Mumbai Local - Let it Be World-Class!
Quick facts of Mumbai & metropolitan region: (Approx fig. - source- Social Media)
1. Mumbai Metropolitan Region - Current Population 2.4 Cr (Approx). approx growth of 17% to 20% year-on-year
2. Its economy is of approx. $390 billion (as of 2017).
3. It accounts for approx. 6.1% of India's, 30% of India’s income tax collections and US $10 billion in corporate taxes to the country’s economy
4. Top 10 Global commercial hub
Above facts are pretty much of a proud to all of us as a Mumbaikar & Indian. Each Mumbaikar contributes to make it happen by working hard with life moving fast on the railway track, metro & roads of the city.
Many migrants from all over the country come to city to earn their living & to be successful. No other city in the country may be so fast & moving - 4 AM to 1 AM with time-table of local train
While every citizen of Mumbai contributes some way in the growth of this city it's infrastructure is in complete ICU. Mumbaikar wants the central govt. to give some part of the tax collected back to the city's development & to improve its core infrastructure - mainly local trains, encroached roads, chocked drainage systems, free footpaths, railway FOBs, Hawker free roads. Is it so difficult? Certainly not. What it needs is a political will power & smart bureaucratic execution. The blame game shall stop & political leadership shall go beyond talks & have seamless coordination between different departments - Railways, BMC & other municipal corporations of metropolitan region.
3600+ citizens lose their lives every year in in local train accidents - 60% due to crowded trains & we experience inhuman/pathetic GRP attitude in handing the same.
Many times I ask while travelling in Mumbai Local train - Are we really human? Why are we get this punishment of junglee-type commuting inspite of contributing so much in nation's growth? Imagine where will be the tax collection in absence of Mumbai? Are we so passive that we do not even protest for our own cause & rights? Are we so busy that we do not hope for improvement & betterment?
There is power in Public voice but nobody exercise it in India & hence our sufferings are growing.
Sadly Central Govt. always paid less attention on above development, BMC with largest local bodies can’t even clear debris & encroachment so developments are far away things, State govt. is involved in blame-games in-spite of having their own central govt.
The whole growth & development of this city is centered on local train, people spend 1/3 of their daily working hours in the local only. The experience which is not worth sharing – commuting worse than jungle’s animals, so inhuman & with risk of life.
Nobody in our country values human lives which is shocking & sad.
Much Needed Actions in waiting for "Better Mumbai":
- Local Trains: Let be a real life line & not killing line
- Modernization of Local trains - New. Hawker/beggars-free & Wider FOBs, Cleaner Better Local train stations
- Removal of Stalls from Station platforms which are highly unhygienic, On-time & More Locals
- Open & Parking/Hawkers free spaces outside local train stations
- Remove encroachment & slums on track & railway lands to give better facilities to commuters
- Active Govt. Railway Police & RPF (Never understood why there are two diff. departments) – both are highly inactive & non-responsive with big belly. Never cooperate citizens during accidents. Mostly take bribes from Hawkers
- Proper & reasonable paid parking
- Encroachment Free Footpaths:
- Can we use footpaths for rightful purpose
- Improved public transport systems to reduce private vehicles on the road so to lower traffic
- Improved law & order, traffic norms – Proactive Policing to control crimes before they happens
- Clean Beaches
- CCTVs across the City
- Excellent town planning to have open spaces for recreation
- Excellent Govt. Healthcare & Education systems
- Stop Toll Collection - Its Toll Mafia's loot without any transparency
Its our right to demand from Elected Govt & other machinery, we citizens of this city are equally responsible for its betterment – Help fellow citizens, Do not spit on our roads, Be Kind & Cooperative. Do Not Blow horns at signal. We Can not leave everything at Govt mercy.
Its time that citizens come forward exercise their rights to show strength & voice to make Mumbai Better.
Sai Navle