Musings on Covid-19

My wife contracted COVID-19 at the tail end. She was not faring well, so I asked our GP for the anti-viral medication for her.? She had two medical conditions and Princess Jacinda had mandated that you must have three medical conditions, regardless of how severe any of those conditions are.? A day later, I was positive.? I called our GP again and I qualified for it.? But he refused to prescribe it to my wife.? I said, “Dispense it to me and I will give mine to her”.? But overnight he had second thoughts and prescribed to us both, with a warning that the pharmacy was likely to decline it.? Does this sound like 1984 yet?

It started me thinking of the whole fiasco.

  1. It is now widely accepted that China developed it with US military at Wuhan.? They were having a play attack and they released it, not expecting it to escape the facility.? If you don’t yet believe this, then consider

a.?????? China released the Genome, very quickly and voluntarily.

b.?????? The USA was going to pursue China for compensation for releasing COVID-19 to the world.? Suddenly they stopped.? Guess why??

c.?????? Have a read of this book "What really happened in Wuhan"

2.?????? The United Nations and WHO supposedly have the best scientists working for them, yet what came out was childish.? When I posted that the Covid virus was a normal flu virus, albeit this strain was nastier.? My post was removed and I was warned that I was acting against public health and safety.? 1984 strikes again.

3.?????? It is true that the Covid virus has existed for a long time as part of the normal influenza collection of viruses. Yet the UN insisted that it spread by contact.? Does this remind anyone of “Rome burned while Nero fiddled?”.? Why would they do that?? Do they have incompetents working there?

4.?????? Of course, every nation was following the UN like sheep.? Looking at NZ, the Director of Health followed it too.? Did he have no medical training?? Or did he succumb to a dictatorship?

5.?????? The UN released this animation that could have been done better by a primary school kid.? This was to show the droplets spread from sneezes and the like. But, almost a decade earlier, Mythbusters had already shone how far the sneeze spreads the droplets.?? See Flu Fiction. They have shown scientifically that the droplets leave at over 50Kmh and travel over 4m.

6.?????? It was safe for people to leave you parcels, as long as you collected them after a few hours.? At the same time, the virus supposedly could last for over a day on paper.? If the courier was infected and if it spread by touch, he would be spreading it to everyone.

7.?????? I know of what happened at Mitre-10 in NZ.? The little hitlers went through the store marking what could be sold and what could not. Bizarrely, black sealant was allowed to be sold but white sealant was not.

8.?????? In NZ, it was all right for McDonalds to dish out food but not small outlets.? When surely the small outlets would be able to police the sanitary practices better.

9.?????? Jacinda was rubbing her hands on TV and saying “Test, test, test”.? Paradoxically, if the GPs performed a Covid test and it was negative, the GPs would have to pay for the cost.? So, most GPs did not perform the test. Think of Nero and Rome again.

10.?? Then we come to PPE gear, I was told that a practice of 4 doctors received one box of gloves and 2 PPE outfits, when each was supposed to be changed after each patient. Nero and Rome again.

11.?? One would think that it would have been sensible for the GPs to dispense the vaccination for Covid-19, to their patients.? But in NZ, the GPs weren’t allowed to dispense the Covid-19 vaccines.? Instead, they had untrained staff to vaccinate people.? We discovered later that this was because the Government considered GPs too rich and wanted to break their monopoly (there will be another blog on this later).? Suffice it to say that GPs are under NDAs so they cannot reveal what happens.? 1984 strikes again.

12.?? The detention centres in NZ were a joke.? Inmates were ordering call-girls from their cells.? Every time the news media revealed a hole, the Government would plug it.? Why didn’t they do it correctly in the first place?? You could say they were incompetent.? Sure they were, but what about the medical and military officials working for them?

In conclusion, the whole thing was a fiasco.? Everything the UN and Government officials did, allowed Covid to spread, again and again.? The draconian and communist measures were not necessary.? I am not accusing the UN of suggesting these to Governments around the world.? But, I do think that the Lefty Governments took their chance to see how far they could go.?? Consider -

  1. Every time Jacinda had to announce a Covid lockdown for Auckland, she would travel from Auckland to Wellington and then announce it.? I guess the virus knew to pause its attack for half a day.
  2. The prince tried to procure rat tests for his friends when it was illegal to use them. Think “Animal Farm”, because that's how communists think. Everyone is equal, but us leaders are more equal.
  3. Privately ordered RAT tests were seized by the Government.
  4. People were encouraged to rat their neighbours out.







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