
If this was Idi Amin, the whole world would be up in arms.


[By Dr. Vincent Magombe, Secretary Free Uganda Leadership Committee and Press Secretary FU. Additional reporting by Free Uganda State Crimes Investigations Bureau. 02/01/2016]




A spectre of darkness is hanging over Uganda as the long-ruling dictator Museveni senses the smell of defeat at the coming national elections scheduled to take place in February 2016.


The massive show of support for the opposition across Uganda, even in the remotest villages, suggesting that Museveni might lose outright to one of the opposition leaders, or, in the event of a second round, to a combined opposition front led by the opposition leader with most votes, seems to have triggered a ruthless countrywide clampdown of the most violent nature, leading to deaths, wanton arrests and kidnappings of large numbers of opposition activists.  


Confidential reports from within the regime’s security services and Museveni’s own state house indicate that the Ugandan dictator Yoweri Museveni has ordered his son Brigadier Muhoozi and his ruthless police commander General Kale Kayihura to carry out mass killings of political opponents to prevent the increasingly popular opposition from capturing power in the February elections.

Already a string of murders has taken place, confirming the fears of Uganda citizens that Mr Museveni, who has rule the East African country with an iron fist for nearly 30 years, is not prepared to leave power in the event of defeat by an emboldened and increasingly popular opposition, now headed by the massively popular FDC party flag bearer Kizza Besigye and Mr Amama Mbabazi, the former Prime Minister and ruling NRM party Secretary General.

Mr Museveni is increasingly fearful of being defeated as a result of the formidable duel-pronged assault by Dr Kizza Besigye and Mr Amama Mbabazi,, who are enjoying a massive show of support even in the remotest corners of Uganda. While Dr Besigye has been focusing on combing the countryside for support to add to his well-established urban following, Mr Mbabazi is credited with denting Mr Museveni’s support within the NRM party, mainly by rendering the party’s administrative and organisational infrastructure inoperable. Even Museveni’s own trusted insiders now concede that the NRM party secretariat and its local administrative infrastructure is weak and infested with divisions due to the Mbabazi factor. Mbabazi, who was one of the most trusted allies of Mr Museveni was fired for showing signs of wanting to stand for the party’s leadership by challenging Museveni, a self-appointed sole candidate for the party’s presidency.


The General Sejusa / Free Uganda Factor:

Besides, the dangers posed to the Museveni regime by an invigorated political opposition, the ailing regime has suffered serious body-blows by the emergence of another front of radical opposition in form of General David Sejusa’s Free Uganda, which has been working behind the scenes to undermine Museveni’s capacity to govern and to effectively organise his vote-rigging and repressive machines in ways that have managed to subdue the political opposition in the past.

Free Uganda, to which General Sejusa is the founding Chairman has focused on building the capacity of all opposition forces, including political opposition, to resist Museveni’s violent repression and intimidation. This has involved systemic empowerment of opposition activists, including the leadership of leading political parties, with strategic and tactical approaches meant to overpower the known rigging and suppression techniques being deployed by Museveni and his aides, such as General Kayihura and Museveni’s son Brigadier Muhoozi Kaneirugaba.   


Museveni falls back on repressive instincts;

In the face of the most formidable opposition to his regime in the nearly thirty years of his rule, Museveni has now fallen back onto his entrenched repressive instincts, marshalling whatever coercive forces and killer squads he can lay his hands on to shore up his defences and characteristically attempt to destroy the growing chances of the determined and emboldened opposition to win in the elections.  

And so, mass killings, ordered by a desperate and clearly disoriented Museveni, are going on targeting all sections of society. These killings are the direct result of public pronouncements by Museveni, in which he threatened to smash any opposition attempts to wrestle power from him. These pronouncements were followed by a rushed assemblage of a huge number of militia and paramilitary formations, which have seen hundreds of thousands of youths, the so-called Crime Preventers, recruited and trained for the sole purpose of fighting and suppressing opposition supporters into submission.


