Hi Guys,
How are you doing today how is your work over there?
Gradually, we are in the 9th week of the first quarters in this year 2019.
I don’t know what’s your new Year Resolution, Whether you don’t even have. Not to worry, what is important as you are reading this mail is that you are about to experience what will make your ‘Life A year from now’ be exponentially awesome and incredibly admirable by others.
To start with, get a pen with a sheet of paper and begin to list out everything you will like to achieve this year. Wait! Do not border yourself with whether it is realistic or NOT. Just be pouring them all out as it is coming to you.
That is all for today…… See u tomorrow.
Day 2
Good day to u today.
Hope you tried to go over what you scribble down yesterday as per your mission of ‘My Life 1 Year From Now’
The question which l have for you today is How do u intend to achieve these your tall dreams? Meanwhile don’t see it as if you are day-dreaming, No. Because You are going to actualize everything so far you can “religiously with concerted efforts follow everything that l am going to ask you to be doing.”
However, If you have not gone through it since you wrote it yesterday, begin to be reading now. Even read it aloud to your hearing and try to get the feedback message from your thought.
What l mean by this is that as you are reading it now, What is the direction of your thinking? Does it align with what your mouth is actually saying OR NOT?
Tomorrow is another day.
Day 3
Hi there and how are u today?
In order to manifest great wealth and achieve financial abundance, you must develop a “wealthy” mind.
This begins with uncovering and eliminating all negative beliefs around money. Remember,
“you don’t manifest what you want, you manifest what you believe”.
You must “think” like a wealthy person thinks. You will notice that poor people in general think one way, and wealthy people think another. This is no coincidence.
Your beliefs determine your thoughts. Your thoughts determine how you feel. How you feel determines how you behave. How you behave determines what action you take (or don’t take). What action you take (or don’t take) ultimately determines your results.
So how do you develop a “wealthy” mind? For you to develop a ‘wealthy’ mind,
You must do two things:
1. Start becoming keenly aware of your thoughts.
These are the things you say to yourself on a daily basis. What story do you tell yourself about money, about rich people and about becoming rich?
For example, a poor person’s thought process might sound something like:
“I’m broke. I can’t believe how unlucky I am. I’ll never get out of debt. Everyone else is so lucky and I’m always left with the short end of the stick. I’ll never get out of this mess. Me, become rich? Yeah, right. I wish!”
Versus a wealthy person might be thinking something like this:
“I make my own luck. I create my own economy. I can achieve anything I want. Yes, I might fail (and I have many times) but I always come out on top. In fact, those failures were great because I learned a lot and it has made me the person I am today. Money flows easily, freely and from everywhere!”
In order to manifest great wealth and achieve
financial abundance, you must develop a “wealthy” mind.
Do you see the difference in tone?
One feels heavy, dark and negative while the other feels light, expansive and positive.
One projects negative energy and the other projects positive energy.
What you project is what you will attract back into your life.
What you think will ultimately manifest itself into reality; for this reason, it is truly critical that you shift your thoughts around money (and anything revolving around money).
2. When you notice negative thoughts come into your mind, consciously “change the channel. ”
What do I mean by “change the channel?”
Well, imagine you’re watching TV and you’re on the 24hour news “Negative Olly” channel. You are being bombarded with murders, war, fire, and everything else that is negative.
You don’t want to bombard yourself with negativity, so you pick up the remote and change the channel to the positive, fun and light “Positive Pollen” channel.
It’s really that simple.
Becoming aware of your thoughts is truly the first step to awakening and transformation. When you notice that your thoughts are negative, consciously tell yourself to change the channel! Keep on changing that channel over and over and over. Eventually, you will reprogram your brain to stay on the “positive” channel....and you will be thinking like a “wealthy” person thinks.
Now, that doesn’t mean that you won’t have negative thoughts when something negative happens, but it does mean you’ll be able to shift out of it easily. It will be your new natural state. This positive and new way of thinking will change your view on life. It will change how you think, feel, behave, act and then you’ll notice how you begin to manifest positive things, people and situations into your life (including money).
