A multidisciplinary approach to supporting the green economy

A multidisciplinary approach to supporting the green economy

BVRio (Bolsa Verde do Rio de Janeiro – Environmental Exchange of Rio de Janeiro) was created in 2012 with the objective of developing market mechanisms to facilitate compliance with Brazilian environmental laws.?

The models and approaches originally developed were then adapted to develop market mechanisms, economic tools, and support the development and implementation of environmental initiatives and markets in different countries and regions worldwide.

Our multidisciplinary approach to supporting the green economy;?

Market Mechanisms - to increase economic efficiency and address market failures, for example:

  • BVRio’s Reverse Logistics Credits system was the first credit system for waste management worldwide. It was successfully adopted in Brazil as a market mechanism to incentivise the collection, separation and recycling of solid waste, and has now been replicated internationally.
  • Forest Reserve Credits and Offsets – BVRio was the first organisation to promote the wide-scale adoption of this mechanism for compliance with the Brazilian Forest Code, through a series of promotional activities and tools like the Forest Reserve Credit trading platform.
  • Circular Credits Mechanism and Plastic Credits – credit systems to facilitate the trans-boundary contracting of circular economy services worldwide.

Tools and initiatives - to support the use of market-based approaches and create liquidity to the mechanisms created, for example:

  • BVRio’s Responsible Timber Exchange – assists users to source legal and sustainable timber products from all over the world.?
  • Due Diligence and Risk Assessment System – this service, available on desktop and as an App complements the Responsible Timber Exchange and assists buyers in screening out illegal timber from their supply chains.
  • AmazoniAtiva – an online marketplace of sustainable products from the Brazilian Amazon supporting a large and growing number of producers.
  • Circular Action Hub – the first online marketplace to connect buyers and sellers of circular economy products and services (including Circular Credits) worldwide.

Public Policy and Advocacy - to promote legal and regulatory frameworks that are efficient and able to generate environmental positive impacts, for example:

  • The Brazilian Forest Code – a legislation with potential to transform the Brazilian rural landscape. Our work includes assistance to government agencies for the law regulation and implementation, creation of the Forest Reserve Credits platform nationwide, a Forest Code Monitoring Portal, to provide transparency to the government and private sector commitments, conducted roadshows for promoting compliance among farmers, and the development of a Strategic Plan to place the Forest Code at the centre of the national economic recovery agenda (PlanaFlor).
  • The National Policy on Solid Waste – a law that introduced the concept of Extended Producer Responsibility in Brazil. BVRio promoted the adoption of tradable credit schemes to facilitate compliance with this law, and was a co-founder of the Observatory of the Solid Waste Legislation, to provide transparency to the process of the law regulation and implementation.
  • Climate and sustainable land use policies – working with municipal and state governments (e.g., Rio de Janeiro, Rondonia and Amapa, in Brazil), as well as members of the Brazilian REDD+ Alliance, the Brazil Coalition on Climate, Forests and Agriculture, the Brazilian Forest Dialogue, the Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact, the Alliance for Restoration in the Amazonia, the Cerrado Manifesto, and others.

We are actively looking for partners who can help us achieve our mission and support our ambition of a green and inclusive economy, so please get in touch via [email protected] if you would like to work with us.



