MVC & DI in Android

MVC pattern aims to separate responsibilities and maintain a clear division between the view, controller, and model. The model represents the data and business logic, the view handles the UI presentation, and the controller handles user interactions and updates between the model and view.

Note that in Android, the traditional MVC architecture is often modified to fit the framework's specific patterns and components.

Model-View-Controller (MVC):

Overview: MVC is one of the oldest architectural patterns, widely used in many software development paradigms.

Key Concepts: Model represents data and business logic, View displays the UI, and Controller handles user interactions and updates the Model and View.

Benefits: Separation of concerns, code reusability, and testability.

Use Cases: Traditional web applications, GUI-based applications.

? ? +-------------------+
? ? |? ? ? Activity? ? ?|
? ? +---------+---------+
? ? ? ? ? ? ? |
? ? ? ? ? ? ? |? ?Interacts with
? ? ? ? ? ? ? |
? ? +---------v---------+
? ? |? ? Controller? ? ?|
? ? +---------+---------+
? ? ? ? ? ? ? |
? ? ? ? ? ? ? |? ?Manipulates
? ? ? ? ? ? ? |
? ? +---------v---------+
? ? |? ? ? ?Model? ? ? ?|
? ? +-------------------+        

In the MVC architecture:

  • The View (Activity) is responsible for displaying the UI and handling user interactions.
  • The Controller receives input from the View, processes it, and updates both the View and the Model accordingly.
  • The Model represents the data and business logic of the application. It can be responsible for fetching data from databases, making API calls, or performing any other data-related operations.

Communication flow:

  1. The Activity (View) interacts with the Controller by triggering events or user actions.
  2. The Controller receives these events, processes them, and updates both the View and the Model.
  3. The Controller may query or update data from the Model based on the user's actions or the current state of the application.
  4. The Model handles the data and business logic, providing necessary data to the Controller.
  5. The Controller updates the View by calling methods or setting properties on the View.
  6. The View reflects the changes made by the Controller to the UI.

It's important to note that the View and the Controller have a one-to-one relationship, meaning that each View has its corresponding Controller.

The MVC architecture separates the concerns by keeping the View responsible for UI-related tasks, the Controller handling the logic and interaction with the View and Model, and the Model representing the data and business logic.


  1. Separation of Concerns: MVC provides a clear separation between the different components of an application. The model represents the data and business logic, the view handles the user interface and presentation, and the controller manages the flow and interactions between the model and view. This separation makes the codebase more modular, maintainable, and easier to understand. Although there is limitation also that controller code is bloated with lots of logic related to view logic, business logic, and data access logic
  2. Testability: MVC promotes better testability as each component can be tested independently. Since the model and controller are decoupled from the view, unit testing becomes easier, and you can write tests to verify the functionality of the model and controller without the need for the actual user interface.
  3. Scalability: The separation of concerns in MVC makes it easier to scale and evolve an application over time. Changes to the user interface can be made in the view layer without affecting the underlying business logic in the model. This flexibility allows for more efficient development and maintenance, especially in large and complex projects.
  4. Flexibility in User Interface: MVC allows for different implementations of the view layer, which provides flexibility in supporting various user interfaces. For example, you can have a web-based view and a mobile app view that both interact with the same model and controller.
  5. Improved Collaboration: MVC's clear separation of responsibilities makes it easier for developers to collaborate on a project. Different team members can work on different components independently, reducing conflicts and enabling parallel development.
  6. Code Reusability: By separating concerns, code related to business logic can be reused across different platforms and user interfaces. This can save development time and effort, especially when building applications for multiple platforms or devices.