So, as you go forward making “All-Round-Profit” while having fun with your passion, you’ll get there much more quickly and it will be much easier
if you adopt the traits that wealthy people possess.
Below are 10 of the traits that successful people possess.
Successful people come from all walks of life, yet they all have one thing in common: where others see impenetrable barriers, they see challenges to embrace and obstacles to overcome.
Their confidence in the face of hardship is driven by their ability to let go of the negativity that holds so many otherwise sensible people back.
Obstacles do not block the path; they are the path.
This perspective helps successful people to think differently to everyone else, which is important, because if you think like everyone else, no matter how smart or experienced you are, you’ll hit the same ceiling.
By thinking outside the box and going against the grain, successful people rise above their limitations.
We all know how important it is to approach problems with radical optimism and creativity, but
this is easier said than done.
In a study conducted at Adobe, 96% of employees identified creativity as essential to their success, both in terms of their income and the value they bring to the world. What’s more, 78% wished they were capable of thinking differently, believing that they would progress through their careers more quickly if they did.
Too often we attribute creative and “different” thinking to natural, innate characteristics that
belong only to the lucky ones.
The truth is that you can study how ridiculously successful people think and incorporate their approach into your repertoire.
1.They’re confident.
If only we knew of all the great ideas that never came to fruition because people lacked the confidence to put them into action. Successful people confidently act on their ideas, because they know that a failed idea is not a reflection of their ability; instead, they see it as a wonderful learning opportunity.
2. They’re composed.
Ultra-successful people are composed, because they constantly monitor their emotions and understand them and they use this knowledge in the moment to react with self-control to challenging situations. When things go downhill, they are persistently calm and frustratingly content (frustrating to those who aren’t, at least). They know that no matter how
good or bad things get, everything changes with time. All they can do is to adapt and adjust to
stay happy and in control. If you’d like an objective measure of how you do at this, consider taking an
emotional intelligence test
3. They’re honest.
Super-successful people trust that honesty and integrity, though painful at times, always work out for the best in the long run. They know that honesty allows for genuine connections with people and that lying always comes back to bite you in the end.
4. They seek out small victories.
Successful people like to challenge themselves and to compete, even when their efforts yield only small victories. Small victories build new androgen
receptors in the areas of the brain responsible for reward and motivation. This increase in androgen receptors enhances the influence of testosterone, which further increases their confidence and eagerness to tackle challenges.
When you achieve a series of small victories, the boost in your confidence can last for months.
5. They’re always learning.
Super-successful people often know more than others do, because they’re constantly trying to learn. They vow to constantly grow, and they fill every spare moment with self-education. They don’t do this because it’s “the right thing to do”; they do it
because it’s their passion. They’re always looking for opportunities to improve and new things to
learn about themselves and the world around them. Instead of succumbing to their fear of looking stupid, truly exceptional people just ask the questions on their mind, because they would rather learn something new than appear smart.
6. They expose themselves to a variety of people.
There’s no easier way to learn to think differently than spending time with someone whose strengths are your weaknesses or whose ideas are radically different from your own. This exposure sparks new ideas and makes you well rounded.
This is why we see so many great companies with co-founders who stand in stark contrast to each other. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak from Apple were a prime example. Neither could have succeeded without the other.
7. They keep an open mind.
Exposing yourself to a variety of people is useless if you spend that time disagreeing with them and comforting yourself with your own opinions. Successful people recognize that every perspective provides an opportunity for growth. You need to practice empathy by putting yourself in the other person’s shoes so that you can understand how their
perspective makes sense (at least, to them).
A great way to keep an open mind is to try to glean at least one interesting or useful thing from every conversation you have.
8. They’re fearless.
Fear is nothing more than a lingering emotion that’s fueled by your imagination. Danger is real.
Danger is the uncomfortable rush of adrenaline you get when you almost step in front of a bus; fear is a choice. Exceptional people know this better than anyone does, so they flip fear on its head. Instead of letting fear take over, they’re addicted to the
euphoric feeling they get from conquering their fears.
