Museum: Culture as a Fourth Pillar of Sustainable Development

Museum: Culture as a Fourth Pillar of Sustainable Development

Considering culture as a fourth pillar of sustainable development, the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity (2001) has defined culture as a ‘set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of society or a social group, and that it encompasses, in addition to art and literature, lifestyles, ways of living together, value systems, traditions and beliefs’ (UNESCO, 2001). In 2009, UNESCO United Cities and Local Governments stated in its publication "Culture and Sustainable Development: Examples of Institutional Innovation and Proposal of a New Cultural Policy Profile" that taking into account the cultural environment, the governments could add a value and special flavour, operationalizing the sustainable development process or what to be called "Cultural Sustainability", to the national policies and systems (Lamberta et al., 2014).

The majority of leaders globally overview that culture plays a significant role in our current daily life routine linking emotionally, through cultural activities, the society's individuals and providing their initial requirements. It contributes actively to developing the global towns. Balancing between a traditional life "the transformed culture or nostalgia" and the modern life "globalization", most architects and urban planners shift their thinking through investing in cultural resources and assets displaying that modern cities are more attractive; to have a sustainability factor upgrading the life standards; and to become interesting destinations to live. As a result of that, we can recognize that sustainability is going in parallel with a livability aspect. (Matisse, 2015)

Supporting the former overview, we can collect a number of effective quotes which have valorized the significance of culture as a tool for providing a suitable context for "Sustainable Development":

  • M. Cemil Arslan, Secretary General, Marmara Municipalities Union in Istanbul – Turkey, stated that “culture plays the leading role in the resolution of problems thanks to its relation with language, history, common consciousness, and the common vision of the future and its relation with the space”.
  • SungYeop Lee, CEO, SeJong Center in Seoul - Korea, asserted that

Culture is one of the key factors in determining the quality of life for citizens, because it sits on the citizens’ basic needs such as housing, healthcare, education and public security. However, the values and priorities of the city are still centred on providing the right infrastructure and environment for its citizens, not measured by cultural aspects.

  • Roger Madelin, CEO, Argent LP in London - United Kingdom, illustrated that “Culture has to be seen as integral in everything we do and plan. Economic, social and environmental issues can only survive, improve and thrive with a cultural strand running through.”
  • John Rahaim. Planning Director for the City and County of San Francisco – United States of America, clarified that

Culture as a public investment will never compete with affordable housing or infrastructure as fundamental city needs. But I think it may be best seen as an overlay to these programs, in the same way that long-term sustainability is now embraced. In other words, what if all city services and programs had a ‘cultural overlay’?
Sustainable Development Pillars (Lamberta

  • Alvin Tan, Assistant Chief Executive (Policy & Development), National Heritage Board in Singapore, confirmed that

For culture to play a strategic and transformative role, cultural considerations should be sensibly and sensitively integrated with policies in the areas of economic growth, education, urban planning, quality of life etc. This is because culture is what binds the three components of society together: the places and spaces in a city; the people living in the city; and the cultural beliefs and practices of the people living in the city. (Matisse, 2015)

Interacting the micro-factors of the surrounding cultural landscape, sustainable development requires strategically the cultural identity of the local community. Consequently, the inherited culture and attitude play initially a part in preparing the local logistic map. This great impact is highly affected to provide multiple resources of inflow supporting financially the national development plan; as well as the local community. This consolidation is represented by guaranteeing a sustainable labour market and enhancing creative entrepreneurship. (UNESCO, 2012)

UNESCO has indicated that culture-oriented development or investment, which aims at authenticating the local traditional cultural resources and preserving the heritage assets, is not only actively generates revenues but also, not to require a huge capital. Globally, there are numerous cases where people started creating a new image by investing in their cultural patterns. By the way, the developed countries should strategically progress its cultural sectors and initiatives upgrading its economic status. (UNESCO, 2012)?

Sustainable development was defined from various perspectives. World Commission on Environment and Development clarified in 1987 that in fact, sustainable development should be matched with the current requirements without interrupting the upcoming young generations' abilities to reach their own requirements (Torggler et al., 2015). Then, in 2007, regarding the perspective of Colantonio, sustainable development, recognizing the cultural policies, should understand the interaction among the pillars of a suitable life standard (Economic – Cultural – Social – Environmental). As a result of that, the local authorities can valorize valuably the cultural assets that the whole categories of the local community have been examined. (Colantonio, 2007; Hribara et al., 2015; Torggler et al., 2015)

In 2017, Guzmán et. al. viewed, throughout their observation, evaluating generally the links between heritage management and sustainable development and asserted that cultural heritage is not only a cultural admin but also, is a socio-economic product which subject to sustainable change (Guzmán et al., 2017). Consequently, Pencarelli et. al. clarified that according to the museum mission, which was considered by the International Council of Museums (ICOM), the museum services the local community and its development (Pencarelli et al., 2016).

