The Multiple of the Day!! Sun, July 24, 2022, by Karel Appel (1921-2006): "Flying Fish", hand painted sculpture, 1977, edition 50 + proofs. $15,000
The Multiple of the Day!! Sunday, July 24, 2022, is by CoBrA artist Christiaan Karel Appel (1921-2006).?
"Flying Fish", is a hand painted 3 dimensional wooden multiple done by Christiaan Karel Appel in 1977. The sculpture measures 21" high, 21-3/4" wide, and 7-1/2 inches deep, mounted on a black wooden base.?This work is signed in?pigment by the artist in the lower right of the left side. The sculpture was published by Editions Press, San Francisco in an edition of 50, plus 15 various proofs, this work is one of 7 HCs (Hors Commerce) which were done for collaborators in the project. The Certificate of Authenticity?is glued to the bottom of the base and protected with clear urethane and has the ink signatures of both Appel and Editions Press director Walter Maibaum and also notes, hand painted in black, "EP" (Editions Press), "HC" and "?".
"Flying Fish" was individually hand-painted by the artist and varies from work to work. References for this sculpture are Editions Press 354; de Visser & Hagenberg #77-002. Our inventory number for this scuplture is ROJA113.
This hand painted multiple sculpture by Dutch artist Christiaan Karel Appel (1921-2006) is available from the gallery for $15,000.00.
Contact the gallery with any condition or other questions. Shipping costs will be discussed. California residents will have sales tax added. Out of state residents may be responsible for use tax, depending on state law.
CoBrA artist Karel Appel did this sculpture as part of a series he did in San Francisco at Editions Press, in the mid 1970s this in a total edition of 65. The structure was constructed by Editions Press and each work was then hand painted by Appel and will vary greatly from sculpture to sculpture.
There was an edition of 50 numbered 1/50 to 50/50; 7 Artist's Proofs, reserved for the artist, 7 H.C. proofs (of which this is one), reserved for the collaborators; and one Museum Proof for Appel's museum collection.
The Certificate of Authenticity attached to the bottom of the base reads:
"This is an original multiple wood sculpture by Karel Appel constructed by Editions Press of San Francisco. Each work has been hand painted and signed by the artist."
"The Following Colors Were Used in Painting These Original Sculptures: 1. Hyplar Cadmium Red, Medium; 2. Hyplar Manganese Blue; 3. Hyplar Titanium White; 4. Hyplar Cadmium Yellow, Deep; 5. Hyplar Permanent Green; 6. Hyplar Purple. 7. Hyplar Cadmium Red, Light; and 8. Hyplar Mars Black. The Artist Has Also Mixed A Number Of The Above Colors to Achieve Variant Colors."
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