In 2008 a mutual friend (Lori) told me about Flamenco dancer Fiona Malena ( Lori then informed Fiona that I’m very interested in painting her and look forward to meeting after her upcoming Calgary performance. Fiona said “but that’s the guy who paints horses!”
My first photo shoot with Fiona was in Calgary on November 19, 2009 (she then moved to Seville, Spain). My second Calgary photo shoot was on August 17, 2012 and the third Calgary photo shoot was on August 27, 2015. The fourth shoot was in Venice (Italy) on October 18, 2016 (Fiona is now living in Berlin). I hired a Venice based photographer, art directed the shoot from Calgary and bought the rights to use the photos as reference for my paintings.
So far, I’ve created 27 oil paintings.
Obviously, watching Fiona perform is most important (and exciting), however, the photo shoots are also very necessary to gather reference material. Immediately after the sessions I edit the photos usually down to my favourite 25-30 images (from hundreds). My instincts will guide me towards the images I feel would make great paintings. What I usually do next is design a series – meaning, determine how large the painting(s) should be, how many paintings and how the series works together. Then I draw the image on the canvas and “stain” it (with burnt umber). With the big decisions and the prep now complete, I let it all simmer…
I often wait months (or even years) before I’m ready to paint the image (“fine wine” doesn’t happen overnight). Scheduling is certainly a consideration, however, inspiration is the main determining factor to proceed. I know when I’m ready to paint a certain image when it continues to haunt me (with pleasure)…
…that time is now.
With Fiona at photo shoot August 2012
First painting “AIRE – Flamenco Elegance” 60X50”, October 2010
“Passion & Pain” 72X36”, 2014
“Enraptured” 30X22”, 2014
“Hunger” 20X30”, 2014
“Toro” 30X24”, 2014
“Fuego (Fire)” 30X20”, 2014
“Wrapped in Roses” 28X20”, 2014
“Black Swan” 20X16”, 2014
Venice photo shoot October 2016
“One White Rose” 18X24”, 2014
“Dance Alone” 30X20” 2015
“5 Minute Call” 40X40” 2018
“Angels of Andalusia” 30X30”, 2018
“The Matador’s Mistress” 40X40”, 2015
With Fiona at my October 1, 2015 exhibition and performance