Music & MS Bringing Us Closer
Olga Bobrovnikova
Pianiste. Chevalier e l'ordre de merite social et culturel Européens. Piano teacher.Author of New teaching method using the brain pathways. Editor Ad Hoc @"Chine Actuelle" Magazine
Bringing Us Closer - Visiting Hong Kong before World MS Day 2018. Dr Winnie Wong, Chairlady of Hong Kong MS Society welcommed O. Bobrovnikova to celebrate World MS Day 2018
Music vs MS - Universal language of Music helping PwMS: During Media event on May 16th 2018 as well as Sharing session after first half of piano recital the elementsof new Method of Therapy using Music, an Universal language of communication that access directly the Brain.
Pictures: Interview for RTHK with Stacey Rhodda
HKMSS - all involved stakeholders
Hoi Chiu the prominent HK Sand Artist & Olga
Dr. Li, Honoured Chairman of HKMSS & Olga