Music producer TREVOR HORN gives a masterclass at Heath Street Baptist Church tomorrow, on November 4th, 2021
Edwin Pfanzagl-Cardone
Head of Sound- and Acoustics-Department, SALZBURGER FESTSPIELE
Being one of my big idols, this notice made me remember an advert for the SYNCLAVIER, which I had found in STUDIO SOUND magazine about 35 years ago (see photo and text). Trevor Horn says a few very interesting things in the interview, which accompanies the advertisement, also claiming that "I chose the Synclavier because basically ... there was nothing else to choose." However, in a later (non promotional) interview, which he gave for RESOLUTION magazine in May 2008, he has voiced a rather different opinion "... I must say this [i.e. buying the Synclavier] was the single biggest waste of money in my whole career, $260,000.We did use it, but once the audio quality became 'normal', sampling lost its fun aspect for me. If you put something in the Fairlight, it came out sounding slightly different, it was romanticised in some sort of way. The Synclavier was perfect quality, so it felt more Iike a recording, it was no fun anymore. " (rem.: when acquiring the Synclavier he already owned a Fairlight II sampler? :-) )
To me a key-phrase in that interview is "I analyse what somebody's dream is then make it come true ... ", an amazingly humble approach for a top-producer of his calibre ...
So - for more first-hand information on some crucial "sound questions", you may want to attend the masterclass Trevor Horn is giving tomorrow, on Nov. 4th at Heath Street Baptist Church in London - if you have a chance to attend :-)