Throughout the Paris Declaration on Heritage as a Driver of Development, ICOMOS has asserted the importance of merging cultural values in the development process of the long-term management plan. This integration preserves the spirit of historical places and museums; respectively, it acts as the sustainable development of cultural tourism. According to the quotation of Graham Brooks - the President of the ICOMOS International Cultural Tourism Committee, Australia - well-managed tourism reinforces cultural identity as a fundamental point for development; moreover, “[to] provide opportunities for sustaining traditional and contemporary cultural values that contribute to the identity of a community and its social traditions”. (Brooks, 2011; ICOMOS, 2011)

Additionally, the recommendations of UNESCO Adoption and Promotion of the Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) (2011), and the Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development (2002) recognized the high significance of culture, as the fourth pillar of sustainable development, in the process of creating sustainable development-characterized destinations to activate the strategy of an integrated urban landscape. (Hosagrahar et al., 2016; ICOMOS, 2011; Torggler et al., 2015)

Museum Value-creation according to a Multi-dimensional and Multi-stakeholder Approach ?/ A Regional Differentiated and Integrated Strategy for the Sustainable Development of Museums (Pencarelli

Museum as a Cultural Entity and the Sustainable Development Process

According to UNESCO Recommendation Concerning the Protection and Promotion of Museums and Collections, Their Diversity and Their Role in Society (2015), UNESCO has affirmed the great significance of cultural heritage overall for all categories of the community to earn the ability to respect the cultural diversity, therefore to act a real social cohesion and the sustainability factor or in the other word "Sustainable Development". As a result of that, UNESCO has considered "Museum" a suitable cultural space allowing various categories to do the previous task of transmitting and preserving the cultural identity through a group of numerous capacity-building actions. (UNESCO, 2015)

The museum is a magnificent entity which contributes and collaborates effectively raising an awareness of the local community for the cultural and natural significance of their own heritage as well as their responsibility of appreciating, caring, and transmitting its value from generation to generation. Also, it supports financially the local development presented within the cultural and creative industries and tourism. (UNESCO, 2015)

UNESCO and also the 1972 Declaration of Santiago de Chile identified the main role of museums partnering the sustainable development goals. It mainly safeguards our heritage and enhances the cultural diversity prospect. It transfers the heritage knowledge contributing to the development of the national educational policy and guaranteeing social cohesion and integration within a respective intercultural dialogue. (UNESCO, 2015)

Furthermore, UNESCO has addressed the social framework of the museums:

Museums are vital public spaces that should address all of society and can therefore play an important role in the development of social ties and cohesion, building citizenship, and reflecting on collective identities. Museums should be places that are open to all and committed to physical and cultural access to all, including disadvantaged groups. They can constitute spaces for reflection and debate on historical, social, cultural and scientific issues. Museums should also foster respect for human rights and gender equality. (UNESCO, 2015)

Museum as a cultural entity plays, within a cultural system, a part of conserving the socio-cultural heritage and transferring this heritage knowledge, either tangible or intangible manifestations, to the upcoming generation. Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert, Nikolaos Boukas and Marina Christodoulou-Yerali, in their article, asserted the former context and function stating that

what museums collect, preserve, and exhibit form the tangible links between the past, present, and future, and form the core of cultural sustainability… promoting and preserving cultural capital for future generations. Therefore, [the storylines of heritage and cultural vitality] can be seen as essential instruments of cultural sustainability. (Lamberta et al., 2014)

Identifying previously the sustainable development perspective, museums are considered a significant tool for conserving the inherited past which forms the present (Misiura, 2006). Particularly, it contributes to reforming the national cultural identity according to the framework of the local community's current socio-cultural needs (Smith, 2006, 2015). Consequently, a museum is a great entity which compiles the past, through a group of inherited objects, customs, traditions, history, and actions, in the present time to develop a future vision (Baram, 2014; Santoro, 2016).

In 2003, Yaniv Poria, Richard W. Butler, and David Airey concurred, using their direct observation, that museums are one of the places where people can realize the past and communicate with the heritage area emotionally (Poria et al., 2003; Smith, 2015). Respectively, a museum is considered a protected area mitigating the environmental effects and the human-induced impacts against the cultural heritage collections, and at the same time, presenting effectively its stories, context, and background. This presentation is represented throughout a group of actions such as interactive exhibits, and various programs raising the cultural awareness of the local and international community. (Willie & Dusome, 2003) Thus, these actions adopt respect for cultural diversity and raise the sense of belonging and loyalty to the local history and nations.

Furthermore, in 2006, a museum as a cultural entity implicitly provided the sustainability context throughout the ICOM definition. A museum is "a nonprofit, permanent institution in the service of society and its development, open to the public, which acquires, conserves, researches, communicates and exhibits the tangible and intangible heritage of humanity and its environment, for the purposes of education, study and enjoyment".?(Kamps & Weide, 2011; UNESCO, 2015)?

