MUTCD Update Announced
Gene Hawkins (Texas A&M) made all National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices Committee (NCUTCD) members aware of a press conference today where Elaine Chao announced the release of Automated Vehicle 3.0 regarding the advancement of automated vehicle technologies. In the press conference (about minute 50) Martin Knopp, Associate Administrator for Operation announces the intent to update the MUTCD. While no dates are established for the notice of proposed amendment (NPA) of the MUTCD, that is likely to be coming forward shortly.
For many of us in the transportation profession, this comes as welcome news and good communication in advance of the common rush to the NPA (easily the best thing I saw this week - BTISTW #6). The January meeting of the NCUTCD just got immensely more interesting. It sounds like we will be heading toward final rule making in the next two years, given the process of drafting, response & comments, and final preparation for the Federal Register. Then another year or two for each state to adopt the updated MUTCD. While it may seem like a long time, addressing the input of thousands of interested parties to make a better manual is not achieved autocratically. Time to start the engines and prepare for making our transportation system safer through uniformity, research and innovation.
Promoter and Designer of State-of-the-Art Transportation Systems that Maximize Passenger Throughput while Stimulating Economies and Preserving the Environment
6 年Very helpful! Thank you Randy McCourt.