The Murderers

The Murderers

“ WHAT , THE MURDERERS* ! “ **The hoopoe journalist suddenly make a loud sound as if it is shocked and it seems that it has lot of fear .

At their secretive gathering nest , One of the crows mafia bosses “ Hush , Did you hear that sound ?”

The other crows mafia boss said “ yes , I heard it also , I think it comes from this direction , I will fly there and see what happens “

At hoopoes hiding place , One of the hoopoes said “ Lower your sound , it is very Loud , they can hear us “

The hoopoe journalist “ ok , you are right “

The other hoopoe turn its head suddenly at some point and said in a lower sound “ look there , one of the crows are flying toward us , it seems they discovered our existence , we are finished , lets fly from here “

The hoopoe journalist “ yes , I see it , ok lets fly now “

The Two hoopoes flied very quickly from the forest at Sicily and the crow mafia boss come to the place of hoopoes where they were hiding , it did not find anything , so it returns to the gathering nest of the crows mafia bosses ,

“ No thing there , I searched the place very well , may be it is the sound of tree leaves falling from trees caused by the wind “ said by the crow mafia boss .

“ May be one of our enemies like owls or eagles heard what we said or the little birds who called them “ the Hoopoes “ , they are very nosy and pour their beak in everything to get any news of any birds , animals or insects kingdoms , we must change our gathering place “ other crow mafia boss said .

The first crow mafia boss replied “ your imagination is very high and may be your high level of doubt made you tell that , you know our gathering place is one of our secrets and no one know it except us “

The Third crow mafia boss said “ I think it is right , we must fly from here and gather in one of our other secret gathering nests,  beside That , caution is a must , so we must change the nest of our secret gathering every time , That is will be the most right thing we will do from now “

The Rooks mafia boss said “ ok , but we must finish quickly what we do because I must fly to japan to meet the “ Murderers “ there “

All crow mafia bosses agreed and flied quickly to another unknown place , while that happened , the two hoopoes was flying at the sky and ..

The other hoopoe said “ to where are we going to fly ? “

The hoopoe journalist replied “ we must fly to the Hoopoes Kingdom to tell my boss what happened in the crows mafia bosses gathering , you know it gave me this assignment , that is to mean , to get news about that crows mafia gathering , I knew their secret gathering nest from one of our info sources inside the Crows kingdom “

The second hoopoe “ ok , tell me who are the “ Murderers “ ? I felt that you are very scared when your heard that “ word “ to the extent that your feathers were shaking .

The hoopoe journalist “ A lot of Myths*** aroused around this Group of Crows and their legendary abilities , no one knows where they lives and what they are exactly doing , but I heard That they are covert mercenary for any specie who gave them higher amount of foods , They are like ghosts , appeared suddenly , made their killing assignment against other birds , animals and other species , then suddenly escape and disappeared , no one see them ,

but one of my info sources at the crows kingdom told me They are the “ Secret Weapon “ of the Rooks Mafia Families in Japan , They depend on them on a lot of operations like

1.killing assignments against other species

2.killing other crows mafia family members for settling scores during crows mafia families Wars

3. High level of organized sabotage operations against human beings like Massive destruction of human beings buildings .

4.phsycological warfare against human beings like flying in a large numbers and scaring city dwellers by attacking them and popping their heads .

5.spyng on crows mafia families enemies like owls , eagles , trying to know their secret nests where they live , so it will tell crows mafia families members about nest places to be attacked by them “

The first hoopoe said “ oh , That’s Terrifying , But no one know their places ? “

The hoopoe journalist replied “ until now , No , but That is will be my Goal from now , you know what it means to uncover Nests of this secretive kingdom “ Murderers “ ? it will be the biggest hit for our hoopoes kingdom , we will be ahead of any news kingdoms around the earth when we release this Headline “ The Discover of the Most Dangerous birds Nests in the Earth “

The first hoopoe replied “ Dreams , Dreams , Dreams , be on earth buddy , wake up “

The hoopoe journalist replied “ why not ? you will see at end what I will do “

The first hoopoe said “ but how you will uncover their nests ? “

The hoopoe journalist said “ I have a plan , but lets hurry up for now , we must reach the hoopoes kingdom before sunset “

The other hoopoe said “ ok “

At the Hoopoe boss nest located at one of the Biggest trees at Hoopoes Kingdom forests .

The hoopoe Boss “ huh , tell me what you did there , any news about the gathering ? “

The hoopoe journalist replied “ yes boss , I keep close to their gathering nest and I knew what they are planning for ?