Limitations of MVC:

  1. Tight Coupling: In MVC, the view and controller are tightly coupled, meaning they have direct dependencies on each other. This can result in difficulties when making changes to either component without affecting the other. It can also make unit testing more challenging, as isolating and testing individual components becomes more complex.
  2. Lack of Separation of Concerns: MVC does not enforce a strict separation of concerns between the view, model, and controller. As a result, it is common for view-related logic, business logic, and data access logic to be mixed together within the controller, leading to code that is harder to understand, maintain, and test.
  3. Large and Complex Controllers: In MVC, the controller often becomes a central hub for handling user interactions, managing the view, and coordinating data operations. This can lead to the controller becoming bloated and difficult to maintain as the application grows in size and complexity.
  4. Limited Reusability: MVC does not inherently promote code reusability, as components are tightly coupled. Reusing a controller or view in a different context or application can be challenging, as they are often tied to specific models and views.
  5. Lack of Event-Driven Architecture: MVC does not provide a built-in mechanism for handling asynchronous events and updates. Handling events, such as network responses or user interactions, often requires manual coordination between the view, controller, and model, leading to complex and error-prone code.
  6. View-State Management: MVC does not provide a standardized approach for managing view state, especially during configuration changes or lifecycle events. Developers need to implement their own mechanisms for preserving and restoring the view state, which can be error-prone and lead to inconsistent behavior.


In the MVC architecture, the view and model should not have direct references to each other. The controller acts as an intermediary between the view and model, handling user interactions and updating the model and view accordingly.

Here's a simple example to demonstrate the MVC pattern in Android:


View (MainActivity.kt):

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
? ? private lateinit var controller: UserController

? ? override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
? ? ? ? super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)
? ? ? ? setContentView(R.layout.activity_main)
? ? ? ??
? ? ? ? controller = UserController(this)

? ? ? ? // Set up UI components and event listeners
? ? ? ? val button = findViewById<Button>(
? ? ? ? button.setOnClickListener {
? ? ? ? ? ? controller.onButtonClick()
? ? ? ? }
? ? }

? ? fun displayUserInfo(user: User) {
? ? ? ? // Update UI to display user information
? ? ? ? val textView = findViewById<TextView>(
? ? ? ? textView.text = "User ID: ${}\nUser Name: ${}"
? ? }


Controller (UserController.kt):

class UserController(private val context: Context) {
? ? private val model: UserModel = UserModel()

? ? fun onButtonClick() {
? ? ? ? val user = model.getUser()
? ? ? ? if (context is MainActivity) {
? ? ? ? ? ? context.displayUserInfo(user)
? ? ? ? }
? ? }




data class User(val id: Int, val name: String)         


class UserModel {
? ? fun getUser(): User {
? ? ? ? // Perform some logic to fetch user data
? ? ? ? return User(1, "John Doe")
? ? }


In this example, the MainActivity serves as the view, UserController acts as the controller, and UserModel represents the model. The view registers a click listener on a button, which calls the controller's onButtonClick() method. The controller interacts with the model to retrieve the user data and then updates the view by calling the displayUserInfo() method.

It's important to note that this is a simplified example and doesn't cover every aspect of a complete MVC implementation. The main idea is to demonstrate the separation of concerns between the view, controller, and model. In a real-world application, you would have more complex interactions and additional components.

Problem with above code all components are tightly coupled:

In a more modular and decoupled design, it is advisable to introduce interfaces for the controller, model, and user. This promotes loose coupling and makes it easier to swap out implementations if needed. Here's an updated example:

interface IUser {
? ? val id: Int
? ? val name: String

interface IUserModel {
? ? fun getUser(): IUser

interface IUserController {
? ? fun onButtonClick()

class User(private val _id: Int, private val _name: String) : IUser {
? ? override val id: Int
? ? ? ? get() = _id

? ? override val name: String
? ? ? ? get() = _name

class UserModel : IUserModel {
? ? override fun getUser(): IUser {
? ? ? ? // Perform some logic to fetch user data
? ? ? ? return User(1, "Jai ShreeRam")
? ? }

class UserController(private val context: Context, 
         private val model: IUserModel) : IUserController {
? ? override fun onButtonClick() {
? ? ? ? val user = model.getUser()
        if (context is MainActivity) {
? ? }

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
? ? private lateinit var controller: IUserController

? ? override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
? ? ? ? super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)
? ? ? ? setContentView(R.layout.activity_main)
? ? ? ??
? ? ? ? val model: IUserModel = UserModel()
? ? ? ? controller = UserController(this, model)

? ? ? ? // Set up UI components and event listeners
? ? ? ? val button = findViewById<Button>(
? ? ? ? button.setOnClickListener {
? ? ? ? ? ? controller.onButtonClick()
? ? ? ? }
? ? }

? ? fun displayUserInfo(user: IUser) {
? ? ? ? // Update UI to display user information
? ? ? ? val textView = findViewById<TextView>(
? ? ? ? textView.text = "User ID: ${}\nUser Name: ${}"
? ? }

In the above updated example, the interfaces IUser, IUserModel, and IUserController define the contract or behavior that the User, UserModel, and UserController classes must adhere to.

