Must Read !!!  Everyone Deserve a Great Manager

Must Read !!! Everyone Deserve a Great Manager

Every aspiring Manager & Leaders MUST read it as it has relevant topics in real-life every one witness such things.

What makes a manager great? In this practical guide, Scott Miller and his co-authors, Todd David and Victoria Roos Olsson – all executives at FranklinCovey – enlighten and educate new managers on the best leadership practices. Miller goes through the mistakes he made on his way to becoming a seasoned manager and presents them as lessons learned. The authors present six easy-to-follow strategies that both novice and experienced managers can use to gain wisdom, efficiency and greater productivity.


? Managers should learn six pivotal management practices and seasoned managers should review them.

? Strategy One: Develop a leader’s mentality.

? Strategy Two: Routinely meet with each individual member of your team.

? Strategy Three: Organize your team for productivity; position it to achieve top results.

? Strategy Four: Make sure everyone on your team is receptive to and values feedback.

? Strategy Five: No matter what happens, your job is to guide each of your team members through events that affect them.

? Strategy Six: As a leader, you have limited time and energy; use them wisely.


