Mutual recognition for engineers and more talk on growing Universities.
Washington Accord
At the annual International?Engineering Alliance Meeting?(IEAM) held on June 11-15, 2023 in Taichung, Taiwan,?the Washington Accord?(WA) affirmed by acclamation the?Full Signatory?status for PII/IABEE with full membership rights and substantial equivalent recognition retroactively applicable since 2021.?Washington Accord?is an international agreement between institutions organizing accreditation of undergraduate study programs in engineering. With this confirmation, graduates produced by study programs accredited by IABEE starting in 2021 are recognized?as "substantially equivalent"?to graduates of study programs accredited by 22 other WA member countries in meeting the requirements to prepare graduates to enter engineering practice. IABEE (Indonesian Accreditation Board for Engineering Education) is a Permanent Body within the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII). See; Press Release : Pengukuhan IABEE sebagai Anggota Washington Accord Signatory ? IABEE – Indonesian Accreditation Board for Engineering Education
MRA between PII and Engineers Australia.
Parallel efforts for mutual recognition were recently undertaken when PII and Engineers Australia signed the milestone agreement in June 23; The Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) will allow practicing engineers on the respective International Engineering Alliance APEC Agreement registers to benefit from a significantly streamlined assessment process in each country. Chartered Engineers Australia members will now be eligible for the title of Professional Engineer from the PII. Those PII members with relevant engineering qualifications and the titles of Professional Engineer or Executive Professional Engineer, will be eligible for Chartered status with Engineers Australia. See;
Engineers practicing in the following engineering disciplines are covered under the MRA:?Aerospace, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Environmental, Geotechnical, Mechanical, Petroleum engineering and information, Telecommunications and electronics.?
These initiatives give a clear path for a Chartered Engineer from Australia to get recognition of degree by PII and then STRI. Reciprocal is recognition of degree and Australasia and then registration in QLD or Victoria where registration is required. However, work permits in each country are a separate matter.
Such mutual recognition was emphasized in The ASIA Society monthly briefing #64 of 28 July 2023 mentions that “Better business visa access for Indonesians and more Australian universities in Indonesia were the highlights of what was likely the last bilateral business visit to Australia by Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo before he leaves office next year”. Key developments may include; “There will be improved visa access for Indonesian businesspeople and frequent travelers, mutual professional recognition for engineers and new pathways to support skills exchange under the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA)”. See; Briefing MONTHLY #64 | July 2023 | Asia Society
Workplace/skills programs under the IA-CEPA
There are three skills programs under the IA-CEPA which offer opportunities in education, skills and training, as well as the important aspect of establishing people-to-people links to foster greater cultural literacy and linguistic skills: the Indonesia-Australia Skills Development Exchange Pilot Project, Workplace-Based Training Visa Arrangement Pilot, and working holiday visa program. These programs have been underutilized (none in 2023) due to low levels of awareness, and too much paperwork from both Indonesian and Australia. Skills exchange under the IA-CEPA has received attention at the top tier of government with Indonesian President Jokowi’s recent visit to Australia. These workplace / skill programs (including mining) are under review by both Australia and Indonesia, with revised versions hoped to be signed soon. See; 20230817 - RPT - Indonesia a long-term partnership - Report 5 - EISC FINAL.pdf
Monash University has provided a pathway for Australian universities to operate in Indonesia, and so broaden Indonesian education opportunities. Apparently, discussions are ongoing to facilitate more Australian universities to enter Indonesia. One submission to the discussion related to Curtin University that pointed the committee towards an example in Queensland where mining company Thiess has joined with Queensland higher education and VET providers to deliver training initiatives in Indonesia. Over 1,000 people have graduated from the training, ensuring the company has a skilled workforce for its Indonesian-based projects. See; 20230817 - RPT - Indonesia a long-term partnership - Report 5 - EISC FINAL.pdf
Perhaps future university courses may be located in Surabaya, or other cities, as available under the Western Australia – East Java sister state agreement. Future arrangements could be better used to increase mutually beneficial collaboration, particularly in relation to increasing both student and teacher mobility. Funding remains a significant obstacle.?