9. They turn tedious tasks into games.
Every job entails some degree of tedium. For most
people, tedium leads to sloppy, rushed work.
Only the most successful people find ways to make
the tedious interesting. By turning tedious work into a game, they challenge themselves and produce
high-quality work, making things interesting in the process.
10. They dream big but remain grounded.
Successful people reach for the seemingly impossible, but they do so in a way that is actionable and realistic.
While you may not know exactly how you’re going to achieve your dream, you need to make progress no matter how small the steps.
Do you know that you can generate millions of dollars simply by giving away information?
You’re about to learn how to take a topic you love and share it with the world - while creating millions of dollars for yourself and betterment of your loved ones.
It does not matter if you have never considered being in business for yourself. It does not matter if you have no experience.
All that matters is that you want more from your life, your career or your financial position. If you want a life of financial freedom, then LET US continue in this journey, even If you are starting with nothing; no technical knowledge, no experience, and absolutely no idea where we are likely heading to; you must have a big dream and commence the journey towards the world of online entrepreneurship.
One thing l am very sure of is that very soon, you will become addicted to the idea of creating wealth using the internet.
20 (Real) Online Business Ideas You can Make Money With
Digital Publishing, eCommerce,Email & Affiliate Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Goals & Inspiration, Resources Facebook, Twitter LinkedIn
Here’s a BIG myth that needs to be busted… it's impossible to legitimately make money online.
That just isn’t true.
While 20-30 years ago you may have only seen a bunch of scammy ads talking about how you can make money, the reality today is that there are a bunch of legitimate ways to make money online.
For many of these ideas, you don't even need to have inventory. In fact, internet connection and knowledge is all you'll need.
If you had told people this 20 years ago, no one would have guessed that starting a business would be so simple and so inexpensive.
Yet today, there are at least 20 online business models that make it possible to make money online.
These businesses include but not limited to the following:
1. Affiliate Marketing
2. Digital Publishing
3. eCommerce
4. Coaching
5. Consulting
6. Blogging
7. Amazon Kindle
8. Freelancing
9. Ebay/Craigslist
10. Live Events
11. YouTube Personality
12. Twitch Streamer
13. Email Marketing
14. Game Development
15. App Development
16. Digital Music Distribution
17. Digital Movie Distribution
18. Podcaster
19. Influencer
20. Selling Crafts
There is such variety here.
Chances are, anyone can find at least one of these businesses that suits their passion, talents and their interests. For the most part, you don't even need a college education to start any of these profitable online businesses.
All it really takes is the willingness to read, learn, and hustle your way into success.
So, let’s go through each one in detail and see what these online business opportunities are all about.
1. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is perhaps the easiest, quickest, and best way to start an online business. Affiliate marketing is basically selling other people's products and getting a commission for every sale.
It's one of my personal favorite ways for people to get started.
In fact, the first $2,000 I made online was promoting an affiliate offer, and I went on to build my current business on the back of affiliate marketing
The best part about affiliate marketing is that there's no need to create an original product.
The creator of the product does most of the heavy lifting on the product development end. They create the product, the sales pages, delivery for the product, and more.
The role of the affiliate is to simply get new leads to the product's sales page.
To achieve awesome success in affiliate marketing,
2. Digital Publishing
Digital publishing is another very powerful online business.
In fact, this is the largest part of what Temtol does!
Digital publishing is developing and selling information products. These products include things like eBooks, videos, audio recordings, membership programs, and live events.
And like affiliate marketing, it is open to any niche.
The best part about digital publishing is these days. In the past, it used to take massive effort to find a publisher and get your book shipped out and on shelves.
Today, selling 1,000 products requires no more effort or resources than selling one product.
Plus, once the product is created, that’s it. It will always be there.
Even if revisions or updates need to be made, it is a simple matter of making changes to the file.
3. eCommerce
It is also incredibly easy to sell physical products online.
And this is precisely what an eCommerce business does. Just think of Amazon and Ebay. They are the largest examples of eCommerce out there.
In fact, during the last quarter of 2016, Amazon generated over $47 billion in revenue!
