Innovative, clever, so brief you can hold your breath while watching a fully fleshed-out one-minute three-act film. Is this newish trend so popular because our attention span is non-existent? In recent studies, researchers found if a website doesn't load in six seconds, we move on. Or, maybe one-minute films are just fantastic. These films are making their voices heard and seen in hundreds of film festivals around the world.
We recently shot a 60-sec. film in about 10 hours. Most films take that long to shoot one scene. The Macular Media crew created "Mummy," a thriller about a blind mother and her son who did or did not mummify body parts in the basement. It was a wonderful experience and we laughed more than I expected. Mummy is in post-production and will no doubt be coming to a One-Minute Film Festival near you. #movies, #films, #macularmedia, #sherryhoffman, #johncoviello, #oneminutefilmfestivals