Multiple resources for eco-anxiety from institutions to books to videos

Multiple resources for eco-anxiety from institutions to books to videos

At the start of 2022, there was a surge in climate change awareness, it was both a huge relief (we’d finally hit the tipping point!) but also a concern – because awareness starts with accepting the real truth about where we are and the huge challenges we face. And, as anyone knows who’s been paying attention for a long time, with awareness comes despair – deep, dark despair, now commonly called eco-anxiety.

Eco-anxiety is brutal, but it is part of the journey to acceptance, and if you allow yourself to experience the full emotions and then come out the other side, ready for action, we can all get to work and solve the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced. But that path is not an easy one to navigate.

We must acknowledge that the impact of Eco-anxiety is intense. I’ve been through it many times, and it hit me again this year. If you want to understand how and why, I just released this podcast: A ride on the eco-anxiety train and a return to hope .

The reason? It started with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which shocked me profoundly, and then every week since we have heard more and more alarming climate news, or as I like to call them: News Shocks. Together, I have been knocked for six, but I don’t stay down forever. That’s a useless place to be, in my mind. I can’t do anything from there. ?

However, going into it again surprised me, because I thought I’d done the work, but apparently it’s not a one-time thing. So be warned OK? Equally, this year, it’s about accepting that we are now accelerating towards climate collapse and have no time to lose. It’s all happening faster, it’s more extreme, and well, it’s on our doorstep.

What wasn’t supposed to happen until 2040 is happening now.

What wasn’t expected until 2080 is happening now.

What wasn’t expected until 1.5C or 2C warming, is happening now.

My biggest challenge recently, has been about accepting the accelerated timeframe and what it means to all of us. I know I am not alone here.

When I go into eco-anxiety, I have to go through my own process and it’s first about understanding the bigger picture of what’s going on, making sense of what that means to all of us, and then once I have the answers, I can get back to work. But it’s a hard journey – so hard - and that’s why I decided to put some resources together.

I’ve been collecting these over a long period of time, because it is an area I wanted to understand more, and I don’t share any as endorsements. I just wanted to go far and wide, so everyone can find one option that matches their personality. We are all different after all. I also wanted to make sure to cover children. Boy these kids have got some big stuff to deal with in their future.

Now when I wrote my book, Uncommon Courage: an invitation , I didn’t write it as an eco-anxiety book, and while one of the topics is climate courage, I do believe it is a very meaningful book for this time. It’s about going within and finding your inner strength to help you manage in the world today. And so I do believe it is a very relevant book for this time, because we all need that inner strength right now. Grab a copy if you have a chance.

So here you go, and if you have any other resources or recommendations, please do send them to me or leave a comment. I’ll keep adding to this as I go.

My only request. Please pass this onto anyone you know who is struggling with eco-anxiety. If you are, please know you are not alone and let’s come together to support each other through it, so we can then get to work on solving the challenges ahead.


Living Resilience

Project Drawdown

EAUC - The alliance for sustainability leadership in education

Active Hope

UBC Climate Hub

Climate Psychology Alliance North America

The University of British Columbia

The Resource Innovation Group

Eco-Anxious Stories

Climate Psychiatry Alliance


Project Regeneration

Active Hope

Inner Engineering - Offered by Sadhguru

Talk Climate

Ecological Resilience Circles

Climate & Mind

Project InsideOut

UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development

Climate Curriculum — ThoughtBox Education

climate anxiety resources | Learning to live with climate change

The All We Can Save Project

Individual Therapeutic Support (


Exploring Ecoanxiety - a series - Eventbrite

Climate Science For Our World’s Worry – The Resonance and Climate Series 2022

Good News for the Environment ?

Young People's Voices on Climate Anxiety, Government Betrayal and Moral Injury: A Global Phenomenon

UBC Climate Hub ? Climate Wellbeing Resource Kit

The Resilience Project

List of Eco Communities

Resources | Climate Mental Health Network

Force of Nature | Mobilising mindsets for climate action

Climate Awakening

Climate change Australian Psychological Society

Resources - Psychology For A Safe Climate

Facing Difficult Truths Climate Psychology Alliance

Population Matters | Every Choice Counts | Sustainable Human Population

The Climate Psychologist

See Through News

Discussions - Post-Doom

Leslie Davenport | Climate Psychology

Eco-anxiety and Hope

We WILL Fix Climate Change!


The next global mental-health crisis is about climate change

Will humans survive the next hundred years?

How to Stop Freaking Out and Tackle Climate Change

How do scientists feel about climate change?

10 ways you can help fight the climate crisis

The stress of climate change is real. Here's 5 tips on how to manage it

Climate change: Don't let doom win, project tells worriers

Coping with the climate crisis 1: Disavowal or everyday denial

We Were Made for These Times, by Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Clover Hogan: What to do when climate change feels unstoppable | TED Talk

Hopepunk and Solarpunk: On Climate Narratives That Go Beyond the Apocalypse

Stop Telling Kids They’ll Die From Climate Change

Is / Isn’t: Climate Anxiety (


University of Northern Colorado anthropology class considers the fate of the world

Here are opportunities to cut about 40 billion tons of emissions by 2030 in this single IPCC chart (1)

How Do We Reduce Climate Anxiety? Try a Simple Reframing

KD Hurlbutt: Gen Z's Mental Health is a Climate Priority: Here's Why | TED Talk

Climate anxiety is real. Why talking about it matters

What is ‘Climate Anxiety’, and what can you do about it? - Mental Health UK

The Battle Against Climate Anxiety

Why Hope Matters in an Age of Doom & Gloom: Elin Kelsey April 2022

For kids

Microplastic madness

Book Coco's Fire: Changing Climate Anxiety into Climate Action

Book Amazon - How to Talk to Your Kids About Climate Change: Turning Angst into Action

