Musings on Leadership

Musings on Leadership

I have shared on this platform my bid to join the executive leadership of our Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Zambia Branch. In the days ahead, I will share more reflections on that.

For the present, some thoughts aloud as I have walked the path to the election day and room (which election is slated for tomorrow Saturday 20th April 2024).??? The run up has seen all candidates putting themselves forward with a pitch for why they are the suitable ones. ?

I have to say that hitherto, it has all been with a tremendous amount of civility and even good taste. Many candidates have published each other's materials on their respective platforms and this, without any overt understanding of an 'alliance'. Interestingly, it parallels a similar process that is taking place for our Law Association of Zambia elections which take place a week from now. It is election season! ???

My first thought came out of a soul search and a noticeable internal discomfort at the prospect of 'The Campaign'. To campaign would require that I package and sell not only my humble message such as it is (what I would like/hope to achieve and why), but also...that I

While those who are acquainted with me would confirm that I am far from bashful and do not know the meaning of 'stage fright', yet (hopefully) they would also confirm that "tooting one's own horn" is reprehensible to me. The moto of my High School Alma Mater Hillcrest Technical Secondary School (as it then was styled) was and still is, 'let us by our deeds be judged'! I bought it then and have lived by it since! Deeds, not words! Well, this season require(s/d) that I make a case for why 'Kaumbu Mwondela' is a/the candidate that electors must pick. Frankly, it makes my stomach turn. ??

As I rushed around in search of a bucket in which to do the deed and not mess the floor (?? ??), I was reminded of the words of the Good Book when it says that 'most men will proclaim each one their own goodness, but a faithful man who can find?' This hit me squarely in the face and immediately cured the gag reflex! Who can find a faithful (wo)man, who will say what they mean and mean what they say? Who will employ themselves diligently and faithfully in those things they have undertaken to do? Who will elevate their field of vision above self interest and present but temporal ingratiation, upwards and forwards to a future that is filled with promise and realisable opportunity if, but only if one puts their hands to the plough, walks the talk and works at it? A faithful (wo)man who can find? ??

My next thought came quickly on the back of the first and it was this: as a person aspires to lead, what should they anticipate as being their daily privilege but also their daily burden? The answer filtered through quite quickly again informed by the Good Book and it was this: they should aspire and strive to do what is right! In seeking elevation to leadership, one should understand that they seek servant hood and place themselves in a position not only of public scrutiny and accountability, but have the opportunity to model what is right! It is an abomination for leaders to do wickedly. To abuse the public trust for personal gratification and that of those close to them. Rather it is their joy and privilege to daily model and mirror the best of what their communities aspire for and to be. Is this true of aspiring/present leaders? ??

That sobered me up very quickly indeed! I hope it would be useful to any that seek or aspire to lead. Upwards and onwards!


About the author: Kaumbu Mwondela, LLB, LLM, AHCZ, FCIARB is a legal practitioner and international arbitrator. He is qualified at the Zambian bar and is a member of various professional bodies and organisations.

This article is for general information purposes and is not intended to be and should not be taken as legal advice.


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