The factor of sustainability plays a significant part in the museum management process. It is considered a fruitful tool contributing to interpreting practically the local cultural heritage and creating a real emotional rapport with the community reaching a new audience. Moreover, it is an effective context to get new opportunities for operationalizing and developing the relationships with the museum stakeholders especially the entrepreneurs and the local investors. (Pencarelli et al., 2016)

As a result of that and according to Brundtland Commission 1987, I could estimate the significance of the sustainability factor and its interaction with the museological entities. The perspective of sustainable development is already included in the definition of a museum and its mission of protecting the cultural heritage value; transforming its knowledge from generation to generation, and contributing to enhancing the local cultural identity. Therefore, such museums should be aware of the pillars of sustainability methodology in managing its cultural entity. (Pencarelli et al., 2016)

Sustainability and Museum Management - Adopted After (Pencarelli

Taking into account Moore’s Strategic Triangle, to act as a real and effective sustainable development, a museum should care about the following factors:

  1. 'Public value creation’ concerns public sector mission.
  2. ‘Political management’ refers to the relationship between the organization and its political stakeholders.
  3. ‘Operational capacity’ relates to systems, processes and resources.(Pencarelli et al., 2016)

Moore’s Strategic Triangle For the Public- and Non-profit Sector - (McBain & Smith (2010);

The museum is a multidisciplinary player in the community development process and is one of the main sustainable development representatives. It is a strategic tool to safeguard the cultural identity, to preserve the cultural heritage regardless of natural or cultural heritage; tangible or intangible heritage. From my point of view, a museum provides the magic context of delivering or transmitting educational and professional heritage knowledge to the upcoming generations (whether formal, informal, or lifelong). In sum, the museum is one of the professional wheels to operationalize the cultural perspective at the sustainable development outlook.


  • Baram, U. (2014). Marketing Heritage. In C. Smith (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology (pp. 4673–4679).
  • Brooks, G. (2011). Heritage as a Driver for Development, its Contribution to Sustainable Tourism in Contemporary Society (Tourism and Development) (pp. 496–505). Paris, France: International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS). Retrieved February 10, 2018 from
  • Colantonio, A. (2007). Social Sustainability: an Exploratory Analysis of Its Definition, Assessment Methods Metrics and Tools (1st ed.). Oxford, UK: Oxford Brooks University, Oxford Institute for Sustainable Development (OISD) - International Land Markets Group.
  • Guzmán, P. C., Roders, A. R. P., & Colenbrander, B. J. F. (2017). Measuring Links between Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Urban Development: an Overview of Global Monitoring Tools. Cities, 60(A), 192–201.
  • Hosagrahar, J., Soule, J., Girard, L. F., & Potts, A. (2016). Cultural Heritage, the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and the New Urban Agenda (ICOMOS Concept Note for the United Nations Agenda 2030 and the Third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (HABITAT III)). Quito, Ecuador: International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS). Retrieved January 25, 2018 from
  • Hribara, M. ?., Bolea, D., & Pipana, P. (2015). Sustainable Heritage Management: Social, Economic and Other Potentials of Culture in Local Development. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 188, 103–110.
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  • Kamps, H., & Weide, S. (2011). The Social Significance of Museums. Amsterdam: DSP-groep & Netherlands Museums Association. Retrieved February 25, 2018 from
  • Lamberta, T. S., Boukasb, N., & Yeralia, M. C. (2014). Museums and Cultural Sustainability: Stakeholders, Forces, and Cultural Policies. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 20(5), 566–587.
  • Matisse, H. (2015). The Golden Thread of Culture [World Cities Culture Forum]. Retrieved October 20, 2016, from
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  • Misiura, S. (2006). Heritage Marketing (1st ed.). London: Routledge.
  • Pencarelli, T., Cerquetti, M., & Splendiani, S. (2016). The Sustainable Management of Museums: an Italian Perspective. Tourism and Hospitality Management, 22(1), 29–46.
  • Poria, Y., Butler, R. W., & Airey, D. (2003). The Core of Heritage Tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 30(1), 238–254.
  • Santoro, R. C. (2016). Mapping Community Identity: Safeguarding the Memories of a City’s Downtown Core. City, Culture and Society, 7, 43–54.
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  • Torggler, B., Murphy, R., France, C., & Portolés, J. B. (2015). UNESCO’s Work on Culture and Sustainable Development Evaluation of a Policy Theme (No. IOS/EVS/PI/145 REV.2). Paris, France: UNESCO.
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  • Willie, C.L.B., & Dusome, D. (2003). Thinking about Starting a Museum? a Discussion Guide and Workbook on Museums and Heritage Projects. Alberta, Canada: Museums Alberta.


Divay Gupta

Cultural Heritage Specialist and Conservation Architect

8 个月

I like to call culture as a 'Beam' of sustainable development....?


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