Cf. vid below of of MEP M. Sonneborn

plus English lingo transcript





The EU has completely emptied

its own stocks,

its production capacities

and now wants

led by one of its corruption caputniks (Czech Republic)

800,000 artillery shells on international markets

for 1.5 billion euros.

and on the opaque shadow markets of Africa,

without revealing to anyone the slightest,





Has the EU now also suspended

the minimum standards

for legally compliant administrative behaviour

alongside with its peace mandate?

The mere suspicion of initiating

non-transparent transactions

with amunition dealers

would however have led to the resignation

of the entire Commission

until recently.






which also reports on this outrageous nonsense

with a holy seriousness,

as if it were a matter of

the resurrection of the right sandale of Jesus Christ.

At the same time, Macron,

offended in his Napoleonic-meant Lilliputian honour,

is calling on

the average European,

who is already vegetating

under difficult wartime living conditions,

to do so with

a gloomy murmur,

not to be a "SISSY!"

and to finally face up to this "story"

- hurtling towards him

with the force of a decommissioned Lada -.

Finally, there is the billionaire Thierry Breton in Brussels,

as trained transmission belt

between (private) big business

and (public) administration and EU Commissioner

for everything,

that is NOT knocked out of his meticulously manicured claws.

Using his usual cryptic abbreviations

(after "EDIDP" & "ASAP" now "EDIP" & "EDIS"),

he presents the Commission's programme

for transforming the indigestible remains of the European economy

into a "WAR ECONOMY":

Grants, loans, tax exemptions

in a perspective of a magnitude of 100 billion euros

for the industrial amuniton complex,

which is thus freed from

any risk of loss for the foreseeable future

Financed from


confiscated third-party assets,

own funds

and donations from the NEEDY

(Donating was fun fact).

For two years now,

the winner of the EU Nobel Peace Prize

has flatly refused to use


to pacify its own continent,

when preferring instead

to prepare for

the same "great conflict" with money

that is

in equal parts borrowed (financial markets),

stolen (Russian state assets)

and self-made

(ECB potato printing technology),

which the latter at the same time stubbornly refuses to stop.




black market deals

and arms trade,

unaccountable lack of transparency,

war financing

& war preparation to a deafening pre-Wilhelminian War clamor




War economy.

That the EU,

which is not even a state,

would have explained at all,

or could & should have explained,

the WAR

that is necessarily associated with

the proclamation of this economic mode

declared by the mufti

to any other supranational administrative apparatus

(IMF? (IMF? WHO? Universal Postal Union?)

THAT would - of course - BE NEW to us.

And the Commission itself wisely leaves this question,

which is confusing

in terms of thinking and argumentation,

in the artless vagueness of Richter's blurring.

In other words, a war economy.

To be on the safe side,

dress warmly out there,

as historical experience shows, that

open proclamations of this content

are often followed by

Raw material rationing,

Forced requisitions

(Church bells,

Car tyres,

Nutella reserves),

Semi-instructive handouts in Sütterlin script

("Save soap! But how?")


monochrome meal vouchers.

For its part, possibly followed by

a condition known as

"hunger winter",

which would bring tears of sincere self-pity

to the eyes of

today's lifestyle war mongers.

(see Wikipedia, p. 1946/47 ff.).


is now openly admitting

what it has been doing for some time,

in a rare moment

of completely unabashed use of language:




The Union has long since abandoned

its traditional main field of activity,

the economy,


from being an instrument for securing prosperity

to an ideologically (remotely) controllable weapon.

The era of

globalisation campaigns and neoliberal victory slogans

seems to be over for good.

After decades of fighting for

free world trade and the opening of markets,

the EU is now

fighting for the exact opposite

at least since it entered the big sanctions business.

Since none of their thirteen packages of sanctions

(imposed under the influence of boundless hybris)

could produce the effect - previously falsely attributed to them -,

the EU has recently even entered

the ethically and legally mined terrain of secondary sanctions

(see Google),

which are aimed at

the extraterritorial enforcement of its own EU legal acts.

They concentrate everything

that the geopolitical West has to offer in terms of

pre-democratic behaviour of dominance

and (post-)colonial will to subjugation

ever brought to the market

under an euphemistic label.

Not enough, that the EU,

with the imposition of secondary sanctions

is adopting the USA's well-known practice

of schoolyard bullying,

it is knowingly violating international law.


a transatlantic brutalisation

has taken hold in the EU,

in which

international law,

administrational principles,


are taken just as little account of

as appropriate manners.

According to a report in the Financial Times,

the Council had a "confidential plan" drawn up in January

to deliberately and intentionally destabilise

the economy and currency of EU member Hungary,

to ensure

the transfer of 51 billion euros to the non-member Ukraine.

