Musical Fairy & White Prince

Musical Fairy and Her White Prince joins?the celebration of World Fairies Day.

?“Acclaimed Russian pianist Victoria Foust (Saint Petersburg“ Rimsky-Korsakov ”Conservatory) has named her unique 1912 white piano, Steinway & Sons Blanco Louis XV, her PRINCE. In this way, she passionately combines her instrument with herself in the figure of this pair: FAIRY AND PRINCE. Slavic fantasies, folklore, imaginary are embedded in such a definition; Sounds such as Vasilisa The Beauty, scenes of dense forests of the vast Russia, snow, rites and feats of narrative adventures, The Firebird, Zarevna frog and many other characters are revived. But there is more. A Slavic symbolic universe also participates, with it, all the force of a unique and overflowing musical tradition. Let's just think of two: Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov.

FAIRY AND PRINCE, that is to say Victoria Foust and her piano have met as two souls in the South of the world. They seemed to go on different journeys: she, who knows through which territory, through which stage of the great theaters of the world, in which concert; he, waiting for his find, still wrapped in large covers in an antique store. But, the meetings take place at the least unexpected hour: almost as if it were those old Russian tales, the pianist found the treasure: the immaculate witness of her music, her PRINCE, the ally.

Both now, united. Both now, on the stages of Latin America: Victoria Foust displays as a delighted FAIRY the virtuosity of her interpretations on the exclusive piano. Pedals, music stand, keyboard and soundboard - and the soul that has transcended life cycles of this PRINCE - then, by virtue of the hands that touch it in order to move the audience with delicate music, the most universal language. "

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????James R. Steword / literary critic Brazil / 2017

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