The UserController now takes an instance of IUserModel in its constructor, allowing different implementations of IUserModel to be injected. This promotes flexibility and makes it easier to replace the model implementation without modifying the controller.

Similarly, the MainActivity now depends on IUserController, enabling different implementations of IUserController to be used interchangeably.

By introducing interfaces, you decouple the concrete implementations from their dependencies, making the code more modular, testable, and maintainable.

There is one more problem in the above code:

The dependencies are still created from within the class, which does not fully demonstrate the benefits of Dependency Injection (DI). Allow me to explain the advantages of DI and how it helps to address the issues of tight coupling.

Dependency Injection is a design pattern that promotes loose coupling and separation of concerns in software components. It helps achieve the Dependency Inversion Principle (the D in SOLID), which states that high-level modules should not depend on low-level modules; both should depend on abstractions.

Implementation of Dependency Injection (DI) in the provided example, we can use a DI framework like Dagger, which helps with managing dependencies and injecting them into the classes.

Here's an updated example using Dagger for DI:

  1. Add Dagger dependencies to your project:

implementation '' 
kapt ''         

2. Create the necessary Dagger components and modules:

@Component(modules = [AppModule::class])
interface AppComponent {
? ? fun inject(activity: MainActivity)

class AppModule(private val context: Context) {
? ? @Provides
? ? fun provideContext(): Context = context

? ? @Provides
? ? fun provideUserModel(): IUserModel = UserModel()

3. Update MainActivity to use Dagger for injection:

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
? ? @Inject
? ? lateinit var controller: IUserController

? ? override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
? ? ? ? super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)
? ? ? ? setContentView(R.layout.activity_main)

? ? ? ? DaggerAppComponent.builder()
? ? ? ? ? ? .appModule(AppModule(applicationContext))
? ? ? ? ? ? .build()
? ? ? ? ? ? .inject(this)

? ? ? ? // Set up UI components and event listeners
? ? ? ? val button = findViewById<Button>(
? ? ? ? button.setOnClickListener {
? ? ? ? ? ? controller.onButtonClick()
? ? ? ? }
? ? }

? ? fun displayUserInfo(user: IUser) {
? ? ? ? // Update UI to display user information
? ? ? ? val textView = findViewById<TextView>(
? ? ? ? textView.text = "User ID: ${}\nUser Name: ${}"
? ? }

Now, the MainActivity is annotated with @Inject for the IUserController dependency, and the AppComponent is used to inject the dependencies using the inject(this) method.

By using Dagger and DI, the dependencies are managed by the DI framework, allowing for easier configuration and decoupling of components. This way, you can provide different implementations of dependencies by modifying the Dagger module and ensure that the dependencies are injected correctly throughout the application.

There is advanced DI called Hilt , which is considered to easier than Dagger:

Advantage of hilt over dagger 2:

Hilt, which is built on top of Dagger 2:

  1. Simplified setup: Hilt simplifies the setup and configuration process compared to Dagger 2. It reduces boilerplate code by automatically generating components and modules, making dependency injection easier to integrate into your Android project.
  2. Integration with Android components: Hilt is designed specifically for Android and integrates well with Android components such as activities, fragments, services, and ViewModels. It provides annotations like @AndroidEntryPoint and predefined components like ActivityComponent and ViewModelComponent that automatically handle the injection of dependencies into these components.
  3. Reduced manual configuration: Hilt reduces the need for manual configuration and setup by leveraging code generation and annotation processing. It automatically generates Dagger components and modules based on the annotated classes and their dependencies, reducing the need for writing repetitive boilerplate code.
  4. Simplified testing: Hilt provides an easy way to swap dependencies during testing. It allows you to replace the default dependencies with test doubles or mocks, making it simpler to write unit tests for your Android components.
  5. Improved readability and maintainability: Hilt promotes a more declarative and readable code style compared to Dagger 2. It simplifies the dependency injection code and provides a clear and consistent structure, making it easier to understand and maintain the codebase.

