Murder Hornets & Trump Body Bags: Eduvation Insider
I’m not sure what world we just woke up in. We have overstated CDC projections and understated Canadian statistics. “Murder hornets” invading the west coast. Conspiracy theorists burning down 3 cellular towers in Quebec. And now a polar vortex bringing subzero temperatures back to Ontario? Meanwhile, President Trump announced Sunday night that he wants educational institutions at all levels to reopen in September, because “we can’t do this forever.” (See what some Canadian marketers make of that, below!)
Pandemic Recovery
Bleak US COVID19 Projections
A “draft” CDC report modelled a worst-case scenario of as many as 200,000 new COVID19 cases and 3,000 deaths every day in the US by June 1. The CDC and White House disavow the report, but other more recent estimates do project 135,000 American deaths by August 1. Despite the lack of testing or tracing, some states are reopening their economies out of impatience and frustration. Washington Post
Terms for Reopening Classrooms
Across Canada, most provinces have indicated that K-12 schools will remain closed for the remainder of the school year (BC, AB, NB, YK, NWT, NU) or indefinitely (SK, MB, NL). PEI schools will remain closed until at least May 11, NS until at least May 19, and ON until at least May 31. Ironically, Quebec (with 31,500 cases and 2,200 deaths) is determined to reopen elementary schools on May 11, and their precautions may anticipate restrictions for reopening PSE campuses too: class sizes limited to 15 students, instructors to wear masks, students to have a single workspace all day, common areas will be closed, no gym or music class, no cafeteria, and 2 metres social distancing to be observed at all times. CTV
“This is a 15- or 20-year recovery”
When Hurricane Katrina displaced 50,000 college students in 2005, 74% of students reported that their academic performance had declined, and 36% withdrew from classes. Enrolment at some community colleges dropped by half. Trauma surfaced a year later. In the aftermath of wildfires, hurricanes and other disasters, higher ed institutions do well to take care of their students and staff, and to contribute research and services to help their communities. Hechinger
Student Perspectives
Disappointment with Remote Instruction
A mid-April survey of 3,089 current PSE students across North America found that 68% felt that the emergency online instruction they received this spring was worse than in-person classes, and 78% felt it was unengaging. A third of students disliked online learning so much they were undecided, or may not return this fall. 85% missed socializing with students and interacting face-to-face with faculty. 50% were anxious about their ability to pass the semester. Top Hat
Rising Concern about Deferrals
In the past six weeks, admission officers and counselors in the US report “many more inquiries about deferrals” from students and parents concerned about the safety of traditional campus life this fall, and conversely about the value of taking online courses instead. Institutions want to bring in a class this fall, so many are not changing their deferral policies – yet. The Gap Year Association reports a 65% increase in web traffic. Virtual internships or in-country gap year programs with an isolation quality, like a wilderness expedition, might be good options this fall. IHE
Getting Strategic
Avoid Panic, Adopt a Strategic Mindset
Successful institutions make smart, strategic investments in times of crisis, and avoid 3 pitfalls of counterproductive decision-making. 1) Psychologically, experiencing one loss makes us even more loss-averse, and more likely to ignore potential opportunities to focus on risk avoidance. 2) In crisis, “ingroup favouritism” is magnified, preventing what might be useful collaboration with others. 3) Irrational urgency leads people to stockpile toilet paper in a pandemic, to try to regain a sense of control. Be sure your leadership team delegates more crisis response than usual, so it can focus on what is most critical to your institution’s long-term success. EAB
Ramp Up First-Year Instructional Staffing
Contact North’s Tony Bates warns that really, first year students should be the last students pushed to online courses. The social and cultural aspects of campus life are as important as academics to them, and many remain “dependent learners” coming out of high school. “Suddenly being thrown into ten courses online is not the best way to go.” High quality MOOCs already exist to provide the content, but learner support and quality assessment is needed, which tends to be labour-intensive. Bates recommends a blended delivery approach, and getting to a roughly 30:1 student:instructor ratio, by increasing teaching loads, hiring more graduate TAs, and committing senior faculty to teaching first year classes. Tony Bates
Offer Online, “Snack Sized” Courses
Australian colleges and universities are offering discounted 12-week online courses aligned with industry needs, from coastal systems engineering and sustainable engineering management to sport and exercise science. These microcredentials, called “undergraduate certificates,” are “a pivot towards a new shape of higher education for a transformed economy.” New South Wales reports 85,000 enrolments in its first 21 courses. THE
Establish a Semester in China
At Pennsylvania’s Franklin & Marshall College, about 25% of its students are from China. Facing uncertainty over travel and study visas, F&M is offering a semester program in Shanghai, taught online. (If travel restrictions are lifted, the F&M faculty could travel to China in person.) IHE
Address Visa Policy Gaps
Australian opposition MP Julian Hill says the $40 billion international education sector could be a “quick fix.” The Australian government stopped processing many student visa applications or granting extensions, excluded international students from emergency financial supports, and refuses to clarify whether online study will qualify for a post-graduate work permit. THE
Trump’s Name where it Belongs?
Inspired by US president Donald Trump’s insistence that his name appear on COVID19 stimulus cheques, 3 Canadian marketing executives decided “he should really have his name on the bodies that have piled up so far.” Now, you can buy $500 Trump Body Bags, “to crystallize the fatal mismanagement of the COVID19 crisis.” Profits go to the WHO’s COVID Solidarity Response Fund. Strategy
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Ken Steele is Canada's leading higher ed futurist and strategic consultant, through his company Eduvation. He delivers virtual presentations and facilitates virtual retreats or workshops centred on emerging trends, enrolment management, pedagogical innovation, and strategic planning. [email protected]