MuniReg - Blight Alert
Please see below for recent developments and national best practices around vacant and abandoned properties.Please feel free to share with colleagues or anyone you feel would find of interest.
This alert is for informational purposes only, to learn more about MuniReg’s solutions to assist local governments please contact?[email protected]
Municipal Government vs 'Predatory' Landlord
A recent article discusses an attempt by the “largest of several institutional investors acquiring single-family homes in Cincinnati” to dismiss a lawsuit filed against them by the City along with a companion complaint filed by Legal Aid.?
The lawsuit alleges that VineBrook and its affiliates breached a 2021 lawsuit settlement agreement. The complaint also points to multiple reports of "public nuisance, civil conspiracy, and intentional, repeated violations of both Ohio Landlord Tenant Act and Cincinnati Municipal Code."
The article presents some legal arguments provided by Vinebrook “that might be difficult for the city to overcome”.?
Additionally, the Vinebrook response alleges the lawsuit is “essentially using VineBrook as a scapegoat for an array of other issues that impact housing in the community and diverting responsibility for potential issues that may equally arise from the city’s own failures to generate economic growth, improve schools, and support law enforcement to reduce crime.”
To view the article, please click here.
Vandalism Fund
One community is utilizing a portion of its ARPA funds to create a “vandalism fund”.
An example of approved usage, a city business was vandalized;
For more information, please click here.
SB 77 What is blight?
Efforts are underway in the Alaska Statehouse to address local blight across the state. In this recent Op-Ed?Sam Spiegelman, attorney at Pacific Legal Foundation provides an update on SB 77.
In the article he advocates that “the term “blight” must be precisely defined, and narrowly applied.”
To view the Op-Ed, please click here.
Difference of Opinion??
A blight ordinance template created by one Michigan county is receiving a “mixed response”. From “solid and in-depth”, to “ridiculous” and “cumbersome and restrictive.”
For more information, please click here.
Education Opportunity
Center for Community Progress will convene their 2 day “virtual bootcamp for public, private, nonprofit, and community leaders whose work and communities are impacted by challenges related to vacant, abandoned, and deteriorated (or “VAD”) properties.”
Sessions include?
For more information, please click here
?Brownfield Remediation
In Ohio, the Greater Ohio Policy Center, has taken the lead in all areas pertaining to Brownfields and their remediation, particularly advocating for additional funding at the Statehouse.
They have made the presentation materials from the 2023 Ohio Brownfields Conference available by clicking here.
Leveraging Available Resources - Local University
The Westmoreland County (PA) Redevelopment Authority and Land Bank and the City of Monessen (PA) partnered with students from Carnegie Mellon University Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy.
The graduate students' semester-long collaborative “analyzed Monessen’s demographic, economic, real estate, and other data, tempering that data with plentiful input from the community, to make recommendations for realistic, attainable, and attractive redevelopment, while highlighting the city’s many positive attributes and remaining affordable to the city’s current residents.”
For more information, please click here.
For more information, please click here.
For more information on this and previously reported communities with similar initiatives, please click here.
Michael Halpern