My #1 Rule Of Business
I am in the business of people, or in other words the business of recruiting.
I help people find their next dream job and I help companies build a team of talented and cool individuals that will help move their company forward. It is a big responsibility to take on, and I take it seriously. I respect both parties involved and I truly want the best for them.
In my line of business, there is a lot of relationship building and trust involved. You have to trust the person you are working with, and believe they will do right by you.
Regardless of what business you are in, you probably just did a head nod reading that last line. In MANY businesses a huge part of their business is relationship and trust-building. At the end of the day, we are all in business to sell something. Whatever you are selling, people buy from people they like and trust.
My number one rule in business is honesty. This is the differentiating factor that turns you into someone who just does the job, to someone who does the job well. And in turn, it creates repeat business and loyal customers.
Honesty is so easy, yet it can be so hard at the same time. We have all been lied to before, and we have all lied before (if you’ve never lied once in your life, good for you). Being completely honest, and upfront, and taking the blame when you mess up, can be freaking difficult. You have to just be truthful because in the end your clients, partners, and coworkers will appreciate you and trust you so much more for it. Having the strength and courage to talk about the good, bad, and ugly is commendable.
I was reading one of Brene Brown’s books and she said this quote that has forever stuck with me. She said, “Being clear is kind, and being unclear is unkind.” That quote just shook me and I felt like I had just had a revelation. I equate clarity with truthfulness. I relate clarity to honesty. Not sugar-coating it, not telling a half-truth, but just laying it all out there.
I have come across many situations in business where I had to have a conversation with a candidate or client that I really didn’t want to. I didn’t want to tell them they didn’t get the job because they interviewed poorly. I didn’t want to tell them that their messy process was turning candidates off. I didn’t want to be completely honest with them because I didn’t want the repercussions of how they would feel about me, or what they would think of me after. But at the end of the day, it’s about us providing the most value, and creating as much impact as we can. In order to do that, you have to be honest and you have to be open.
When things get difficult for me, I take a deep breath, swallow down my pride, think about what I am going to say, and then deliver the most honest message in a clear, concise, kind way. Choose your words wisely.
Every time I choose honesty I am thanked for it. Even when it’s a tough conversation or hard feedback to give, I do it because I know I have to in order to help and after I am always relieved I held nothing back. This is the best way we can serve our customers with honesty and integrity.
Next time you are faced with a tough situation, remember, “Being clear is kind. Being unclear is unkind. Honesty is key.”
Until next time folks!