Just think about that.
It just goes to show how big eCommerce is. People ARE shopping online.
But the giants aren’t the only ones making big money from selling products online. There are many entrepreneurs that make millions of dollars every single year through eCommerce.
With the right system, you can start an eCommerce business for less than $500. Compare that with the thousands (or more) it would cost to start a brick and mortar retail store.
4. Coaching
Think back to when you were younger and wanted to learn a skill, a sport, or an activity. To do that, you likely had a coach.
Whether it was your softball coach, basketball coach, English teacher, or piano instructor, they were all types of coaches.
People need coaches to learn new skills and get to where they want to go in life, and you can be that person.
I guarantee that you either have a skill that someone wants to learn or knowledge of how to get to a certain place in life that someone else wants to get to.
Coaching businesses are a great way to earn money AND help people.
5. Consulting
Consulting is similar to coaching in that you're leveraging a specific skill that you have.
However, consulting is less about teaching and more about implementing your knowledge for someone to help them grow their business.
Take a financial consultant, for example.
People hire financial consultants to take a look through their books and make a professional recommendation, not to teach them the ins and outs of accounting.
If you have a skill you can use to provide value to a person or business, you can be a consultant.
6. Blogging
Blogging is one of the most fun types of businesses to start, and it's also one of the easiest (and cheapest) ways to get started.
Bloggers typically start out making money with ads and affiliate marketing, but you can grow into product development (through eCommerce, digital publishing, or both) as you figure out what types of product your audience likes to purchase.
The biggest hurdle with blogging is that there is a low barrier to entry, so you'll have a healthy amount of competition.
To get you started, we have a free course called How To Start A Blog that will teach you the basics.
7. Amazon Kindle
It is SO easy to self-publish a book thanks to Amazon!
Amazon Kindle is the largest eBook marketplace in the world. In fact, it’s so big that today Amazon sells more eBooks than physical books.
This is a great option for writers.
Writing eBooks and selling them can generate a nice passive income, and it also works as a great lead generation tool for coaches, consultants, freelancers, and other types of entrepreneurs.
Not a writer?
You can easily hire a freelancer to do the writing for you as long as you have a good marketing plan in place.
8. Freelancing
Speaking of freelancers, anyone who has services to sell can have a great online business as a freelancer. This could be:
- Writing
- Editing
- Design
- Virtual Assistants
- Web development
- Accounting
- Anything you can imagine
But the goal isn’t just to offer freelance services.
The ultimate goal should be to create an agency that offers high-quality services. I have used agencies for a lot of different services such as graphic design, writing, and programming.
These agencies are all real businesses that someone built, but the owner isn't doing all the work.
They've built a team and the right systems for getting new clients. There's high demand right now for all of these services.
Plus, it is incredibly inexpensive to get started as a freelancer.
In fact, some websites, such as Upwork and Guru, have a basic membership that is free. Anyone who wants to can sign up and start bidding for jobs immediately.
9. Ebay/Craigslist
Ever heard of flipping?
Selling physical goods on Ebay or Craiglist is another great online business model. It’s technically under the umbrella of eCommerce, but it has some key differences from the eCommerce model discussed above.
Websites like Ebay, for example, have massive amounts of people searching for physical products.
There is already a giant pool of potential customers, and there are a lot of products that can be sold for a nice profit online.
Some people go to garage sales to find undervalued items. Other people buy products from discount stores and sell them for a profit online.
There are many ways to go about this business model.
Flipping on Ebay, Craigslist, and other similar websites has been a profitable business model for a long time now and will continue to be in the future.
10. Live Event
Live events can be virtual. You can create a virtual live event for people to attend.
This is much cheaper and easier to create than an in-person event and could be a great place to start.
During this live virtual workshop, we help students build their own online business in just three days!
Live events definitely make for a great online business model.
11. YouTube Personality
Online video has grown massively in recent years, and experts are predicting that it's only going to become more and more popular over the coming years.
Although YouTube doesn't pay quite as well as it once did, there is definitely still a lot of opportunity out there for people who are comfortable on camera.