The EU therefore proceeds from withholding of funds

(after all lawful –

according to the so-called rule of law instrument)

to outright blackmailing its own member states

into compliance

by means of economic warfare.

You don't have to be a friend of

Orban, Putin or Al Capone,

to realise the explosive nature of this paper

and its underlying thought pattern,

with which the EU ultimately sets itself the goal

to hollow out

the treaty-based right of veto of a member state

NOT through

a democratically legitimised procedure

or the application of a legal provision,

but through clandestine vigilante self-justice

That the Union,

which does nothing but to represent

the interests of its members primarily in economic matters,

is seriously planning

to take action

against one of its own members,

is an almost nightmarish development,

which is by no means an expression of any kind of "defence",

but leads instead the very raison d'être of a union

to the point of absurdity

The EU accepts that its own (Hungarian) citizens

are being deliberately pushed into a maelstrom of existential collapse

by the very institution

to which they have entrusted

the protection of their economic well-being.

What European value

should such a thing correspond to

does not reveal itself

to us even – not even after thorough meditation.

The 10 commandments of the mafia, perhaps.

Incidentally, we ourselves believe that

threatening an EU member state

with economic annihilation

in order to extort money for someone else

is a perfectly viable approach.

As soon as we are in power,

we will immediately extort a pile of money from

the European moneybags in Luxembourg for

"Bread for the World".

Or from this French cheese state

for all the centuries of exploited areas,

especially in West Africa.

And if the EU survives

its economic self-destruction

(contrary to expectations),

we will finally squeeze the money out of it too,

which it has withheld

from its citizens for decades,

in order to finally repair the Europe-wide decay of

all infrastructures

and the shameful EU poverty rate

of around 22 percent.

The EU is also reportedly determined

to seize the assets of the Russian central bank,

even though

not only the central banks of Germany, France and Italy,

but also the ECB and Euroclear

(the clearing centre that holds the assets in safekeeping),

have not yet taken action,

but have instead been warning them about this - for weeks:

huge risks for Europe's financial stability,

Effects on the markets,

unforeseeable legal consequences.

State assets

enjoy immunity under international law.

If the EU were to undermine this principle

in a coup d'état,

this would result in

"a considerable loss of confidence

in the Euroclear system,

in the European capital markets,

in the euro as a (reserve) currency",

says Lieve Mostrey, Managing Director of Euroclear.

The fact that the EU is seriously planning

to gain access to

other people's property

is not only - once again - sublimely stupidly self-defeating,

but - once again - simply illegal,

whichever way it turns.

In the legal codes of civilised countries,

this is still punishable as "theft"

(if the EU Commission has not yet changed it):

the unlawful appropriation of

another person's property.

All ?Honks“ resp. Fools

who may still cheer this approach today,

have obviously not yet realised

the implications of such an act:

A transnational organisation

with a semi-democratic basis of legitimacy

begins with grabing

one of the most essential foundations of the social order,

which itself propagates:

the property.

If his blank (constitutionally protected) term in the EU

is no longer worth the paper it was once written on,


any unprotected property becomes

the arbitrary prey of its hunters



we will be able to conviscate the assets of




and the Bild newspaper,

to finally distribute it among all those

who have been harmed by them

- for light years.

Blackrock and Vanguard

can then, of course,

forget about their so-called property,

same as VON DER LEYEN and Thierry Breton.

The latter, by the way, has just bought

his own castle with guard rails in Gargilesse-Dampierre (Département Indre)

in order to be safe from the foreseeable consequences

of the WAR ECONOMY he has declared.


who has followed the development of the vaccine contracts,

can imagine for themselves how



and compliant centralised EU amunition purchases

would be under VON DER LEYEN,

along the lines of which

also the EU amunition contracts

that are rolling towards us - by the billions

are to be modelled on

according to the Commission President

"very successfully!"

Since 2018, Ombudsman Emily O'Reilly has repeatedly called on the Commission

in vain –

to eliminate the scandalous lack of transparency

in the flow of EU funding to the defence industry,

which has been defended tooth and nail

by the EU institutions involved

for years.

Not even the names of the external "experts" are public,

from which the EU obtains "advice" on the financing of military projects,

just as little as their "reports"

which, after all, trigger the use of millions of euros.

Not to mention that

there is even less than a rudimentary guarantee,

that those experts

are not directly (or otherwise)

on the payroll of those defence companies

that subsequently benefit from released EU funds.

Moreover, according to O'Reilly,

the Commission is jeopardising

the "integrity of the EU administration",

as it is NOT taking decisive action

against revolving door practices.

This also applies to the field of armaments,

where Jorge Domecq, - Head of the European Defence Agency EDA -,

moved to

the aerospace group Airbus as a lobbyist

one of the largest contractors of the EU agency

he previously headed.

just months after leaving office in 2020.


