Music to my ears ??

Music to my ears ??

The sounds of spring are in the air. My daily wellness walks are filled with delightful birdsong. Have you noticed?

Where I am, I enjoy the honk, bark, cackles, and hisses, all distinctive calls from flights of Canadian Geese migrating back to their breeding grounds.

The quintessential early bird, the red-breasted Robins, are tugging earthworms out of the soft ground in our lawns and nearby green spaces.

The larger songbird, the Blue Jay, is distinctive with its perky blue crested head and insistent noisy call.

My personal favorite is the Cardinal, especially the male in its brilliant eye-popping shade of red and sharp crest. Their sweet whistles and piercing notes are an early morning treat.

Birds have perfected their communication with each other, each singing their own song, and delivering their messages specifically and directly to their community. It’s quite incredible to behold what can seem like a barrage of overlapping sounds.

You may be encountering a similar barrage as you attempt to get your message out to your community.

Are you able to cut through the noise, to be heard by the people you serve with your offering? And how do you know you’ve been noticed?

This month’s blog I’m sharing tips for how we’ve successfully accomplished this for my and our clients’ businesses. And the response is music to our ears. ??



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