**NOTE: This was written 4 years ago! Posting now to demonstrate my 4+ years practicing the natural/holistic healing of Cancer.**


So, I've been asked about 3 dozen times for this (literally) so here it is.

NOT a chance!

As if I'm going put a claimed 'Cancer Killing Protocol' in a post on FB?

For a start .. I'm NOT a DR., I don't treat Cancer, I have NO medical qualifications of any kind and I DON'T give medical advice and I sure as shit don't have the 'Cure" for Cancer.

However, I know a thing or 2 about health.?

And as a HEALTH COACH (generic term that actually means fuck all but sounds good, right?) I do HEALTH.

Meaning I help you create an internal environment within your body so damn healthy and strong with perfect immune system function, that disease simply CANNOT exist, IMH non medical/not a Dr. opinion?

Now to share Mum's anti cancer regime would be downright irresponsible and possibly even dangerous!

There are at least a dozen factors that need to be considered for each and every Cancer sufferer.

Think - type of Cancer, where is it, what stage, how ill/sick is the sufferer day to day, how depleted is their immune system, what it their current lifestyle, what treatment have they had/are having (chemo, radiation - how much?, surgery), how is their appetite/digestion - can they eat and will they absorb nutrients from their food and on and on.

Only after all the relevant info has been gathered and analysed can you then create a 'possible' Cancer killing and removal protocol.

This will often (practically always) vary between people based on those factors.

It is most certainly NOT one size fits all.

So, to share what we did for Mum would be silly and possibly even dangerous for some people (prolonged water fasting was included).

Now, I will share the fundamentals of self healing as they WILL remain the same for all Cancer and they are:


- Re-build immune system (think Gut Health - pro and pre-biotics) and natural sunshine (Vitamin D).

EDIT: Added 13/10/19

This part of the protocol also includes targeted parasite cleansing and re-building/replenishing the gut microbiome with probiotics and prebiotics.

- Remove toxins and chemicals from the body as much as you can, you'll always be exposed and have some in your system but the amount and type/s are a significant factor in helping Cancer to thrive.

- Stop feeding the Cancer (so remove all processed sugar/s)

- Repair nutrient deficiencies (there will be many - vitamins and minerals and Efa's)

- Low meat - high plant based diet

- Tons of fresh fruit and vegetables/salads (organic best but

otherwise very well washed to remove pesticide residue).

- Nuts and seeds (minerals and healthy fats)

- Remove the Fibrin cloaking mechanism from the

Cancer/Tumour so the immune system can see it and fight it (specific supplements)

- Stop the growth and blood supply (angiogenesis) to the tumour/s (specific supplement/s)

- Kill the tumour Cancer cells and the invisible Cancer stem cells (specific foods, herbs, spices and supplements).

- Flush the dead Cancer out of the body (daily detox)

- Earthing (remove dirty electricity/wifi from the body)

- Gentle exercise for blood flow, oxygen and lymphatic drainage.

- Water Fasting (36 - 72 hrs up to 7 days), must be supervised and not attempted by someone who has never fasted before.

When fasting 100% of the immune system is available for killing Cancer cells and anything else that should not be in the body (pathogens,bacteria, viruses etc) and also Autophagy (self digestion of tumours/cysts/polyps/calcification etc).

- Infra Red Sauna (detox)

- Remove stress (big factor in immune system depletion) and/or deal with significant traumas (emotional/physical) as these will often be present (conscious or subconscious) in a Cancer sufferer.

- Breathing/meditation (can be as simple as a breathing exercise or specific meditations (increase oxygen in the body - Cancer thrives in a low oxygen environment).

- THINK POSITIVE (seriously - you have to believe you can and will heal and think positive most of the time) .

- Laughter and Music (great for the immune system) and anything that brings you joy/makes you smile.?

^^ This is paramount too!

Yes , it's Cancer, yes it's serious but DON'T let it steal your soul or inner energy as you conquer it and go on a journey of self healing.

So, a lot of fundamentals and the actual diet and protocols are even more specific for each individual sufferer.

DISCLAIMER: Remember this is NOT a cure for Cancer nor is it medical advice or Cancer treatment. There is no cure for Cancer and Dr's are the only ones who can treat Cancer.

I am a health coach and not a Dr. of any kind and this is health advice that will enable you to create an environment so healthy within your own body that disease or illness simply cannot exist within you and your body heals (possibly - no guarantees) from within using your very own immune system.

^^ Now, seriously, how good would that be for a patient and their loved ones and family?!?


-Coach Neil Kelliher

Ps .. in case you didn't realise - I'm not guessing with this advice so I'd pay attention if I were you and you suffer from or know someone suffering from this prick of a disease and SHARE this with anyone who needs to know.

I personally studied Cancer for 5 years and I'm sick to fucking death of seeing it kill people and destroy families, hence my ballsy fucking move putting this this 'health advice' out there!

{pic of me and Mum around the time she got the original ALL CLEAR from Cancer (13 months ago - 2018).

NOTE: update May 2023. Her Cancer recurred in 2022 and was stage 4 and deemed incurable. We put her on a new protocol and she is now in remission from stage 4 after being told she was terminal and had only months to live. She went from 5 tumours and a lung nodule to only 1 remaining tiny tumour with a SUV of 3.5 (suv = uptake of pet scan dye). An SUV of 2.5 = benign therefore she is almost 100% clear of all Cancer as of now May 2023. She had radiotherapy on the tumours since they were external and ulcerated (melanoma). The radio destroyed those tumours and the natural/holistic protocol took care of the rest including the recovery from the radiotherapy symptoms.

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