HILT implementation:

Example implementation of Dependency Injection using Hilt. However, please note that Hilt requires certain setup and configuration in the project, and it might be easier to follow the official Hilt documentation for a complete integration. The example provided here will give you an idea of how DI can be implemented using Hilt in Android.

Step 1: Add Hilt dependencies

To use Hilt in your project, you need to add the necessary dependencies in your project's build.gradle file. Here's an example of how to add the dependencies:

// build.gradle (project-level)

buildscript {
? ? dependencies {
? ? ? ? // Add the Hilt plugin
? ? ? ? classpath ""
? ? }

// build.gradle (app-level)

apply plugin: 'kotlin-kapt'
apply plugin: ''

dependencies {
? ? // Add Hilt dependencies
? ? implementation ""
? ? kapt ""

Step 2: Enable Hilt in your Application class

Create an Application class for your project (if you don't have one already) and annotate it with @HiltAndroidApp. This annotation enables Hilt in your application.

class MyApp : Application()         

Step 3: Define the DI module

Create a DI module to provide the dependencies. In this case, we'll create a UserModule to provide the UserController dependency. Annotate the module with @Module and specify the scope in which the module should be installed (e.g., @InstallIn(ActivityComponent::class) if the controller is used in activities).

object UserModule {
? ? @Provides
? ? fun provideUserController(userModel: IUserModel): IUserController {
? ? ? ? return UserController(userModel)
? ? }

? ? @Provides
? ? fun provideUserModel(): IUserModel {
? ? ? ? return UserModel()
? ? }

Step 4: Inject dependencies in the UserController

Annotate the UserController with @Inject to enable dependency injection. Hilt will automatically provide the dependencies.

class UserController @Inject constructor(private val userModel: IUserModel) :
      IUserController {
? ? // Rest of the UserController code

Step 5: Inject dependencies in the MainActivity

Annotate the MainActivity with @AndroidEntryPoint to enable Hilt injection. Then, annotate the dependency you want to inject (UserController in this case) with @Inject.

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
     lateinit var userController: UserController 
     // Rest of the activity code 

That's it! Hilt will take care of creating and providing the instances of the dependencies defined in the DI module. IUserController is correctly injected into the MainActivity using Hilt. The UserController itself depends on IUserModel, and Hilt will automatically provide an instance of UserModel as a dependency for the UserController during injection when the annotated fields are accessed.

Please note that this is a simplified example, and in a real-world scenario, you might have more complex dependencies and configurations. Make sure to follow the official Hilt documentation for a complete understanding of the setup process and more advanced usage.

Benefits of DI:

  1. Decoupling and Flexibility: DI decouples the creation and management of dependencies from the dependent classes. By providing dependencies from outside, the class no longer needs to directly create its dependencies, allowing for more flexibility in choosing and modifying those dependencies. This decoupling makes the classes easier to test, maintain, and modify.
  2. Testability: DI enables easier unit testing by allowing dependencies to be easily mocked or stubbed. With DI, you can inject mock implementations of dependencies during testing, making it possible to isolate and test each component independently.
  3. Reusability and Extensibility: With DI, dependencies can be easily swapped or extended with different implementations. By depending on abstractions (interfaces or abstract classes) instead of concrete implementations, you can easily provide different implementations based on specific needs or switch implementations without modifying the dependent class.
  4. Single Responsibility Principle: DI promotes the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) by separating the responsibility of creating and managing dependencies into dedicated components (e.g., DI containers or modules). Each class can focus on its core responsibility without worrying about creating or managing dependencies.

Remember that the MVC pattern aims to separate responsibilities and maintain a clear division between the view, controller, and model. The model represents the data and business logic, the view handles the UI presentation, and the controller handles user interactions and updates between the model and view.

Note that in Android, the traditional MVC architecture is often modified to fit the framework's specific patterns and components.

Thanks for reading till end. Please comment if any!


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