Museveni has threatened to smash the political opposition using state security organs and a number of militia and paramilitary outfits.


The killings, kidnappings and disappearances of opposition supporters: 

In the closing weeks of 2015, Ugandans were shocked to see gruesome pictures of more than a dozen dead youths which, according to the local media, were found lying on the beaches of Lake Victoria. These chilling images of the dead were published in the papers and widely posted on internet not long after the regime acknowledged arresting hundreds of youth activists belonging to various political parties and pro-democracy campaign groups. The youths were rounded up by state agents in operations led by General Kayihura and Museveni's son Brigadier Muhoozi Kaneirugaba.


Ugandan local newspapers have been full of stories about increasing suspicions that the Museveni regime may be liquidating some of the arrested and kidnapped youths, in order to sow fear and intimidate the rest of the population so that they do not support the political opposition in on-going election campaigns.

Even the owners of the beach entertainment spots near where the bodies of the dead youths were discovered have rubbished the Museveni regime explanation that the youths may have drowned after celebrating in the various locations along the lake coastline.


(See this story from the popular Uganda paper, the Daily Monitor -https://www.monitor.co.ug/News/National/Beach-owners-query-Entebbe-deaths/-/688334/3015632/-/uj83ffz/-/index.html)


Gruesome pictures showing some of the bodies of dead youths found lying on the beaches of Lake Victoria. 

A former state house intelligence officer, Charles Rwomushana, has also bluntly argued that even just by the look of the dead bodies of the youths found on the beaches, whose stomachs were not extended as would normally be when people drown and stay in the water for a while, it is already possible to conclude that those bodies were brought from somewhere else and damped on the beaches overnight to create an impression that they had   


(See this link to Rwomushana’s Facebook post -https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=561209210700973&id=272329309588966. Also this link to the Free Uganda (FU) statement based on the said Rwomushana reflections -https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=463471983855625&id=267053266830832)


Other youth activists, for example Sam Mugumya, a close aide to FDC presidential candidate Dr Kizza Besigye, was kidnapped, together with a number of other FDC party activists, by a joint Ugandan and DRC Congo military squad and relocated to the DRC Congo, where they now languish in a military prison reportedly in very poor health, having endured beatings, torture and even starvation in captivity.


 Back in Uganda, Mr Christopher Aine, the youthful head of the security team guarding the other major presidential candidate Amama Mbabazi, was last seen during a fight that occurred in Ntungamo, the birth place of Mr Museveni, when a Mbabazi convoy was ambushed by groups of specially mobilised Museveni agents and supporters. His whereabouts are unknown, with the Mbabazi campaign team expressing fear that he is dead. In a characteristic diversionary posture, that is widely used in despotic regimes across the world, Kale Kayihura, the police general believed to be responsible for Aine’s disappearance appeared in front of the local Ugandan media claiming that Aine was a fugitive on the run and a bounty of 20 million Uganda shillings was being put any one who would assist in his capture. This, without doubt, is diversionary in as far as it seeks to mask the responsibility of Kayihura and his killer squads for the disappearance of Christopher Aine.  

Mbabazi aide, Christopher Aine feared dead after being arrested by General Kayihura’s special police squad



Religious leaders shot dead and top regime critics poisoned:

In another ugly twist of events, a very large number of religious leaders have perish, gunned down in broad daylight by people, now thought to have been agents of the Museveni regime. A large number of Muslim leaders have been killed in motorcycle drive-by shootings across Uganda, after Museveni’s right hand man, General Kale Kayihura reportedly set up secret spying teams targeting many of dead religious leaders, a fact confirmed by the general himself during a prayer session for  one of the murdered clerics.

Museveni’s murderous credentials have been further actualised through the elimination of senior politicians and high-profile critics, for example the late woman MP Cerinah Nebandah, who was murdered just days after bitterly castigating Museveni’s government during a parliamentary session. Nebanda and a number of other senior politicians who have dared criticize the regime in public have met their end in a manner that pointed to poisoning as the most probable cause of death.

