Must read: back-contact technology become the real winner!
@pvtech published an article about China Photovoltaic Industry Associotion (CPIA). CPIA recently published its latest guidance report, the Photovoltaic Industry Development Roadmap 2020”, in which it provided professional suggestions for both the Chinese government and all industry players on key concerns, including market trends and future technologies.
The CPIA roadmap has indicated possible future technology routes. The potential of PERC cells is being exhausted by the endless pursuit of higher efficiencies and this hitherto dominant cell technology is now approaching its conversion ceiling, with the entire PV industry expecting a new leader in next generation cell technology, MWT.
This is great news ! 15 Years ago, Eurotron has cradled this technology. During the past years, we traveled the journey towards 3 GWp installed equipment together with our valued customers.
Currently, it is safe to state that back contact equipment and process are second to none. The produced modules are the best proposition in the market.
The race however never stops; therefore Eurotron continues to develop equipment and processes in their EuroLab to support the global solar industry.
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