Murthy’s In-depth Perspectives in Physics & the Laws of Nature

Murthy’s In-depth Perspectives in Physics & the Laws of Nature

Dr. KRS Murthy

Newtons 1st Law of Motion states:

“Objects at rest remain at rest unless acted upon by an external force”. Objects already in motion will be in that state of motion unless disturbed or acted upon by an external force.

Murthy’s Universal Laws of Motion:

All objects, even the elementary particles of nature, with NO exception, are never at rest, and never have been at rest any time in the past since the beginning of time which with the current understanding of the origin of the universe called the Big Bang. 

Explanation and Discussions

Since the big bang, when the universe suddenly expanded in a “big bang” starting from a point, the resulting fundamental particles started expanding away from each other, colliding with each other most frequently more than ever since the big bang and the expansion of the universe. Even though even the light particles called photons collided with the other fundamental particles, resulting in multiple scattering back into and other particles, in multiple scattering to the extent that light could not escape for a long time, as it would look like an eternally long time, finally escaping the densest concentration of particles. Light is currently interpreted as made up of waves and also massless particles now, the wave nature may not have existed at the time of and shortly after the big bang. Even space did not exist outside the virtual boundary of the perimeter of the expanding universe, even though small in the dimensions closer to and extremely infinitely small above the Planck’s Limit of Space and all the activities of light particles closer to and infinitely small and above the Planks Limit of Time. The Time and Space above the Planks Limit is the closest an all-powerful observer today could go back to even theoretically. 

The particles have been expanding ever since and have never been at rest of the time till now, and would continue to expand forever. A variety of objects have been formed by the coalescing activities, for example when the hydrogen atoms formed, further resulted in hydrogen clouds and even further stellar formation, evolution, with the stars in their core “manufacturing” or “forging” helium and heavier elements. Various stars evolved and with their own family of orbiting planets, and galaxies of billions of stars and galaxy cluster. 

Everything in the universe is in motion and never at rest. Newton’s1st Law of Motion is a very crude approximation, as nothing is at rest.

Earth our Home Planet

All objects on the earth are never at rest, as the earth has a variety of motions. The earth spins and finishes one full spin we call “an earth day”, orbits around the sun making a full round once “an earth year”, wobbles every 2600 earth years making a full round of precession. Every fraction of a second, throughout its life the earth never comes back to its previous position, thus dragging all objects and beings on it, as the sun also in constant motion, as are all the planets and the satellites of the planets, that is the whole solar system, in the sun’s orbit around the galaxy, along with all the stars and other objects around, around our home galaxy Milkyway’s center. Our galaxy and other neighboring galaxies in our home galaxy cluster are all in motion, flying away from each other at an ever-increasing runaway pace and even destined to fly away into the horizon of our visible universe.

Even objects orbiting or dragged by other objects through various forces never come back to the same point in space and space-time. The earth is NOT in an elliptical orbit around the sun. The earth is in a curved locus in a corkscrew-like path, running behind the sun which in turn is in its own corkscrew-like path being dragged by our home galaxy, the Milky Way galaxy. Even the stars and star configurations as seen from the earth continuously change over the days, months, years, decades, centuries, and millennia. We as earth observers will not see the same view of the sky and the configuration of the stars again the second time ever. The universe guarantees newness every infinitesimal fraction of a second, up to the Plancks Limit of Time of 10 to the power of minus 43 seconds, as the “Einstein’s Speed of Light” in a vacuum is the limit in nature. In the ever-expanding universe, and expanding at an accelerated pace, nothing repeats and nothing is at rest. 

Of course, Sir Isaac Newton did not have the privilege of the knowledge we have today and therefore seems like the “best” answer for his time. 

In my next paper, I will write Murthy’s other Laws of Motion, and “Murthy’s absolutely never at rest paradigm”.In other papers, I will write about “Murthy’s Paradigm “Beyond Max Planck’s Elusive and Unverifiable Space and Times Limits, called Plank’s Constants and Limits” I will also write about “Is there a limit to the extremity of the Space-Time Curvature?” which could also be called “Are the Blackholes the Limit of Space-Time Curvature?”

Murthy’s Other Papers:


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