Multiple Realities
My book is launching today. (20-01-2022) It gives me immense pleasure to see it at the top of Google searches one day before its launch. It couldn't have been possible without you! As for me, life remains the same as ever before, except for this moment!
Life has always been wandering and tiring, one trial after another without glimpses of destiny. Tho it hasn't changed anyhow, it gained synergy when I shifted from haunting memories of past neglects with enthusiasm to moving ahead to the yet unseen meadows of hope!
I know now that life is how we perceive it; things remain the same. There is no scope to brood over whether certain things could have been done better. I have heard many say that we should learn from the past to avoid regretting it in the future. One should study from the future, not the past, and for the future invariably!
There is no past or future, but only the present, literally. Looking back to the conflicting rights and wrongs that won over each other alternatively from time to time, changing concerning the persons, places, and times, I see that the "present" was always the determinant in the success of right or wrong.
It took fifteen years of a struggling career to distinguish between right and wrong concerning my life. I sometimes mourned doors that never opened and people who broke promises. Jobs that satisfied never paid me well, and well-paid profiles never satisfied, causing a severe imbalance in life.
I don't expect miracles in life by finishing a #novel. But, putting a "Men at Work" board before the new clients, when I dedicated my time to the task I enjoyed, the calmness it filled my life was unbelievable. I had been quiet and peaceful when driving alone thru lonely stretches or walking alone, staying far from the crowd. Working on my chosen line, I mastered the art of switching on the car stereo to engage my mind during traffic blocks and remain calm. I got the art of staying lost in wandering thoughts when waiting at the bank or other office. As I started to act upon my free will, I also gained calmness in busy groups, although that was not my goal. That was possibly the primary skill I lacked during my failed careers. Serenity added to the tone of my voice, text messages, and the way I responded to challenging situations.
Life could have been something else if I had ever found something else more satisfying before this point. Suppose I had been satisfied with the training collar of some permanent job, working for some other goal. In that case, life couldn't have taken me to the unseen meadows of self-actualization until retirement. How scary? Another world is always possible if you have free will with you! You may ask me about the money part of life with an easy-going style.
Man invented money, and now cash is ruling humankind. However, no one ever took even a single foodgrain on his final journey! Isn't that ironic? Then, what else matters in life? It's for you to find out yours! Tho I have my answer, it necessarily need not befit others' aspirations!