The hoopoe boss said “ Ok , what their plan ? tell me quickly “

The hoopoe journalist said “ They are planning to do operation in japan specifically in Tokyo , it is one of human beings biggest and known centers at their world , I think They are going to spread their nests there as there are a lot of their source of food “

The hoopoe boss said “ Did you know how they are going to execute their plan ? “

The hoopoe journalist “ oh , No sir as ..”

The hoopoe boss shouted “ NO , WHAT THIS CRAP SHIT , THEN , WHAT DID YOU DO THERE ! “

The hoopoe journalist quickly responded “ sir , we are about to knew the plan but we feared to be discovered by them , we found one of them flied toward us , so we flied quickly to not to be caught….I remember something sir , they are going to assign this task , I mean “the operation at Tokyo “ to the “ Murderers “ ..”

The hoopoe boss was shocked , then interrupting with loud sound  “ WHAT , THE “MURDERERS “ ?

The hoopoe boss thinks for a moment , then quickly completes “ I think this will be our biggest hit , we must be ahead of other news kingdoms for getting info about this operation , listen to me very carefully , your assignment will be as follows :

  1. I want full information about the “ Murderers “ ; their secret nests , their life , how they are trained , their abilities and weapons .
  2. Full details about the Tokyo operation , how and when it will be executed .

FULL DETAILS , am I clearly understood ? “

The hoopoe journalist replied “ yes boss , it is crystal clear “

The hoopoe boss completes “ by the way , take your colleague with you to cover this story , ok ?

The hoopoe journalist replied “ Done , sir “

 while they are flying ..

Hoopoe journalist colleague said “ ok , what is your plan now , how we are going to uncover their nests ? ‘’

The hoopoe journalist replied “ I think too much of the way to do that and I find it “

The other hoopoe said “ what ? “

The hoopoe journalist “ I think the first thing that rooks mafia family boss will do , is to gather with those “ murderers “ to tell them about the operation assigned to them “

The other hoopoe questioning “ it sounds logical , so what then , still the question , how we will find the place ?

The hoopoe journalist with a creepy smile replied “ if we track the rook mafia family boss when it flied toward the murderers place , we will reach their secretive nest at the end ..”

The other hoopoe replied quickly “ oh , that is brilliant , huh , sly bird “

The hoopoe journalist replied with pride “ HA HA , to know that I am the best “

The other hoopoe replied “ do not overreact , be humble buddy “

The two hoopoes settled at the Tree close to the same place of crows mafia bosses gathering and wait until they saw the rook mafia boss flying , so they flied quickly keeping enough distance between them and the Rook mafia boss to not to be noticed ,

While the two hoopoes was flying , they noticed that rook mafia boss took indirect ways through forests , flying through areas where trees are dense and there a lot of misleading caves , then after a while , The two hoopoes saw the rook mafia family boss landing at a point in a place like plains nested in secluded mountains .

While the two hoopoes are flying ..

One of the hoopoes said “ what is this place ? “

The hoopoe journalist replied “ this is iga province**** , it was a province in japan located on what is today part of western “ Mie prefecture “ which is a prefecture of japan and part of “ Kansai “ region on the main Honshu island “

the hoopoe journalist completes “ it is the perfect area to be their secretive place due to their remoteness and inaccessibility of the surrounding mountains “

At some point in That area , the two hoopoes saw the rook mafia family boss are gathering with another crow which has very strange appearance ; it is like the other crows but has a very black colored feathers with very sharp beak to the extent that it has scary appearance ..

The crow with strange appearance looking right and left , then said to the rook mafia family boss “ are you sure that no one follows you until you came here , you know that our nest is our secret , no one knows that place “

The rook mafia family boss replied “Do not be afraid , I took indirect ways through forests , through areas where trees are dense and through misleading caves , so the possibility of any bird which can track us will be difficult “

The crow with the strange appearance said “ ok , tell me , what you come for ? “

The rooks mafia family boss “ we have operation in japan , more specifically in Tokyo , you know we have booming population there , so we need to make a lot of nests and you know that making these nests from wood is practically difficult as the distance between forests and the first urban areas in Tokyo is very long , so we figure out a solution that we can make our nests from wire hangers and fiber optic cables “

The crow with the strange appearance said “ from where we will bring these materials , I mean, the wire hangers and fiber optic cables ? “

The rook mafia family boss looked right and left then said “ from the main power companies in Tokyo “

The other crow said “ it seems a big and difficult operation , you know , there will be high probability that we will be caught by human beings there “

The Rook mafia family boss replied “ That is why I assign this operation to your group , you are highly professional and skillful birds and also your ability to execute operations quickly and without any trace , makes your group the perfect ones who can do this operation ,

 beside that , there will be a lot of delicious Garbage there , this is will be yours although this source of foods belongs to our families there as these areas are under our control but this will be your return for the operation that you will do there , so as you are the “ Murderers “ boss , do you agree to do this operation ? “

The “ Murderers “ boss said “ Yes , I agree , let me show you How our group are being trained “

The Two crows flied to the Training site of the “ Murderers “ , it is a remote place that is composed of forests , beside the forest , there is abandoned factory , The forest and factory are surrounded by Large and secluded mountains ,

while they are flying , the rook mafia family boss saw a group of very black feathered crows who are grouped together and settled in the place motionless  , also it saw another group who are carrying flaming stones , beside that , it saw another group who lift very big stones and fly for long distances ..

