Mutual Funds On Blockchain By Elysium

Mutual Funds On Blockchain By Elysium

Investing in mutual funds is a popular choice for individuals looking to grow their wealth over the long term. These investment vehicles, which pool money from multiple investors to purchase securities like stocks, bonds, and other assets, are professionally managed and often seen as less risky than individual stock investments. However, despite their appeal, mutual funds come with hidden costs and restrictions which can eat away at investors' returns. Many investors do not realise how much they lose to ancillary expenses associated with mutual funds, or how little control they actually have over these investments, which can negatively impact performance.

The Hidden Costs Of Mutual Fund Investments

Investors typically understand that mutual funds come with expense ratios, trading expenses and other charges. But few realise that such fees, along with other hidden expenses, can significantly reduce yields (in case of positive returns). Below, we discuss some of the additional, often-overlooked expenses which investors must bear when investing in traditional mutual funds:

Expense Ratios?

A mutual fund's expense ratio consists of charges levied on participants by a firm for the fund’s management, expressed as a percentage of investments. Think of it as a management fee paid to the fund-management firm to cover its operational costs such as fund manager salaries, legal fees and marketing expenses. The average expense ratio for actively managed equity mutual funds is about 0.68%, while passively managed index funds typically charge lower fees, averaging around 0.06% to 0.15%. Over time, these seemingly negligible percentages can have a huge impact on the compounded growth of investments.e.g. if an investor places $100,000 in a fund with an annual expense ratio of 1%, they will pay $1,000 each year in fees. While this may not seem excessive, consider the impact over a 20-year period with compounding returns. Such annual fees could amount to tens of thousands of dollars in lost opportunity cost.

Transaction Costs And Trading Expenses

In addition to the expense ratio, investors also incur trading costs, a significant hidden expense in actively managed funds. Mutual funds trade securities frequently to achieve their investment objectives, and every trade involves costs such as broker fees and the bid-ask spread (the difference between the price at which a security can be bought and sold). These costs are not reflected in the fund's expense ratio but are instead levied onto investors indirectly by reducing the fund's returns.

Trading expenses can range from 0.2% to 2% of assets per year in actively managed funds. Once again, this may seem innocuous at first glance, but when combined with the expense ratio, can substantially drain returns. High-frequency trading in mutual funds not only increases costs but may also lead to adverse price impacts, where large trades shift market prices, resulting in additional costs for the fund and, consequently, the investors.

Tax Implications Of Turnover

Mutual funds are required to distribute almost all of their realised capital gains to investors each year. This means that if the fund manager actively buys and sells securities, generating capital gains, investors are required to pay taxes on those gains. High turnover rates in actively managed funds can lead to considerable tax burdens for investors, even if they themselves never sold any shares of the mutual fund. For investors holding mutual funds in taxable accounts, these capital gains distributions can lead to unexpected tax bills. A fund with high turnover rates - common among actively managed funds - can pass along a substantial tax drag to investors, adding to the costs of ownership and further diminishing overall returns.

Sales Charges (Loads)

Loads are commissions which can range from 1% to 5%, charged to investors for buying or redeeming shares in a mutual fund. Even no-load funds can have hidden fees, such as 12b-1 fees, which cover marketing and distribution expenses. Although they are limited to a maximum of 1% per year, they can still add up over time and debilitate returns.

All in all, investments in mutual funds, while popular, suffer from a drainage of true returns.? Investors in mutual funds that had significant exposure to appreciating shares do receive substantial returns, albeit significantly lower than direct stockholders.

No flexibility

Since shares in mutual funds cannot be traded on exchanges, and can only be bought and sold at the fund's net asset value (NAV), it is not as easy for investors to trade them. Due to the absence of secondary markets, investors do not have an efficient exit strategy, should they need one, making mutual funds a relatively illiquid asset.?

Lack Of Information?

Private market Investors do not have access to the same level of information about private companies as they do with publicly traded firms, making it harder to make informed decisions.? The infrequent valuation of private market assets leads to difficulties in assessing their current worth. This contrasts with public markets, where stock prices reflect real-time trading activity and market sentiment.

Regain Control And Minimise Losses With Elysium

Elysium enables market participants to invest in private equity funds (amongst other assets) by tokenizing them on blockchain. Tokenization typically turns the value of an asset into programmable digital tokens which can be owned and transferred like securities allowing for fractional ownership of assets. In this way, Elysium offers users the benefits of mutual funds without the hidden expenses traditionally associated with them.?

Elysium mutual funds allow like-minded investors to pool their resources together in order to invest in the most attractive assets available. With fast finality of transactions, participants are assured that their money will not be misused. But best of all, investors need not forgo a part of their returns - all profits remain with them!?

Bid Adieu To Superfluous Fees

Club Elysium does not subject its users to any hidden charges or unnecessary transaction fees. Transacting on blockchain enables fast settlement and lowers operational costs, making for cost-effective transactions. Intermediary fees which tend to be unjustifiably high and eat into raised capital are completely eliminated. With no delay in the settlement of transactions, investors can swiftly buy or sell securities without missing out on opportunities arising out of delays in settlement. Additionally, Elysium allows for no compromise as regards compliance with laws, ensuring seamless transactions. Further, operational costs associated with fund management, data reconciliation and user verification are all but done away with through blockchain-based automation.?

Complete Transparency, Control And Aligned Incentives

Further, investors are afforded total control of their investments as they themselves choose the assets in which they would like to invest. In order to keep the interests and strategies of co-investors aligned, the platform employs smart contracts which automate fund management. Smart contracts are self-executing contracts containing agreement-terms which are directly written into their code. They run on blockchain networks and automatically enforce the terms of a contract when preset conditions are met, eliminating the need for intermediaries and providing transparency, security and efficiency in transactions. For instance, investors can mutually agree on a lock-in period, which will prevent them from prematurely exiting before the expiry of the term. Investors may also set minimum selling prices and tweak other investment parameters so as to preserve investment focus. If a majority of token-holders agree, assets can be authorised to be sold, or traded for tokens of other assets.

Current, Shareable Data Across Various Platforms

The Elysium platform allows investors access to aggregated and current private market data, enabling improved decision-making. Cumbersome processes pertaining to proving identity and validating complex assets like property and funds have been made swift and seamless courtesy of standardised verifiable credentials. Both people as well as assets can be instantly authenticated, their records shared with any counterparty while remaining tamper-proof.


While mutual funds remain a convenient and accessible investment option, they are fraught with hidden expenses and lack of control, which erode true returns and reduce the effectiveness of traditional mutual funds as wealth-building vehicles. Club Elysium offers a groundbreaking investment solution, one which eliminates hidden fees and preserves investors’ control over their investments. This is achieved in the most secure fashion, in compliance with all relevant laws. Why not give it a go? Schedule a demo today!



