A Multitude of Masks

A Multitude of Masks

The carnival period is usually one of festivities and happy reveling, but it also gave me time to contemplate the masks we wear as women the rest of the year in our different roles as wives, mothers, sisters, friends, employees and bosses.

Women use masks all the time and unlike most men, use a multiplicity of masks which they change constantly. 

Women have to manage our identities and the resulting masks. How many of us though, actually take the time to reflect on how wearing these masks impacts our lives?

Most of us constantly feel the need and urge to strive for perfection and present an ‘ideal’ image to the world. In the business environment especially, women believe perfection is needed to be successful.

I’ve discovered that reaching my golden jubilee year was very liberating. I no longer had to sit in meetings in fear of having my ideas ridiculed and/or judged. Not all ideas are brilliant and revolutionary, but how will one know if they are not even verbalized? The mask hiding the insecurity fell, and as that happened, other strengths came into play, including the realization that my achievements were numerous and that I could focus on my strengths. And yes, I did and do have them and the resulting self-confidence.

That journey leads to an openness which in turn attracts other like-minded people. It was at that point that I realized, that those wearing masks, rather than their honest hearts on their sleeves needed to be left behind.

Removing masks can reveal the successful you!

1.      Express yourself and don’t be afraid to speak out.

2.      Trust yourself to execute

3.      Learn to manage the differing situations and expectations people have. You don’t need to hide from your decisions.

4.      Acknowledge your vulnerabilities and insecurities.

5.      Build a social support system so that you have a network of trusted people who understand you.

As always, I love to have your feedback, thoughts and impressions.

Until next time,




FaceBook: @SaskiaConstantinou2018


