Multitasking Kills Productivity. Here Are 4 Steps to Fix It
What’s one of the most inefficient things you can do at work?
It sounds counterintuitive, I know.
Although you may think you’re an adept multitasker, chances are your ability to block out distractions and focus on important information is wearing thin.
So, when you juggle multiple tasks at once, you’re actually sabotaging your efforts and the success of your team.
Let’s see how you can work against this and unlock your full potential.
This is an abridged version of a post originally published on the Pumble blog. You can find the full blog post here:
Identify your priorities
Are all tasks and projects equally important? Of course not. But, it can be challenging to create a list of priorities without sufficient information. As a result, we channel our energy in multiple directions, hoping it will all pay off in the end.
Fortunately, channels devoted to individual projects and teams are a simple way to streamline communication. When we know where to look for answers and guidance, identifying urgent tasks is much easier. Whether you’re looking for a document or a message from your colleague, the first place you’ll check is the dedicated channel.
And, you won’t have to stress over losing your train of thought in a sea of messages. Tools like Pumble organize all related replies into threaded conversations, keeping ideas cohesive.
Remove distractions
You can combat the impulse to multitask by removing distractions. However, it takes more than shutting down your phone to achieve that.
Since much of our work revolves around tech, we deserve to use apps with features that actively discourage multitasking.
In the office, a Do Not Disturb sign doesn’t always stop people from barging in. Yet, online, DND mode can easily remove unnecessary distractions. Not only can you use it to pause notifications when you clock out, but you can also activate it when doing important work.
You don’t always have to mute the whole app. Perhaps some channels have more traffic than others and interfere with your focus. In that case, you can mute alerts for those channels and keep communicating through the app.
Take tasks off your plate
Reducing your workload and eliminating distractions is much simpler with integrations.
Imagine how much better your day could be if you got rid of tedious tasks. You can do just that with Pumble, which integrates with apps like Zapier, allowing you to automate workflows without additional software.
Whether you want to manage menial tasks or sync messages, the Zapier integration can kickstart your productivity without going between multiple platforms.
Centralize file storage
Ever lost hours going through different apps to retrieve a single document? It’s a common headache for many professionals, but not when you use a business communication app with file-sharing capabilities. Pumble lets users share:
Finding files is just as easy, and the search functions got you covered. Narrow the search with the appropriate parameters, and you’ll find what you’re looking for.
Say goodbye to multitasking
Multitasking doesn’t maximize your time and effort. It actually decreases productivity and performance.
Break the cycle today. Choose a simple, organized tool to help you stay focused.
Sign up for Pumble and experience better collaboration with fewer interruptions!