MWC24- The Shining of Sunset Boulevard
Francisco Maroto
IoT - AIoT - Digital Transformation Global Advisor | EMEA Technology Business Development | ex- NI,Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, HP, Vodafone, Indra
Why did I attend #mwc24? The main reason was that a friend from 1NCE gave me an entry. I would never pay a ticket. I suppose like the majority of attendees who do not belong to exhibitors, analysts, press or public administrations.
There is another reason obviously. I like this show. It's been many years since the days of Cannes. Oh!, Those wonderful years. That's why in my case it happens to me with "The Mobile" like when I watch the Godfather trilogy, Casablanca or Sunset Boulevard every year, I always discover something new.
I have read many posts before, during and after the congress. And the truth is I can't add much more, especially when I attended only for one day.
You can read my small contribution in this summarized post. I have decided that I am not going to write an article because if anyone is interested in knowing my personal opinion in detail about companies or technologies or vision of the future of the sector, they can contact me and request my consulting services.
Part 0: I was happy to see the Shining shine that the GSMA has managed to give to the event in the face of a situation that seemed irreversible just three years ago.
Part 1: MNO Operators
The large operators crying, for another year, for changes in regulation in Europe.
The Asian and Middle East operators, to their own. Show financial muscle and lead innovation.
IoT connectivity is left to MVNOs. The cool thing now is AI and the Open Gateway. WMoving from Telco to Telcotech is going to cause more than one headache and in the end to make the Hyperscalers stronger.
Part 2: IoT Virtual Operators or IoT MVNOS
The great winner of mwc24 has undoubtedly been 1NCE. What power. I don't know if all visitors understand the difference between IoT MVNOs, but surely 1NCE gives them peace of mind for their projects, because this company is not going to disappear in 10 years? Or maybe yes? Do you remember Sigfox?
With the meetings with Onomondo, Kore, FloLive, 1NCE, Shield IoT and Velos IoT, I had enough to understand that all that glitters is not gold and that this market please needs consolidation now. As eSIM resellers continue to appear everywhere, it will be a nightmare for Gartner and Co. to place them in their magic quadrant.
It's starting to remind me of what has happened with IoT platforms. Notice to sailors.
Part 3 – Satellite IoT
The vision of him is premonitory. For these colleagues, in a few years we will forget LPWAN, 5G, NBIoT, LTE and other mobile technologies. All IoT connectivity will be through satellites. Well, at this congress and at their stands I am not going to argue with them, but I have seen towers taller than these or at least not take off . I imagine that SpaceX will be making this phenomenon profitable.
Part 4 – Connected industries, connected home, connected vehicles.
It was not your congress. Sorry guys. I better keep my opinion to myself.
Ahh, I've already seen the first flying car at this conference, well at least the prototype. For something one starts.
Part 5 – Hardware and Network Equipment Manufacturers
I didn't have time to visit them.
Part 6 – Software Manufacturers and Integrators
I didn't have time to visit the booths of my former companies Amdocs, Oracle and Microsoft. What a shame, right? . But it was nice to see former colleagues at the demo of Deloitte, Salesforce and Telefonica. This world is a handkerchief.
Part 7 – The pavilions of nations.
Well, naturally, I went through the hall of the pavilions. But there are so many companies in so few square meters that I didn't stop for long. I gave a few minutes to the Israeli company Shield IoT. IoT security is one of my weaknesses.
Good health of the Spanish and Catalan pavilion. Cheer up, we can do it.
Part 8 - 4YFN
You can believe me if I tell you that it is the first year that I visit 4YFN. Thanks to GSMA for using Hall 8 to place start-ups and investors and facilitate the almost obligatory visit for those of us who go for a day or two.
In this medley of startups, mea culpa, only two or three companies with IoT solutions visited. Surely there are hidden treasures but I had no luck finding them.
And on all sides
Part 9 and Last: AI and Generative AI.
I already experienced this with the first years of the IoT. Everyone has AI. But what is doing AI en los productos presentados? And if you ask me, what is AI?, AI is whatever you want it to be.
We will talk in 5 years when there is another emerging technology that eclipses AI. Because I have no doubt that the current masters of the world (the so-called Magnificent 7) will find another vein.
Y sin mas, regrese a Madrid pensando un a?o mas si este seria mi ultimo MWC o al menos el último que escriba un post.?
Spanish Version / Versión Espa?ola
?Por que he asistido este a?o al #mwc24?. La principal razón ha sido que un amigo de 1NCE me ha facilitado una entrada. Jamás pagaría un ticket al precio que lo ponen. Supongo que como la mayoría? de asistentes no pertenecientes a exhibidores, analistas , prensa o administraciones publicas.?
Hay otra razón obviamente. Me gusta este show. Son muchos a?os desde los tiempos de Cannes. Ay !, Aquellos maravillos a?os.? Por eso en mi caso me pasa con el Mobile como cuando veo? todos los a?os la trilogía de El Padrino, Casablanca o El Crepúsculo de Los Dioses, siempre descubro algo nuevo.?
He leído muchos posts antes, durante y después del congreso. Y la verdad poco mas puedo a?adir, especialmente cuando solo he ido un dia.?
Mi peque?a aportación la podeis leer en este resumido post. He decidido que no voy a escribir un? articulo porque si alguien esta interesado en conocer mi opinión personal en detalle sobre empresas o? tecnologías o visión del futuro del sector puede contactar conmigo y solicitar mis servicios de consultoría.?