Book Climate Change and Youth: Turning Grief and Anxiety Into Activism

Game Climania – The Climate Action Game

Book Oxford University Press: Max Takes a Stand

Book All the Feelings Under the Sun: How to Deal With Climate Change

Book In Deep Waters: Spiritual Care for Young People in a Climate Crisis

The Youth Climate Circle - One Resilient Earth

Kids Climate Action Network

How I Cope with Climate Grief, as a Climate Writer


A Field Guide to Climate Anxiety: How to Keep Your Cool on a Warming Planet: Ray, Sarah Jaquette and a review of it by Extinction Rebellion Book Review: A Field Guide to Climate Anxiety - Extinction Rebellion

The Grief Recovery Handbook, 20th Anniversary Expanded Edition: The Action Program for Moving Beyond Death, Divorce, and Other Losses including Health, Career, and Faith

Turn the Tide on Climate Anxiety: Sustainable Action for Your Mental Health and the Planet: Kennedy-woodard, Megan, Kennedy-Williams, Patrick, Dr., Muse

Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet: Hanh, Thich Nhat

Facing the Climate Emergency: How to Transform Yourself with Climate Truth: Klein Salamon, Margaret, Gage, Molly ?

A Guide to Eco-Anxiety: How to Protect the Planet and Your Mental Health: Grose, Anouchka

Emotional Resiliency in the Era of Climate Change: Davenport, Leslie

Generation Dread: Finding Purpose in an Age of Climate Crisis: Wray

The Book of Hope: A Survival Guide for Trying Times (Global Icons Series): Goodall, Jane, Abrams, Douglas, Gail Hudson

Taking the Heat: How Climate Change Is Affecting Your Mind, Body, and Spirit and What You Can Do About It: Schneider, Bonnie

The Eco Hero Handbook: Simple Solutions to Tackle Eco-Anxiety: Wardley, Tessa


Find Your Flow and Change the World

Climate Warrior | Climate Change Activism

How to Blow Up a Pipeline

This place - Mike Sprout and Sam Donaldson

Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We're in without Going Crazy

Direct action in the face of a warming climate and rising fascism: Preparation without escalation

Resources for working with climate emotions - by Britt Wray

Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming

A Calm Guide to Climate Anxiety for Parents

Uncommon Courage: an invitation

Book Launch: 'Climate Psychology: A Matter of Life and Death'


A ride on the eco-anxiety train and a return to hope

Feeling Doomed? How to Tackle Climate Anxiety ?

Climate Crisis Conversations

#172 Jason Hickel: "It's either degrowth for the rich or climate disaster"

Eco-Anxiety, Youth Activism & The Future Of The Environmental Movement with Verel Rodrigues

Meditation The Sitting Room

Tara Brach: The Earth is Crying in our Hearts

Climate of Change - New Energy Nexus

Prevail with Greg Olear: The Trauma Vortex (with Claudia Black)

15 Podcasts That Deal With Climate Anxiety - Cut The Crap

Inside Out: The Grief, Trauma and Anxiety of Climate Change (and what you can do) with Dr. Renee Lertzman

The Great Simplification with Nate Hagens

Facing it with Jennifer W. Atkinson, Ph.D

JOANNA MACY: Climate Crisis as a Spiritual Path


Extinction Rebellion UK

Extinction Rebellion Global

The Built Environment, Climate Change, and Mental Health

If you come across any really powerful eco-anxiety or mental health content relevant for people struggling to come to terms with the climate crisis, please do pass them onto me and I will update this blog.

I hope there is something here for you if you came looking for tools to help right now.



Uncommon Courage: an invitation – my latest book

Uncommon Courage is an invitation to be your courageous best self every day. It’s also an antidote to the overwhelm, fear, and rage rolling around the world. But it’s more than a book; it’s an invitation to join an inclusive community that wants to better understand humanities challenges – both global and personal – in order to take courageous action and create a better world for everyone. If Covid19 has given us the time and space to reflect, Uncommon Courage gives us the nudge we need to create lasting change.

You can buy it on?Amazon ,?Apple Books ,?Barnes & Noble , Book Depository ,?Booktopia , Smashwords ,?Kobo , Gardners , Odilo , Indie Bound , BookShop by BookTrib and?Scribd .

Better yet, order it from your local bookstore, so you can #SupportLocal.

You can read the reviews, including a new five-star review on Book Commentary , another five-star review on ReaderViews , a review on BookTrib , and three more on Booklife , another on Book Commentary and Blue Ink Reviews . I’m also collating reviews on my Website too . Have a look and grateful to everyone who has written or recorded one.

Come and join the conversation on my Facebook Group Uncommon Courage .

Uncommon Courage, the podcast – Apple , Spotify and everywhere podcasts are published.

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Wendy McEwan

ExecMultiplier | Transformation Lead

2 年

This is amazing, thank you for creating this ??

Laurence Myers

International Educational Leader | Educational Consultant | Education for Sustainability | Service Learning | Systems Thinking | Student Directed Learning

2 年

You have probably saved many people countless hours of research in sharing such a robust list. Thank you!!

Samantha Gayfer

Legacy Protector | Award-Winning Marcoms & Fundraising Leader | Crisis Tamer | Media Trainer | Connector | International Expertise | Nice ????

2 年

This is a brilliant idea and has been top of mind for both Jason and I in terms of what the future will look like for our girls. It is certainly keeping me up at night. I really appreciate you taking the time to share these resources.

