My 2.0 Version look like.....
Mittal Chitroda
Social Media Specialist | Graphic Designer | Digital Creator | Simply Great in Wordpress Website, FB ad, & Design using Photoshop, CorelDraw, and InDesign, as well as proficiency in AI tools.
Vision 2025,
Mittal Chitroda has achieved a great place in the Digital marketing world as a freelancer and Consultant. She has Created many positive blogs, due to her Creative and Experimental nature she has made many wonderful websites for clients. The main strength of Mittal chitroda is her marketing strategies and creativity in work for which she is having more than 1 lac subscribers and followers. She always has that feeling to solve her client's query as much as possible no matter of any circumstance and to solve the problem herself rather than taking help from others.
The main motto is to achieve satisfaction in her work, whatever she does. People/Clients find her really friendly due to her polite and kind nature. She wants to explore new places. She had achieved a dream of getting a vehicle from her earnings.
For her, the most important thing is that she is rich in all parameters i.e. Physically, Mentally and Financially. She tries to take part in valuable group discussions where she can make a strong point in front of others.
Now she is committed to giving Meditation as her top priority for which she is practicing on a daily basis. Her aim is to overcome any type of obstacle irrespective of Personal/work life confidently, and priority is to balance both work and personal life. She always try to avoid the wrong things or wrong person if it is affecting her life.
She always tries to take out time for herself where she enjoys music, reading books, and watching videos. Her wish is to have her weight gain for which she is achieving it slowly.
She has created her own office space in Mumbai for herself where she is serving Digital Marketing services.
And above all She is a true believer in God where she remembers them before starting her day.
(This is part of Digital Deepak Internship Program)