Parte 0: Me alegró comprobar “El Resplandor “que la GSMA ha conseguido dar al evento ante una situación que parecía irreversible hace apenas tres a?os, como la de Norma Desmond en El Crepúsculo de los Dioses”.
Parte 1:? Los Operadores MNOs?
Los grandes operadores llorando un a?o mas para que haya? changes in regulation in Europe.?
Los operadores Asiaticos y Middle East, a lo suyo. Mostrar musculo financiero y liderando la innovación.?
La conectividad IoT se la dejan a los MVNOs. Lo cool ahora es la AI y elOpne Gateway. Eso de querer pasar de Telco a Telcotech les va a ocasionar mas de un dolor de cabeza y al final para hacer mas fuertes a los Hyperscalers.?
Parte 2:? Los Operadores Virtuales de IoT o IoT MVNOS?
El gran tiunfador? del mwc24 sin duda ha sso 1NCE. Vaya poderio. No se si todos los visitantes entienden la diferencia entre los Iot MVNOs, pero seguro 1NCE les da tranquilidad para sus proyectos, porque esta empresa no va a desaparecer en 10 a?os? , O quizas si?. Recordais Sigfox??
Con las reuniones con Onomondo, Kore,FloLive, 1NCE, Shield IoTy? Velos IoT, tuve suficiente para comprender que no es oro todo lo que reluce y que este mercado necesita por favor una consolidación ya. Como sigan aparecinedo revendedores de eSIM por todas partes va a ser una pesadilla para Gartner y Cia colocarlos ensu cuadrante mágico.??
Me empieza a recordar lo que ha pasado con las plataformas IoT. Aviso a navegantes.?
Parte 3 – Satélite IoT??
Su visión es premonitoria. Para estos colegas, en unos a?os olvidaremos #lpwan, #5g , #nbiot, #lte y demás tecnologías móviles. Toda la conectividad IoT será a través de satélites.? Bueno yo en este congreso y en sus stands no les voy a quitar la razón, pero he visto a torres mas altas que SatelIoT? caer o al menos no despegar (Eutelsat).? Me imagino que SpaceX si estará rentabilizando este fenómeno.?
Parte 4 – Las industrias conectadas , el hogar conectado , vehículo conectado?
No ha sido vuestro congreso. Lo siento muchachos. Mejor me guardo mi opinión.?
Ahh, ya he visto el primer coche volador en este congreso, bueno al menos el prototipo. Por algo se empieza.?
Parte 5 – Los fabricantes de Hardware, y equipos de red?
No me dio tempo a visitarles.?
Parte 6 – Los fabricantes de Software e Integradores?
No me dio tempo a visitar los booth de?mis ex-empresas Amdocs, Oracle y Microsoft. Que pena ?no? . Pero fue grato ver a algunos ex-colegas en la demo de Deloitte , Salesforce y Telefonica. Este mundo es un pa?uelo.?
Parte 7 – Los pabellones de naciones.??
Pues naturalmente que me pase por el hall de los pabellones. Pero son tantas empresas en tan pocos metros cuadrados que no me paré mucho tiempo. Algunos minutos les di a? la empresa israeli Shield IoT. La seguridad IoT es una de mis debiidades.?
Buena salud del pabellon espa?ol y catalan.? Animo nosotros podemo.?
Parte 8 -? 4YFN??
Podeis creerme si os digo que es el primer a?o que visito el 4YFN.? Gracias a GSMA por utlizar el Hall 8 para colocar a las start ups e inversores y facilitar la visita casi obligada a los que vamos uno o dos dias.?
En este popurri de startups, mea culpa de solo visitra? dos o tres empresas con soluciones IoT. Seguro qeu hay tesoros escondidos pero yo no tuve suerte de encontrarlos.?
Y sobre todas las partes??
Parte 9 y Ultima : la AI y la AI Generativa.??
Esto ya lo viví con los primeros a?os de la IoT. Sálvese quien pueda. Hablamos en 5 a?os cuando haya otra tecnología emergente que eclipse a la AI. Porque no tengo duda que los amos del mundo actuales encontraran otro filon.?
Y sin mas, regrese a Madrid pensando un a?o mas si este seria mi ultimo MWC o al menos el último que escriba un post.?
IoT - AIoT - Digital Transformation Global Advisor | EMEA Technology Business Development | ex- NI,Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, HP, Vodafone, Indra
12 个月NOTA: He a?adido el texto en espa?ol al final, para facilitar la lectura a mis contactos espa?oles y iberoamericanos.
IoT - AIoT - Digital Transformation Global Advisor | EMEA Technology Business Development | ex- NI,Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, HP, Vodafone, Indra
12 个月Besides the many selfies post that have been published before, during and after #mwc24, I forgot to mention for the #iotcommunity that Marc Pous, Leonard Lee and Afzal Mangal have been informing about the classic IoT Stars parallel event.?The last hope that #iot be remenbered in this huge Congress next years.
MasterOfThings, Smart City IoT AEP.
1 年Interesting article Francisco Maroto, For part 3 - the satellite ??? ?? IoT part, it still needs to be outdoor and hence terrestrial would still exist in the future unless satellite found a way to penetrate the concrete and become available indoors. Don't you agree?