Music Publishers Association of South Africa Restructures
The Music Publisher Association of South Africa
The South African voice of Music Publishing We create value by safeguarding and championing the copyrights of our member
The Music Publishers Association of South Africa has recently elected a new board and appointed Ryan Hill (Universal Music Publishing SA) and Moonga Mkandawire (Mpezeni Street Holdings) as Chairperson and Vice Chairperson respectively, with David Alexander (Sheer Publishing) stepping down. Newly elected members?to the board are industry stalwarts Vivienne Daniel (Red Igloo Music), Vongani Rikhotso( Uthoht ) and Malcolm Burger (Peer Music). Reuben Makondo (Sony Music) remains Treasurer.
The association has also appointed Mr. Sibusiso Mnyanda as its Operations Manager and Ms. Tsenolo Ntsane as its Operations Assistant.?