The rook mafia family boss said “ what the hell they are doing ? “

The “ Murderers “ boss replied “ These are called “ patience and tolerance “ Tests , The member of the “ Murderers “ group have ten times ability to bear and tolerate the pain more than any other bird , do not be surprised , They are Trained to do these tests when they are little chicks “

The “ Murderers “ boss completes “ Do you want to know the story of those “ murderers “ ? “

The rook mafia family boss replied “ Yes , please “

The “ Murderers” Boss said “ ok , you know as a result of the wars arise between Rooks mafia families , a lot of Adult rooks are killed , so they leave their chicks without any one breeding them , so we took those chicks , raise them in a very tough environment where it is tested on obedience , tolerance and patience ,

beside that ,we teach them “ Guerilla warfare techniques to be able to do our operations like killing other species , highly organized sabotage , spying on crows enemies and psychological warfare ,

after these Training and tests , the member of the “ Murderers “ group has the ability to beat an army of other birds alone “

the “ Murderers boss completes “ I want to show you something , follow me “

The rook mafia family member said “ ok “

The two crows flied and then settled in front of an abandoned factory ..

The “ Murderers “ boss shouted with loud sound “ ASSEMBLE “

The rook mafia family boss are being shocked seeing suddenly a large number of “ murderers “ are grouped together in a very fast and organized way and then stood in front of the “ Murderer “ boss ..

The Murderer boss said “ I want to show you a practical application of how the “ murderers “ make an operation against any enemy ,

for the operation to be successfully done , the place and Time of landing point must be chosen very well , I mean , the point from which we will be close to the operation place which is the enemy site for example That abandoned factory .

they will do operation at night because our feathers are very black , so we will not be noticed by our enemies especially eagles who has very sharp view of any moving things , beside that , they will land at a dead point which it means , no probability of any of our enemies like eagles or owls existence beside the nature of the area must be full of dense trees to be great cover for us like a forest .

after landing at the dead point , they will divide themselves to four groups ; one for scouting , one for Attack , one for support and the last one for Escape insurance

the scouting group : This group will infiltrate to the enemy site ( abandoned factory ) , to see from close point the nature of the place to determine the most suitable attacking points in the enemy site .

The Attacking group : This group will infiltrate through the forest using disguising techniques until becoming close to the nearest point from the attacking point of the enemy site ,then it infiltrates inside the enemy site ( abandoned factory ) and then attack the enemy and achieve the target of the operation .

The support group : in case of failure of the attack group and being killed by enemies , this group will achieve the target of the operation on behalf of the first group and finish the operation .

The escape insurance group : after finishing the operation , this group will insure and facilitate the escape of the remaining murderers group by misleading escape routes of the murderers for not chasing them by enemies ( eagles ) and it kills enemies .

for the operation to be successfully done , it must have four phases :

First phase ( Disguise and hiding ) 

when the “ Murderers “ group want to do operation secretly and without the enemy being alerted of their existence , they will land at a dead point in the forest which will be close to the enemy site like this abandoned factory ,

for not being noticed by our enemies like eagles , they will disguise themselves using our disguising and hiding techniques like

1.Tree leaves techniques in which the “ Murderer “ member will hide and disguise itself by camouflaging itself by tree leaves and then it will be motionless like a stone

2.Mud techniques in which the “ Murderer “ member will hide and disguise themselves using mud if the place has a lot of muds , then it will be motionless like a stone , so it will be invisible by enemies ( eagles )

second phase ( Scouting )

At this phase , The scouting group will infiltrate to the enemy site ( abandoned factory ) , to see from close point the nature of the place to determine the most suitable attacking points in the enemy site , then it returns to attack group and communicate with them using the “ colored rice communication “ technique ,

The “ colored rice” technique is a communication techniques developed by our scientists for secretive communication between operation groups during execution of operations as they cannot use their sounds to not to be discovered by our enemies .