 A most recent example of such a high-profile victim was General Aronda Nyakairima, who at the time of his death was the Minister of Internal affairs.

 The late General Aronda had showed grave concerns about a fraudulent identity card programme in his Internal Affairs ministry, which is believed to have been compromised by Museveni agents keen to use an inflated citizens’ register in a systemic vote rigging plot. With the introduction of a universal ID card system, Museveni had hoped to inflate the numbers of his potential supporters by issuing Ugandan IDs to foreigners, while denying the same to many suspected opposition sympathisers. General Aronda, as minister responsible for the issuance of the IDs was known to be unhappy that state house agents and operatives of the Special Forces Command (SFC) commanded by Museveni’s son Muhoozi had been forcefully embedded within his Ministry with the express aim of defrauding the ID registration and issuance process.


But even more worryingly for Museveni, General Aronda Nyakairima went on public record as a critic of another key plan by the regime to force a Museveni win in the elections. Upon learning of an elaborate plot by Museveni and his close aides to recruit, train and arm thousands of private militias and paramilitary formations for the sole purpose of brutalising and intimidating opposition activists and supporters, General Aronda summoned the local media and announced that he would personally bar the creation and deployment of any such militia and paramilitary formations in the country. The most dangerous of the militia formations were the armed band of thousands of young fighters who were being trained and armed by a notorious Museveni pro-Museveni aide, Major Kakooza Mutale, for purposes of violently quashing any opposition victory in the elections.


 Major Mutale was so emboldened by Museveni’s express sanctioning of his rogue activities that he did not shy away from inviting the media to film his militia in training, or issuing public statements threatening to use the militia gangs to eliminate senior anti-regime, pro-democracy campaigners, such as General David Sejusa, the Chairman of Free Uganda, Dr. Kizza Besigye, the FDC leader, etc.


A few weeks after making his own declarations condemning the training and arming of private militias in the country, General Aronda Nyakairima died suddenly as he was transiting to an airlines on his way back to Uganda from South Korea. He had earlier on complained of stomach pains and dizziness before he died, and some members of the ministerial delegation have since suggested that there was indeed foul play by the Kampala regime. One senior official who travelled with the general to South Korea told of a regime agent who had provided the minister with a surprisingly large dosage of medication, supposedly to stem the stomach pain and dizziness that the general was experiencing. The same agent was reported to have denied the general access to local medical assistance in Korea, making sure that the dying man only took some ‘five pills of sorts’ per hour, medicine that was produced out of the blue by the said agent. This agent was later to be identified as a soldier attached to Museveni’s state house.


Even Ugandan artists shot dead

Now, it seems the guns are starting to be pointed at the country's popular artists, many of whom are not known to support the Museveni regime. As this article was being prepared, the country was reeling from the shocking death of a local Ugandan musician.


Cornelius Oloya, popularly known as Master Blaster is the latest victim, having been gunned down in broad daylight by Kayihura's police operatives, under the guise of quelling down a community riot in Bwaise, a suburb of Kampala.


(Follow this link to the story -https://chimpreports.com/entertainment/relatives-refuse-to-bury-master-blaster-in-kitgum-to-send-body-back-to-kampala/)



And so, Ugandan dictator Yoweri Museveni’s regime is killing Ugandans with impunity. If this was Idi Amin, the whole world would be up in arms. And Ugandans would be preparing themselves in the best way they could to uproot the evil in their midst. The challenge to all men and women of good will is simple and straight forward – what will you, each of you, do to stop this gross inhumanity, this genocide in the making, in innocent lives are being lost on a daily basis?


Free Uganda, the liberation platform, together with a growing number of Ugandan anti-regime activist groups, are making their contribution. What are the rest of you doing to save this country Uganda?


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