It will be interesting to see

in which industry Defence Commissioner Thierry Breton,

who has done nothing but move back and forth

between CEO positions and political posts

throughout his life,

will re-appear after his time as Commissioner has come to an end.

In case he does not succeed

in getting hold of VON DER LEYEN's current position,

which he is of course also considering.

"It's the old Watergate thing,

follow the money!",

recommends the European Ombudsman O'Reilly.

Perhaps above all that of the EU Commissioners,


We look you in the eye, European blindness!

[cited by René Pollesch (at least almost)]

Also their new defence procurement slogan


The Commission should immediately put it back

in the same drawer

from which it had pulled it.

The European military companies

that benefit from EU defence funding

are also co-owned

by large investment funds

like their US counterparts:

BlackRock, Vanguard, Capital, etc.

They cleverly own shares in

EU defence companies

and their US competitors

at the same time.

This common ownership problem

not only creates

incentives for higher prices and lower production,

but is known to distort competition

and entail the risk of veritable trust formation.

In any other economic sector,

the Commission would enforce

its own competition rules with boxing gloves.

It never did so here.

The European Network Against Arms Trade (ENAAT)

was already (deeply) wrinkling its forehead

long before the war in Ukraine broke

the last floodgates

of EU-certified capital re-allocation

into the military-industrial complex:

"We are opening Pandora's box.

Europe is becoming a cash cow

(for the defence industry),

a source of financing without restrictions."

Never mind!

"Raise the tattered European flag,

Raise your inner bayonet",

the Commission shouts to its sedated

EU citizen′s masses,

who, for their part,

cannot recognise any serious contradiction in this,

that the EU

is now adding to its inexhaustible supply of empty phrases

an equally inexhaustible supply of


into this great "peace",

the words of which

are still written in capital letters in their CFREU charter.

But such an EU, with respect,

was never founded in Europe.

The teleological and interpretative contortions

that the EU has made along the way

from economic warfare to the war economy

are, surprisingly, legion.

Gablers Wirtschaftslexikon teaches us with alarm that

war economies,

while formally maintaining the market,

suspend its central mechanisms

in order to replace them with

an "administrative system

geared towards military purposes"

with the object to replace it.


the haven of an uncompromising free market economy.

Where exactly in the relevant EU treaties

a Commission competence

to establish this "special form

of centralised management for armaments purposes"

is to be found,

only the gods know.

The Commission's combat operations

have long been focussed on

the residue-free suppression of European founding ideas

carried out in the classic step-by-step system of

gradual escalation:

First strike,

Second strike,

Final pulverisation by atomic Boom.

For contrary to what you are being led to believe today,

the EU is by no means adapting reactively or overnight

to any surprising development in the geopolitical present.

Rather, it presents the results accumulated over the years.

Its Frankensteinian transformation

into a militarisation project


Within the Commission, we were prepared for this war,

which had been prepared for you out there

in the best possible way.

With the

"East StratCom Task Force",

the "Strategic Communications Team East",

the EU had already created

its own means of fighting the battlefield of "hybrid" war

on the field of interpretative sovereignty in 2015:

an official office for


knowledge rectification

and informational orthodoxy

that has always been so ideological,

militant and mind-bendingly misleading,

that it only appeared to be "neutral"

to the most hardened idiots.

Tambour-Majorin VON DER LEYEN

had the commission taken over quickly


an instrument of lively democratic consensus-building

into one of

dull cadre obedience with a vertical command structure:



as was rumoured among journalists

at the beginning of her term of office.

Wise, kind and foresighted

- as von der Leyen is,

as early as 2019 she considered it

an absolute necessity

to add a new General directorate

on the organisation chart of the EU,

[which was (inadvertently) declared Nobel Peace Prize winner in 2012],

to add that way

the official bullet point of a STABLE ARMOURING

a veritable breach of taboo

that made pessimists, Cassandras and us

freeze our breath - even then.


is the first female Commission President

in the 60-year history of the EU,

to give ARMAMENT

its own Directorate-General,

its own departmental responsibility

and its own Commissioner

dedicated to REARM:

War Commissioner Thierry Breton,

who has been working for over a year on the organization

the war economy,

which he is now officially proclaiming

in the name of the EU.

If only our fathers could have lived to see this

or our fathers' fathers.

Or at least those much-cited founding figures of the EU,

who had - completely guilelessly - done

the preliminary intellectual dirty work

for European "integration"

without even having a clue,

what this would lead to in 2024 under such a



A development

such as the current one,

which - with full awareness of its current decision-makers –

amounts to

the systematic armament of Europe,

would have left them fathers


(size 3XL).