The communication technique involve 6 communication signals :

Green rice : if the scouting group throw green rice , that means that the route is safe and the attack group can do the operation now .

Red rice : if the scouting group throw red rice , that means that route is dangerous and the attack group cannot do the operation at all and the operation is cancelled and they must return to their homes .

Yellow rice : if the scouting group throw a yellow rice , it means that the attack group have to wait until the suitable moment for attack .

Blue rice : if the scouting group throw blue rice to the support group , that means the attack group are killed and they must be ready for attack on behalf of them .

Orange rice : if the escape insurance throw the orange rice , it means that the route is safe and they can escape now .

Brown rice : if the escape insurance throw brown rice , it means that the route is dangerous and they must be cautious of any enemy attack .

Third phase ( infiltration and enemy attack )

At that phase , if the scouting group returns and throw the green rice , so the attack group will be ready for attacks ,both the scouting and attack groups will infiltrate through forest using disguising techniques until becoming close to the nearest point to point of attack at the enemy site ( abandoned factory ) ,

then the scouting group will show the attacking group the best point of attack and throw the green rice to tell them to attack now , so the attack group infiltrate inside the enemy site ( abandoned factory ) and achieve the target of operation either killing one of eagles ( killing assignment ) or destroying nests of enemies ( eagles ) after killing eagles ( sabotage ) .

In case attack group failed to do the operation and killed by eagles , here come the role of the support group , the scouting group will communicate this fact to the support group by throwing the blue rice , so it will be ready and attack the enemy site to finish the operation and achieve the target .

Fourth phase ( enemy misleading and escape )

At this phase , after finishing the operation , the escape insurance group will have the task to mislead enemies ( eagles ) tracing the escaping murderers and insure the route for escape for the remaining murderers group ,

if the escape insurance throw the orange rice , it means that the route is safe and they can escape now .

 if the escape insurance throw brown rice , it means that the route is dangerous and they must be cautious of any enemy attack .

In case that one of the murderers group are caught by our enemies , it will kill itself using its beak which are full of “ants poison “ or “ bee sting “ to not to be forced by our enemies ( eagles ) to show it our secretive nest “ the Murderers boss finished his talk .

The rooks mafia family boss said “ ok , what about your weapons that you use in operations ? “

The Murderers boss replied “ ok , I will continue for you , we use a different weapons like

1.flaming stones to throw it at the targeted nests and destroy it

2.our sharp beak full of ants poison ; our scientists develop this weapon through an operation called “ anting “ in which we wait ants at its sand hills and grab it and put it in our beaks , so the ant release its poison which is “ formic acid “ , so our beak are full of ant poison which we can be used in killing our enemies either eagles or owls by biting their bodies and release the poison in their bodies , so they are killed quickly .

3.our sharp beak full of bee sting , it is another killing weapon developed by our scientists , by exposing the beak of the murderer crow to the bee sting , so the beak become poisonous and able to be used in killing .

4. the colored rice for secretive communication between murderer groups during operations .

The murderers boss completes “ beside our weapons , the murderer members are known by their legendary abilities like

1.super fast flying horizontally and vertically .

2.very high vibrational sound that cannot be tolerated by enemies and human beings ; this is our destructive weapon as the murderers will group together in a very fast and organized way and then release collectively a very high vibrational sound that cannot be tolerated by animals and human beings “ the Murderer boss finished its talk .

The rook mafia family boss said “ oh , you , the murderers , deserve your reputation , ok , tell me , which from those army of murderers , will do the operation “

The Murderers boss look for a while at the murderers army in front of them , then shouted loudly “ SCOUTING , ATTACK , SUPPORT , ESCAPE … ASSEMBLE “

Suddenly , four groups of Murderers are assembled in a very fast and organized way in front of their leader .

The rook mafia family boss surprisingly said “ Fantastic , ok , I will tell you the details of the operation …..”

While the Rook mafia family boss was describing the details of the plan to the Murderers boss and to the four Murderers groups , the two hoopoes was hiding at a close point from the gathering place and listening to the plan details , suddenly the hoopoe journalist said

“ oh , no , That is impossible ….”

To be continued

*the Murderers name was inspired by the fact that A group of crows is called a murder. When one crow dies, the murder will surround the deceased. This funeral isn’t just to mourn the dead, though. The crows gather together to find out what killed their member. Then, the murder of crows will band together and chase predators in a behavior called mobbing.

source :

** follow the first part of crows film series ( part of Animal Film Series ) with the name of “ Crows Mafia “

Crows Mafia film ( first part ) link :

*** The Murderers film was inspired by the Myth of Ninja :

**** Iga province is the place where Ninja rises and being trained .

To find more content about innovation and new ideas :





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