My 2020
Blog Introduction
Today’s blog focuses on how I turned my 2020 lemons into lemonade. If you would like to learn more about how I reached my 2020 goals, I would encourage you to click the link below to read my blog post on the topic.
Question of the Day:
What are some of the ways you all organize and maintain your goals? I would love to learn about new methods and systems.
Visual Components
Posted below are the templates I talk about and used for my bucket list, objectives and checkpoints. These designs can be replicated on Indesign, Illustrator and Canva. You can also use a word document or your phone notes app, but I believe that the extra effort in creating fun and engaging content can help motivate you to complete your tasks!
The bucket list gave me a visual representation of my 2020 goals, and it also kept me accountable.
My Bucket List Example:
The checkpoints helped motivate me each month. I would make weekly checkpoints that would add-up to my overall monthly goal. Breaking these
My Checkpoint List Example: