Musings on the Journey: Reflections from Within
Jay Makwana
Security Researcher | Information Security Analyst | CEH | Serving Arcon as Implementation Engineer | PAM | EPM
I've always enjoyed learning things. Whatever it is, I like acquiring knowledge. But is it worth doing so without any goal? I don't know, it depends. I've heard many times that knowledge never goes to waste. Knowledge definitely helps you at some point.
In today's age of information, it's very easy to get information on any topic you like or dislike. But is this information really worth it? Again, it depends. Always remember that the knowledge you acquire from the internet is based on others' experiences. You just have theoretical knowledge of it, and your mind thinks it's your own knowledge and you know a lot about that topic. But in reality, you have zero knowledge if you have never experienced that learning in reality.
So what to do? It's very easy to say practice. Practice will turn your knowledge into experience. But for a person like me, who is 21 years old or anyone in their mid-20s, we have so many things to learn. We have skills to learn which will give us active income. We want skills to make passive income, skills for public relations, private relations, decision making, emotional intelligence, spiritual awakening, and lots more things.
Is it possible to learn all this at one time? For this, I have a clear answer: NO! So again, what to do? The best answer to this is to keep listening, reading, and writing about these topics. Whatever comes to your mind or someone tells you, just respect that thought. Don't be ignorant in this phase of your life. And the most important thing that can make you a good person is being humble and avoiding toxic friends and advice. Just leave them because they won't help you increase in any of the above-mentioned things/skills. There might be a case when they are truly doing well in their life, but they are toxic, and how will you get to know about this? Simple, follow your 6th sense. It's okay to not have a mentor or friends rather than having toxic or bad friends.
Don't take your life too seriously. Remember, for every experience in life, there is a defined time. If you want something, go and get that thing, but understand there is a price for everything. For me, life has always been favorable to me in every situation. But does this mean I should be satisfied with that? No, never! I have lots of things to achieve and a lot more things to do. I want control of my life, my decisions, and my thoughts. But again, remember, everything has its price. So to get better in your life in any situation is not based on your thoughts but is based on how well you can calculate that price you're paying for your wants and needs.
Being ambitious is good, but being realistic is important.
Dreaming is good, but accepting your living is important.
Knowledge is good, but gaining experience and confidence is important.
Enjoying is good, but knowing its price is important.
Being goal-oriented is good, but being focused is important.
This marks my debut in sharing such content on LinkedIn. If you find value in reading about these topics, I'd appreciate your feedback in the comments section. Your thoughts will guide me in understanding if I'm reaching the right audience and whether I should continue to share my writings on similar subjects.
Thankyou, Happy Reading!
#PersonalGrowth #SelfImprovement #LifeLessons #LearningJourney #KnowledgeIsPower #Reflections #ThoughtfulWriting #ExperienceOverTheory #PositiveMindset #ContinuousLearning #LifeGoals #Ambition #Realism #DreamBig #SelfAwareness #PositiveVibes #Mindfulness #SuccessMindset #Inspiration #Motivation