As many of you know, I have been busy designing and preparing to release my new interactive DiLithium display. Seven designs and two prototypes later, I had to start over. Why? Because like most people I did not appreciate the danger of lithium battery power. If you want your eyes opened, go on YouTube and search "battery fire". Like a land mine that nobody notices until they step on it, it is a serious lurking danger. A lithium battery pack can produce a fire that burns super hot - hot enough to melt metal. And it can happen fast. It can also smoke and off-gas.
How big of a danger is it really?
It is a big @#$% danger that is very real. All sorts of things now have lithium batteries and they should not be left unattended when charging. Some people leave their laptops plugged in and charging overnight. That isn't a problem until it is a problem - just like a land mine. Don't step on one and there's nothing to worry about. As long as everything is working fine there is nothing to worry about right? Again, no. Electrical components fail all the time. Sometimes due to damage, sometimes heat, sometimes a manufacturing defect... These lithium fire starters are becoming prolific. The danger is real and growing. It is not top of anyone's mind until it is too late.
So what about my DiLithium system?
I am going the extra mile to make it safe with a carbon fiber heat shield barrier sandwiched between special heat dissipation metal and a microprocessor with sensors measuring temperature, voltage, and current for each lithium cell. I am using the highest quality lithium cells that meet or exceed specifications. When charging there are redundant microprocessor measuring and automatic power shutoff protection systems that monitor temperature and power along with checking for other anomalies. I am designing extra redundant protection because when it comes to safety the only place to be is in a tie for first place. I refuse to sell something where I haven't taken every precaution to prevent burning down your museum. I also want to be an advocate for alerting museums to the dangers of lithium battery fires. I wasn't thinking about it when I first started the DiLithium project and chances are you aren't thinking about it either. I am thinking about it now and so should you. #lithiumbatterydanger #museum #museumfireprevention #DiLithium