After all, it is

in open contradiction to the binding Union treaties

signed by them,

in which they had

- also in full awareness –

anchored a strict ban on

the financing of armaments

in Article 41, paragraph 2 TEU,

more precisely for

all "expenditure"

with "military and defence policy implications"

from the Union's budget funds.

In the past, of course,

the Commission has never been at a loss

for creative ideas to circumvent this ban.

IT hid

donations to the Kawumm-industry

in budget items for

"science", "research", "development", "modernisation" and "infrastructure",

"Promoting competition", "Cohesion"

or (new to the programme) "Greening".

And at the same time

created parallel financial structures of Orwellian proportions

to ensure the reliable flow

of funds to the military-industrial complex

via shadow budgets.

Of course,

not without making use of exactly the same semantic re-interpretations

that George Orwell had foreseen for

the soulless systems of rule of the times to come

for example,

the European Peace Facility,

which has financed nothing but war operations

since it was founded,


the aforementioned centre

for combating "disinformation",


apart from its ideology nailed in cheap field of grey,

has nothing informative to offer,

is to be cited here.

In any case, nothing

apart from their anti-enlightenment intention

to make any autonomous, critical

or even just educated middle-class evaluation

and contextualisation competence outside their own four concrete walls

impossible for the time being.

Ways and means,

programmes and funding,

re-allocations and mislabelling

with the (never entirely altruistic) help of

a parliamentary-bureaucratic black bloc

of conservative arms and neo-conservative transatlantic lobbyists,

who have always - and not only in Brussels - been faithful

to each other.

We of course, never got that far with our prophetic demand

"Waffles instead of ?Waffen!"

although it is far less crazy

than anything

that has emerged in the militarized EU in recent years.

It is a maneuver on the extreme edge

of legal permissibility,

a "militarization on the ruins of law",

as constitutional law expert

Andreas Fischer-Lescano wrote back in 2018.

If the EU were to actually go down this route,

in addition to

all the previous militarization steps

that have already been taken illegally

to use its own (and personally stolen) budget funds

for its armament fantasies,

this would be an open breach of the law.

The EU Commission is thus violating

the text and spirit of its own treaty.

And no matter how much

(armour-affine) legal scholars

try to explain themselves

in brain-knotting loops of interpretation,

why it could nevertheless be legally compliant

from a legal point of view

to circumvent this legally binding provision of the EU Constitution

by means of

a legally effective violation of the law,

all their legal-semantic argumentation pirouettes must fail

at the latest when it comes to

the much-vaunted SPIRIT of these treaties,

namely the INTENT,

with which European states have entered into

a common community

and to which the European institutions themselves

were never tired of referring to elsewhere.

In fact, those founding fathers

unlike the daughters of their sons today -

were still under the more direct impression

of the continental devastation of two world wars.

We can confidently assume that

the often referenced battle words


by the European war and post-war generation

were based on

the deepest possible conviction and the firm intention

to never

succumb to such madness again,

which had made it seem reasonable in a twisted way,

to NOT spend

vast sums of financial and political capital to

the happiness and well-being of Europeans,

but rather to the deadly business

with lethal equipment to dedicate to the future.


the permanence of the state of emergency

has been joined by

the permanence of rule-breaking

and sheer betrayal of principles.

With the proclamation of a war economy,

the EU,

which has recently only been able

to conceal its inner state of mind

in a makeshift manner anyway,

has now shed the last of its cobalt blue camouflage suits.

And while the EU,

together with the shameful majority of European governments

is still eager

to blow every horn

that NATO

(which is still not part of the EU)

holds out to it,

we may,

since Mrs VON DER LEYEN forgot it

in her recent blood speech:

"The European Union must start

producing a new generation of weapons

in order to win on the battlefield."

call on the stunned rest of the world

for the final burial of European values:

If we didn't know

that the world spirit is anyway already

under psychiatric treatment,

we would have it be hospitalised

with this Dadaist volte face,

because an "objective reason",

or even a principle

that governs and organises Europe (or the world)

we can no longer recognise,

to the best of our knowledge,

at least no longer a benign one.

And perhaps we here

are also the lunatics

who have gradually gone mad,

because it would actually be

enough for us,

when the devious administrative monsters

that have risen from

the European founding idea,

adhered to

the rules of their own Treaties.


We never thought

that we would find ourselves

in the unpleasant position

of defending European treaties,

since we have plenty to criticise about them.

But that we would have also

to defend them against those

who are appointed to protect them,

an incumbent European Commission

together with its incumbent President,

would not even have occurred to us.


Not in the most colourful of our fever dreams.


Because, if I may say so,

such an EU was never founded in Europe.

Must be something in the water they drink at BXL:

“Being EU Citizen, they had an abiding sense of TRAGEDY, which sustained them through temporary, short periods of joy.” -


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