So he has been lying to me all this while, so he is not even impotent, so he could impregnate another woman, these were the thoughts ringing loudly in her head as the visitor revealed she was carrying her husband’s son. An argument ensued as she forced the lady out of their house, swearing continuously and beaming with a kind of anger the devil could not even match when he was banished from heaven.
He heard the whole argument between the visitor and his wife and he remembered that this was the product of the last relationship he had before he was exposed to radioactive uranium in the uranium enrichment plant he worked at for the government that rendered him impotent for life. He was deep in thoughts about how he would explain to his wife. Unknown to him, his wife was diagnosed with bipolar disorder by a psychologist after she shot her father in the leg with his own revolver for cheating on her mother; then, also fell into a depressive state where she sobbed bitterly for six months in a stretch, because her beloved movie hero “Spartacus†in the series “Spartacus†died of cancer. Since then she has been experiencing mild episodes of mania and depression which she has been treating unsuccessfully, -Guess they both shared secrets-.... To continue reading click https://talk2urhommie.blogspot.com.ng/2017/03/a-match-made-in-heaven.html#more