So, what did we learn, what was our take away from 2019? A few things, the biggest being an overwhelming confirmation in our belief in the importance of marketing, and the importance of our own marketing, especially top of the funnel, from 1st contact - stay focused on our niche and be even more selective in who we work with. We understand our 'why', we understand 'who' we serve best, and we understand 'how' we serve them best to get amazing results.
Imagine my delight when this morning I read Seth Godin's blog from yesterday (anyone that knows me knows I love his work). Like most of his posts, it's a very short powerful blog, titled "On seeking a category" I love the message, know your niche and talk to prospects in that niche in simple easily digestible ways, its a 2-minute read and here's a link to Seth's Blog -
If you read the blog and don't 'get it', that is cool - give me a call I will happily go through it with you.
If you read the blog and DO 'get it' - definitely give me a call, we could work really well together.
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