A multitude of voices
Ken Morrison
CEO, Bradfield Development Authority | Chair, Metropolitan Memorial Parks | Chair, Advanced Manufacturing Readiness Facility
Our industry is not shaped by having unanimity in views.
Rather, we grow, innovate and change by hearing alternate views.
Today and tomorrow, the Green Cities conference is being held.
Every year I enjoy Green Cities, not just for the inspirational speeches I hear, but the challenging and confronting ones as well.
Our industry works best when there are a multitude of voices – because that’s the right setting for growth, innovation and staying in touch with the community.
This weekend, South Australian voters go to the polls.
The choice is between a government that has been in office for 16 years and an opposition that has been out for that long, as well as Nick Xenophon’s SA Best party muscling in from the centre. As you can imagine, the arguments about renewal versus inexperience are flying thick and fast.
Details of our policy agenda are in this issue – but confidence and certainty must be front and centre.
South Australia doesn’t have the natural growth engines of other states, so has to work hard for its success. This means the public policy role of governments is arguably even more important. So the question for electors must be who has the best plan to kick-start the state? We’ll find out their verdict on Saturday.
Read more in Property Australia.