There are personalities out there making millions of dollars per year on YouTube, so even making a fraction of that can set you up with a nice life.
Even if you don't build your entire business on YouTube, it's a great place to do content marketing for whatever business you do choose.
12. Twitch Streamer
What if I told you could get paid to play video games?
Your parents might have called you crazy when you were younger if that was your dream, but it's now a reality for a lot of people.
Twitch is basically like YouTube for gamers, and you can actually make money by streaming yourself as you play your game of choice.
There are a lot of different ways to earn money as a streamer on Twitch, so don't let old attitudes convince you not to give something a try.
13. Email Marketing
If you know me at all, you know email marketing is my absolute favorite business model.
It's how I built Temtol!
It's really easy to get started, and here are just a few ways that I use email marketing:
- Sell affiliate products
- Sell digital information products of my own
- Drive traffic to my blog
- Sell coaching and consulting services
- Generate sales on Amazon Kindle
- Sell physical products
You can get free training for email marketing in our Digital Bootcamp.
Email marketing is incredibly versatile business model that can stand alone, or you can use to complement any other business that you choose.
14. Game Development
If you love games and want to do something other than streaming, developing your own games and selling them in an app store is a viable option to earn good money.
Although you once had to know how to program games yourself (still helpful if you know how), there are options out there now that allow you to develop games without any programming knowledge.
Some of those tools are:
There's a ton of opportunity out there right now for game developers.
15. App Development
Just like games, there is quite a bit of money in the app market. And you no longer have to know how to code to develop apps (again, more knowledge is better!).
Some tools you can use to develop apps without needing to know how to code are:
Using these tools is a great way to get a minimum viable product to get you to the point that you can bring people onto your team to start scaling.
16. Digital Music Distribution
You no longer have to hold out hope that you'll be signed to a major record label to start making money with your music.
Today, there are plenty of resources available to you that allow you to sell your music to people online without being on a label.
You can check out places like:
If you have the drive to make it happen, there are definitely resources to turn your love for music into a business.
17. Digital Movie Distribution
Just like with music, you no longer have to hope that a major production company picks up your movie or documentary to start earning money.
You can use platforms like:
- Amazon Video Direct
- Patreon
- Indiegogo
- Pivotshare
There's no longer any excuse for you to not use your talent and passion for movies into a full-time business.
18. Podcaster
Podcasts are hot right now, and anyone can start one.
Although I definitely recommend that you have some high-quality audio gear before you set off on your podcasting journey, it's really as simple as recording yourself and uploading it.
Some people podcast full-time, while others use it as a content marketing tool for another business that they've grown.
Either way, people love podcasts (I certainly do), and they're a lot of fun to put together.
We even have a great free course called Podcast Blueprint if you want to learn more about how to start your very own podcast.
19. Influencer
The idea of an influencer is confusing for some people because it's a relatively new business opportunity.
Being an influencer basically just means using your reputation to promote other companies and brands via a social media platform (or IRL).
However, the idea of being an influencer has been around for a while.
In the past, this was primarily limited to celebrities. Now, with platforms like Instagram, anyone can become an influencer.
You can learn more about becoming an influencer in Influencer Bootcamp, our free introduction to how to make it happen.
20. Selling Crafts
Millions of peoples out there create crafts as a hobby, but what if I told you can easily monetize that passion of yours?
Etsy is the most popular platform right now for selling crafts, and you can sell anything from blankets to hats to wedding gifts.
The opportunities are pretty limitless on Etsy.
Make Money Online Today With One Of The Above Enumerated Ideas
The world of digital entrepreneurship is still relatively new, but it's much more legitimate today than it ever has been in the past, and there are a ton of opportunities out there for you.
The great thing about these opportunities are that many of them can actually be combined.
For example, I started out with email marketing but eventually grew into digital publishing, coaching and consulting, and eCommerce.
You have a ton of opportunities out there to make money online, so there's no excuse to not get started with one of these profitable online business ideas today. AND YOU’LL BE GLAD U DID.